Uniform Dress Code Policy

Christ Our Savior Catholic School expects its students to take pride in their appearance. Students should be well groomed and neatly dressed in clean uniforms, properly worn each day. There should be no holes, tears, rips, marking or writing on clothing. Students are required to comply with the uniform dress code from the time they enter the building until they depart at the end of the school day. Failure to comply with the dress code will result in the issuance of an immediate detention, notification to a parent or legal guardian to bring in a proper uniform or other consequences when warranted. Should a question arise with regard to dress or appearance, which is not specifically stated in the handbook, the decision of the principal or assistant principal will be final.



No uniform is required/no belts with pants

Kindergarten-Grade 3

Girls-Navy blue and khaki plaid jumper or skirts(SchoolBelles) with white blouse with collar

Boys and Girls-Navy blue or khakis walking shorts or dress slacks/no belts in grades K-1

Belts are required for grades 2-8

*School Logo polo shirt(see below)

Grade 4-Grade 8

Girls-Navy blue and khaki plaid, blue or khaki skirt or skort

Boys and Girls-Navy blue or khaki walking shorts or dress slacks

*School logo polo shirt(see below)

Belts are required for grades 2-8

All Grades-All Students

Walking Shorts

Should be knee length

Properly fitting

Worn in the months of August, September, October, May and June

Shoe colors: black, navy, dark brown or khaki: solid color with matching laces

Dress Slacks

May be worn all year long

Properly fitting

Should be “Docker” type slacks-no flare-leg, boot-cut, hip-hugger, bell bottom, cargo or jean-like styles

*Polo Shirt(Besse Uniform)

School logo polo navy blue or khaki, long or short sleeve

Wear polo the opposite color of the pants: girls wearing skirts or skorts may wear either color polo

Plain, short-sleeved white t-shirt may be worn under the polo

Sweater and Sweatshirt

Navy blue button-down sweater (collarless, hoodless) OR

School logo navy blue sweatshirt worn over uniform polo

Uniform Shoes and Socks

Dress shoe colors: black, navy, dark brown or khaki: solid color with matching laces/No gym shoes types

No changing of shoes during the day

Sock SOLID colors: white, black, navy, brown or khaki: no patterns

Top of sock must be above the ankle

No leggings, tights ONLY Navy

Boots can be worn to school, but not in school

Gym Uniform/Accessories-Grade K-8 Boys and Girls

School logo navy blue gym shorts or sweat pants

School logo navy blue gym t-shirt or sweatshirt

Gym shoes- any color: solid white socks, ANKLE length

Gym uniform worn all day

Hair worn out of facial area

Water bottle with attached lid only

Jewelry: None-for safety reasons


No makeup No nail polish No bandanas

No large ornamental hair pieces

Girls - No more than 2 items of jewelry (For example, earrings plus one small item)

Boys – No earrings and one small item only


No hair color No designs in hair No mohawk hair styles

COS Spirit Wear is worn on Mondays only. Spirit Wear includes tee shirt, hoodie and sweat pants. Gym shoes can be worn with the Spirit Wear. If you are wearing the tee shirt and/or hoodie then you can wear your uniform pants. COS Spirit Wear can be worn to school on other days, however, they it cannot be worn in the classroom. Spirit Wear must be ordered through school office.