21st November 2017

Dear Parents,

Travelling Crib: During Advent each child in every class will be given the opportunity of taking home the classroom Nativity Crib for the evening. Included will also be a book and prayer. Please take time to unpack the crib and talk to your child(ren) about the nativity scene. The book may help you to do this and then take some time to pray together as a family in front of the crib. Each crib will begin its travels on Friday 1st December. Please remember to return the cribs to school each morning so that another child may take it home.

Uniform: All children should now be wearing the winter uniform – white shirt and tie for all children, grey skirt or pinafore for girls and long grey trousers for boys.

Christmas Fair: Please come along and support our Christmas Fair, which will be held at school on Saturday 2nd December, 11.30am – 1.30pm.

Christmas Jumper/outfit day: This will be held on Friday 1st December. The forfeit enables us to make up our fabulous hamper prizes so thank you in advance.

Please can Kindergarten, Reception, Year 1 and 2 bring in festive chocolates, cakes or biscuits and Years 3, 4, 5, 6 bring in a bottle.

Toy Stall: If anyone has any unwanted toys or gifts that they would like to donate, please drop at the school office.

Raffle Prizes: If any parents/guardians or members of their families has a business and would be willing to donate a raffle prize in return for some advertising, this would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Gemma Holderness to arrange.

Christmas Fair Raffle Tickets: Each family will receive an envelope of raffle tickets this week. Please endeavour to sell the tickets and return the stubs and money in the envelope provided by Friday 1st December. Thank you. Extra tickets will be available from the office.

PTFA Meeting: Friday 24th November, 9am, in Wetherspoons. Everyone welcome.

Christmas Lunch: The cook would like to invite all children to our Christmas lunch on Tuesday 19th December. The menu will be:

Roast Turkey, Chipolata Sausage and gravy or Quorn fillet

Roast Potatoes

Seasonal Vegetables


Christmas Dessert


Fresh Milk or Water

The meal is priced £2.20 for junior children and is covered by the Universal Free School Meal Scheme for infant children. If your child does not usually have a school lunch on a Tuesday and would like the Christmas meal, please complete the reply slip and return with payment by Friday 1st December. Please indicate if your child would like the Quorn option.

Postage Stamps: Please continue to collect used postage stamps to raisefunds for the PTFA. We would appreciate all the stamps from your Christmas Cards when they start to arrive!

Christmas Cards: Christmas Cards from the children may be distributed from Monday 11th December. Thank you.

Christmas Performances: Reception will be performing “Whoops-a-Daisy Angel” on Wednesday 13th December at 9.15am and 6pm.Year 1 and 2 will be performing “Born in a Barn” on Thursday 14th December at 9.15am and 6pm. These classes have received a separate letter to order tickets.

Advent Worship: This will be led by Years 3 and 4 and will be held in St Peters Church on Tuesday 19th December; beginning at 7pm. Refreshments will be served in the Church Hall after the service. Donations of mince pies would be welcomed.

Parking for the Ark: Parents are permitted to use the car park after 5.30pm to collect children from the Ark during the dark evenings. All parents are reminded to be vigilant and keep their child close when crossing the car park.

Dinner Money, After School Club and Breakfast Club Fees: These monies are owed by some families. We would be grateful if arrears could be brought up to date. Thank you.

Yours sincerely

Mrs A Heyes


Birthday Lunch – Wednesday 29th November

My child ……………………………….. would like to join the Birthday Lunch on Wednesday 29th November. I enclose £2.20 / 50p


Christmas Lunch – Tuesday 19th December

My child…………………………………. would like the Christmas Lunch on Tuesday 19th December. I enclose £2.20 for children in Years 3, 4, 5, 6.

My child would like the Quorn option………………..
