Heritage HS Music Department Uniform Rental Contract

Every member of the music program must be in full, correct uniform to be allowed to participate in any music activity. Boys and girls both rent the uniform from the school. Women must provide their own closed-toed black dress shoes and black hosiery. Boys must provide their own tux shirt, dress black shoes and dress black socks. Sneakers are not permitted.

Boys may purchase the tuxedo shirt through the school for $15, with checks made payable to Heritage Music Boosters. The tux shirts can also be purchased at many local merchants, with the cost varying from store to store. Each student is responsible for maintaining and cleaning their shirt.

The cost for both men and women to rent their uniform from the school is $30. You may pay in cash with exact change or by check, which should be made payable to Heritage Music Boosters. This rental and maintenance fee covers any and all cleaning and transportation related costs, as well as any minor repairs due to normal wear and tear. This fee does not cover repairs that are needed due to negligence or misuse. The uniforms will be kept at the school until the time of performance, at which time the students will change at the performance site and return the uniforms immediately following the performance. Students in more than one ensemble (including marching band), or that use more than one uniform are charged the rental fee only once!



The signatures below are only for those students and parents who already own their uniform from past years.

I have already purchased my uniform in a previous year.


Student nameParent Signature

The signatures below are only for students and parents that are renting the uniform from the school.

I understand that the uniform I use is my responsibility and that if it is not returned in good condition I will be charged the replacement cost. I agree to abide by these usage instructions, and any others that Mr. Herrmann, Ms. Vereb or their designee may dictate. I have also attached the $30 rental/maintenance fee made out to Heritage Music Boosters.

___ I am renting a uniform for the school year

___ I would also like to purchase a tux shirt (add $15 to total payment)


Student nameParent name


Student signatureParent Signature




___ Cash ___ Check #______Amount: ______