FSSA Constructive Confrontation Scenarios

1.) A consumer comes in to speak with her/his counselor about her/his job search. The consumer developed a chronic back condition that forced her/him to leave her/his last job as a picker/packer in a warehouse. The consumer has targeted jobs that are all very similar to her/his previous position. The same functional limitation would prevent the consumer from being able to work thesenew jobs for very long, if at all, but he/she believes that since the jobs he/she is targeting have different job titles, that they are realisticpossibilities. The consumer says he/she is most comfortable with these kinds of jobs and refuses to consider applying to other positions.

2.) A consumer meets with a counselor. For the third consecutive meeting the consumer looks disheveled and has body odor that can be smelled from across the desk. The consumer is interested in setting up interviews, but the counselor is concerned that her/his appearance and hygiene will impede her/his chances of getting a job offer.

3.) A consumer meets with her/his counselor. This consumer has severe learning disabilities. The counselor has asked the consumer to bring job leads he/she has found since their last meeting, but the consumer doesn’t have them. The consumer regularly forgets to bring in requested documents and rarely follows through on action steps mutually agreed upon in meetings with the counselor. The consumer is not making any progress towards his/her goals.

4.) A hearing impaired consumer is late again for a meeting with her/his counselor. This consumer is late for every meeting, if he/she even shows up. The consumer almost never calls to inform the counselor of their tardiness and when he/she finally arrives, he/she always offers up excuses that are contradictory or obvious lies.

5.) Consumer was enrolled in VR after exiting high school and has been diagnosed with severe ADHD and borderline personality disorder. She/he has developed a strong rapport with her/his counselor and they have a strong working relationship. However, the counselor has received complaints from other staff that the consumer has been in several verbal altercations with other consumers at the center and has rudely refused assistance from other staff members. The consumer has complained to her/his counselor in the past that he/she never thought he/she would have to deal with “these kinds of people” and doesn’t like feeling forced to interact with others.