MidwayIndependentSchool District
Castleman Creek Elementary
Castleman Creek Elementary will involve parents in the joint development of the Title I plan and the process of school review and improvement.
An adequate number of parents will work collaboratively with the parent involvement committee of Castleman Creek Elementary in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of the Title I program.
Annually, the school will convene a meeting to which all parents of participating students are invited to inform the parents of Castleman Creek Elementary’s participation in the Title I program and of the parents’ rights to be involved. These meetings will be offered at various times to allow all parents to participate. (PTA meetings, Title I Information Night)
Parents will be provided timely information about available programs. (newsletters, fliers, school website)
Parents will be provided with the school performance profiles and assistance with and interpreting their child’s individual assessment results. (PTA meetings, Title I meetings, parent/teacher conferences)
A description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the schoolthe forms of assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficient levels students are expected to meet will be made available upon request. (PTA meetings, Title I meetings, parent/teacher conferences)
Parents will be provided with opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions, share experiences with other parents, and to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children.
Parents will receive a timely response to their suggestions.
Castleman Creek Elementary will coordinate and provide technical assistance and other support necessary to assist parents in actively participating in the planning and implementation of a parent involvement program.
Castleman Creek Elementary’s Parent Involvement Committee will be coordinated and integrated with the parent involvement strategies of other programs such as (if applicable) Head Start, Reading First, Early First Reading, Even Start, Parents as Teachers, and Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters, and State Preschool Programs.
Parents will jointly conduct an evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy and revise as necessary each year. Castleman Creek Elementary shall jointly develop with, and distribute to parents, a written parental involvement policy that describes the requirements in an understandable and uniform format.
To ensure maximum involvement by all who are working toward the success of the student, parents will be required to sign a compact in conjunction with the teacher, student, and school administrator.
MidwayIndependentSchool District will conduct an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Title I program through a parent survey at the end of each school year.
MidwayIndependentSchool District may submit to the Texas Education Agency, along with the parent involvement plan, any comments of dissatisfaction with the parent involvement program if the issue is unable to be resolved at the campus level.
Several times each year, Castleman Creek Elementary will host parent meetings at varying times to address issues of concern to the children/families. (PTA meetings, Title I meetings).
Office of Curriculum and Instructional Services
800 Hewitt Dr. (South Entrance) Hewitt, TX 76643 (254)761-5625 Fax (254) 761-5778