prof. ing. Oreste S. Bursi

The course provides fundamental knowledges to allow to the future architect-engineer a general background on the most recurrent design problems. During the tutorials a structural design project of a civil building or of a double-curvature two-dimensional structure will be developed. In this manner, it will provide the necessary skills to understand practical applications.

For its application matter and the reference to other teachings notions, the course requires the knowledge of the subject treated during the courses of "Statics", "Structural Analysis and Design" and "Geotechnical Engineering".


1. Concept of structural safety and reliability

Recalls to the semi-probabilistic methods and deterministic evaluation of the loads on buildings.

2. Multi-storey reinforced concrete buildings

Recurrent structural typologies. The pseudo-spatial structural system. Plane systems. Classification of plane systems. Analysis types and methods for frame systems. The forces method. The displacement method. The influence lines and their application to frame structures. Simplification procedures for internal forces evaluation.

3. Second order effects

Buckling of RC columns. Overall case for frame structure. Approximated methods. Laws in force.

4. Effects of seismic actions

Analysis of structural system. Effects of design seismic actions. Safety verifications in according to the codes.

5. Force introduction areas and concrete hinges

Load introduction and concentrated forces. Design of concrete hinges.


prof. ing. Oreste S. Bursi

6. Non-linear computation, recalls and extensions to the limit states design concept

The concept of plastic hinge, the static theorem, the kinematic theorem, the uniqueness theorem. The fracture calculation and the ultimate load for frame structures. The cracking and deflection limit states, the ultimate limit states (axial loads, shear and punching, loss of equilibrium, mechanism formation). Slender and squat concrete elements.

7. Design, calculation, verification and construction details of recurrent building elements

Horizontal elements (beams and floors, cast and with global or partial pre-casting. Vertical elements (columns, stairs and lift shafts, walls, beam-walls, retaining walls), stairs. Foundation constructive elements (plinths, reversed beams, grids, mats). Casting procedures, formwork loosening, construction phases.

8. Reinforced and prestressed concrete structures under biaxial loading

Slab analysis methods, plates, shells and vaults, positive and negative double-curvature structures. Design and verification of shells and vaults. Design of reinforcing bars according to the local stress condition. Punching.

9. Fire resistance of structures

Structure design for fire resistance, notes about fire design problems, prevention and protection, active and passive protection.


prof. ing. Oreste S. Bursi


During the tutorials the project will be developed in according to the actual codes, with explicit reference to the semi-probabilistic limit states. Moreover, the basis for a complete design of a multi-storey reinforced concrete civil building is given. Alternatively, the student can design a positive or negative double-curvature two-dimensional structure.

In particular, during the tutorials, the following design topics will be treated:

- structural scheme choice;

- load analysis;

- preliminary design;

- structural analysis with simplified schemes for bearing elements design;

- limit states (S.L.S., U.L.S.);

- construction drawings and design calculations.

Examination procedures:

The exam is made of an oral examination, even based on the discussion of the practical application developed during the course.

Suggested textbooks:

  • T. Antonini, Cemento armato precompresso, Vol. 1, Masson, 1986
  • Caironi M, Gambarova P. e Tattoni S., Teoria e tecnica delle costruzioni, Paravia Torino
  • R.J. Cope e L.A.Clark, Concrete Slabs: Analysis and Design
  • A. Defez, Il Consolidamento degli Edifici, Liguori, 1998
  • Donaggio E., Manuale del calcestruzzo armato: materiali e teorie di dimensionamento, Zanichelli, Bologna
  • Leonhardt F., C.a. e C.a.p. Calcolo di progetto e tecniche costruttive, Edizioni Tecniche Internazionali
  • Massonet C.H., Save M., Calcolo plastico a rottura delle costruzioni, CLUP, Milano
  • Migliacci A., Progetti di strutture, Masson Italia Editore
  • Migliacci A., Mola F., Progetto agli stati limite delle strutture in C.A., Masson Italia
  • G.G. Penelis and A.J. Kappos, Earthquake-resistant concrete structures, SPON, 1997.
  • Pozzati P., Teoria e tecnica delle strutture, UTET
  • S. Timoshenko, Theory of plates and shells
  • Toniolo G., Calcolo strutturale - I telai, Vol. I, Masson Milano
  • Toniolo G., Elementi strutturali in cemento armato, Vol. II, Masson Milano
  • F.K. Kong et al. Handbook of Structural Concrete: Shell Roofs
  • Eurocodice N. 2. Progettazione delle Strutture Cementizie. Parte 1-3: Elementi e Strutture Prefabbricate in Calcestruzzo
  • Eurocode N. 8. Design Provisions for Earthquake Resistance of Structures. Annex B - Seismic Design of Precast Concrete Structures
  • Eurocode N. 8. Design Provisions for Earthquake Resistance of Structures. Part 1-1-3 - Specific Rules for Masonry Buildings