Sponsoring Rabbis/Cantors for Introduction to Judaism

Each student is asked to work with a sponsoring rabbi/cantor from a local Reform synagogue in your community. We will be happy to provide you with several names of rabbis that are in your vicinity.
Your sponsoring rabbi/cantor is your personal guide, advisor and helper during the time that you are learning about Judaism. In order to insure that you have the opportunity to ask all the questions that will arise, we hope that the relationship you begin with your sponsoring rabbi/cantor will continue beyond your course of study.

You will be encouraged to attend Sabbath and holiday services. Hopefully you will attend other synagogue events and meet some Temple members, to get a better sense of the congregation. While rabbis/cantors are eager to work with our students, there are many demands on their time. In most cases, appointments need to be scheduled in advance.

For those students seeking conversion, you will be working particularly closely with your sponsoring rabbi/cantor since s/he is the person who will determine both the requirements and timing of your conversion.

It is the policy of the Central Conference of American Rabbis to charge no fee for their role as a sponsoring rabbi or for conversion. (Should you wish, it is permissible to make a donation either to the synagogue or to the rabbi’s discretionary fund.)

Your enthusiasm and involvement with Judaism is the rabbi’s true reward! For any issues or concerns, remember that you can always call me, Adina Matusow Davies, at the Union for Reform Judaism at 212.452.6708.

Union for Reform Judaism

633 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017

Attn: Adina Matusow Davies/Introduction to Judaism

Note to Sponsoring Rabbi/Cantor: Please fax this form to 212.650.4229 or send it to the address noted above.

I have met with (Please write student’s name) and have agreed to work with this student for the duration of his/her participation in the Introduction to Judaism class beginning on:

1/27/2011 3/16/2011 Other Date ______

The student understands and has agreed to the following requirements: full attendance at all classes, regular attendance at synagogue services and meetings with me as her/his sponsoring rabbi/cantor.

Rabbi/Cantor’s name:



City: State: Zip code:

Daytime Phone number: Date:

Rabbi’s/Cantor’s Signature: