Stamp Advisory Board Agenda

February 19, 2010

I)  Welcome!

II)  Reports

a.  Director

i. External Review Team for Stamp year long review moved to 3/25 & 3/26. Will meet with SAB on 3/26. Meet with student group organization leaders from 1:15-2 on 3/26.

ii.  Building will be closed Mon-Thurs over spring break

iii.  Homecoming 10/30

b.  Assistant Director

i. Recrafted Hoff – 3 movies/weekend, rentable through Campus Reservations at all other times. Dressing rooms now available as rentable space. Looking into adding additional lighting and outlets to make it a better space for student groups and lectures.

ii.  Steve Adams retired in Dec, beginning to move forward with search probably in summer

iii.  Recyclemania ongoing through March

1.  Looking into potential to upgrade plastic recycling bins in food court as PG County can now recycle more than just types 1 & 2 plastic (for ex Saladworks containers)

iv.  New signage around building regarding campus smoking policy. More deliberate placing of seating and cigarette butt containers.

v.  Marketing in process of updating directory signage

vi.  In process of signing MOU with Admissions regarding their reservation policies

vii.  Building open all but 1 day during blizzard. Major commendations to staff – still averaged a few thousand people per day.

viii.  Damages to GB roof vents, GB floor (water leak), major gutter damage. Working with campus insurance office.

c.  MICA

i. Currently Black History Month

ii.  Brown bag next Wednesday

iii.  MOSAIC Retreat coming up

d.  Campus Programs

i. More AB students than ever before

ii.  Programs to reconnect with AB alums in NY and DC

iii.  Summer AB trip trying to increase from 25 to 45 students

e.  SGA

i. Getting back into the swing of things, currently holding retreat

f.  SEE

i. New directors announced

ii.  Spike Lee sold out

iii.  Lucky Daredevil show M 1-2 in Baltimore Room, hope to get commuter students who wouldn’t come back for evening show

iv.  I Heart Female Orgasm next Tuesday, sold out in past years

g.  Other reports

III)  Old Business

a.  Steak Escape Space

i. See student survey results

ii.  Contacted 3 highest survey winners – Au Bon Pain, Moby Dick’s and Harvest of India

iii.  Chipolte contacted, not interested in moving to campus from current location

iv.  Timeline: negotiations in spring, build out in summer, hopefully open by Fall 2010

b.  Side Lounge

i. Over break brick floor cleaned and sealed, wall painted

ii.  Will have seating for 52 in combination of lounge chairs and high stools.

iii.  Will be in MD colors

iv.  Hopefully in place by end of the semester

IV)  New Business

a.  Meeting Schedule

i. Meetings 2/19, 2/26, 3/5, then will resume regular meetings schedule

b.  Goals for the Semester

i. Recruitment – fill all available seats, one at large seat to open next semester

ii.  Continue with Steak Escape search process

iii.  Continue with Side Lounge renovation process

iv.  Successfully allocate student organization offices

v.  Create more open and public meetings by posting agendas and minutes online

vi.  Get more updates on the Chapel since it is a part of the Stamp

c.  Agendas/Minutes

i. Discussed in goals

d.  Board Recruitment

i. Discussed in goals

e.  Office Allocations/Building Utilization

i. Discussed in goals.

f.  Vegetarian Starter Kits

i. Potential to distribute 10 pg pamphlet on becoming a Vegetarian including information, quotes and recipes.

ii.  Could be distributed by Info desk pamphlets or by newspaper racks

iii.  Is there a process in place to determine what criteria literature distribution needs to be evaluated by? Don’t want an explosion of leaflets, flyers and pamphlets.

iv.  Steve will send out Newspaper Distribution Policy, we will review and discuss at next meeting

g.  Strategic Planning

i. External Review Team to visit 3/26

h.  Terrapin Technology Store

i. Wants a larger and more visible space (mentioned Art Gallery) or would consider moving back to Patuxent

ii.  Discussion: we like having them here but space is short and other areas (Art Gallery, other reserveable spaces) higher priority to mission

V)  Sound Off!

a.  SCDH renovation – still a long way off, probably 2012-2015

i. Student/Grad Student Legal Aid interested in potentially moving into that space so they can expand

VI)  Closing and Adjournment

Next Meeting:

February 26, 2010