UniDesk Change UAT Scenarios
The purpose of this UAT is to ascertain how easy it is to process 3 types of change and bring them to completion within UniDesk.
To complete the UAT, you will need to refer to:
· The 3 Scenarios presented below;
· The two Process Diagrams provided at the end of this document;
· The Process Guidance Notes attached in the email. These explain the boxes in the diagrams, and so what you need to do in UniDesk at each step of the change process;
· The Change Manual attached in the email, which describes how to do various actions in UniDesk, such as log an RFC, and describes how each field should be filled in.
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The Scenarios - what do to
Each of the three scenarios below describes a situation where a particular type of change has been requested by a user – (1) a ‘standard’ change, (2) a ‘minor’ normal change, and (3) a ‘significant’ normal change, respectively. The Change Manual explains the differences between the types of changes.
Now, because there is out of necessity a different process for dealing with each change type – as you can see from the process diagrams – so there is naturally a slightly different way of dealing with each type in UniDesk as well. How easy is it to process each type in UniDesk?
For each scenario, do the following:
1. Read the scenario fully and carefully;
2. Note the steps involved in handling the change, as listed in the results table;
3. Consult the process diagrams. Both diagrams list the same steps as column headers, and the diagram boxes under each header detail what actions should be done, and by whom. For a full explanation of each box, and what action it requires in UniDesk, please refer to the Guidance Notes;
4. Now you know roughly what needs done, arrange the change within UniDesk itself, noting in the results table what action you took at each step, if any. Please consult the Change Manual If you are unsure of how to do something in UniDesk, e.g. how the authorisation operator field should be filled in for each type of change, or how to select a template;
5. Note any mistakes you find in the Change Manual or questions you have in the rightmost column of the results table.
Important - Roles
Note that there are two players in scenarios 2 and 3: a Change Operator, who will arrange and perhaps execute the change, and a Change Co-ordinator, who must review, authorise and oversee the change.
You have been paired with a partner. Decide with your partner who will play which role first. For the purposes of this UAT, you must each play both roles in those two scenarios. This may involve you in passing the RFC and Change record between each other at the points specified in the Change Manual and Process Diagrams.
Once finished, attach this results paper to the following wiki page, not forgetting to fill-in your details on Table 2 on that page.
Scenario 1: Update an email alias (Type of Change: Standard)
A staff member, Joe Bloggs, has requested that their email alias is changed from jbloggs@staffmail to jonathan.bloggs@ed. They would like the change made, and the new address to be published in the Global Address List.
This request has come to you, a budding Change Operator. Using the Change Manual and the Standard change process diagram to guide you (p.6), please log and arrange this change in UniDesk. For each step of the process defined below, note next to it the corresponding action you took within UniDesk, if any.
Note (1): Standard changes are pre-approved so the Change Co-ordinator is not required in this scenario. It is expected that you, the Change Operator, will oversee the Change in UniDesk from creating the RFC to implementation. You do not need to work with your partner in this scenario.
Note (2): Because this change is one that is frequently made, well understood, and pre-approved (i.e. ‘standard’), there exists a template within UniDesk for it called ‘Update email alias’. Whilst logging the RFC, and after filling in “Joe Bloggs” as the Caller, without filling in any other field please select this template and hit Save. This will populate the Request and Action fields with the information needed for you to arrange the change.
Note (3): As this is a mock scenario, you are not actually expected to perform actions such as “Check address does not exist in the address directory” – please just note in the Change record the wished for outcome, e.g. “Directory checked and alias doesn’t exist in it”.
Steps of the Standard Change Process / Action I took within UniDesk at each step / Questions / commentsRequest / None needed – request received from user
Record / How did I log the Change?
Approve / Change pre-approved;
I noted progress towards release in the Action field, specifically:
Close / E.g. Change sucessful? Action taken in UniDesk?
Review (only required if change unsuccesful)
Scenario 2: Arrange the installation of a new Moodle plugin (Type of Change: Minor)
University School administrators have started using Moodle to manage their courses. They would like a plugin installed called ‘Course Reports’ that will let them monitor student activity on Moodle courses – something they can’t currently do.
This request has come to you to action. Using the (1) Change Manual and the (2) Normal change process diagram (following the route for minor changes) to guide you (p.7), please arrange the change in UniDesk. For each step of the process defined below, note next to it the corresponding action you took within UniDesk, if any.
Important: There are two players in this scenario: a Change Operator, who will arrange and perhaps execute the change, and a Change Co-ordinator, who must review, authorise and oversee the change. Decide with your partner who will play which role first. For the purposes of this UAT, you must each play both roles in this scenario. This may involve you in passing the RFC and Change record between each other at the points specified in the Normal Change Process Diagram.
Two tables have been provided below so that you can record your results for each role.
Scenario 2: As Change Operator
Steps of the Normal (Minor) Change Process / Action I took within UniDesk at each step / Questions / commentsRequest / None needed – request received from user
Record / Log RFC:
· Type: select Simple not Extensive
· [Your Actions]
Scenario 2: As Change Co-ordinator
Steps of the Normal (Minor) Change Process / Action I took within UniDesk at each step / Questions / commentsRequest / None needed – request received from user
Scenario 3: Arrange an update to Firefox on the Windows Managed Desktop (Type of Change: Significant)
A new version of Firefox was released that offers several user-side enhancements. IS Desktop would like to make this new version available to staff and students via the Windows Managed Desktop.
This change has come to you to arrange. Using the (1) Change Manual and the (2) Normal change process diagram (following the route for significant changes) to guide you (p.7), please arrange the change in UniDesk. For each step of the process defined below, note next to it the corresponding action you took within UniDesk, if any.
Important: There are two players in this scenario: a Change Operator, who will arrange and perhaps execute the change, and a Change Co-ordinator, who must review, authorise and oversee the change. As with scenario 2, you must each play both roles. This may involve you in passing the RFC and Change record between each other at the points specified in the Normal Change Process Diagram.
This diagram shows that for significant changes, the Co-ordinator should pass the RFC to the Change Advisory Board (“CAB” on the diagram) – a board responsible for reviewing and authorising large, high impact changes. It is quite likely that in some cases the CAB will let the Change Co-ordinator authorise changes on its behalf. For the purpose of this UAT, the person playing the Co-ordinator has been granted the power to authorise changes by the CAB. The Co-ordinator need not pass the Change to the CAB within UniDesk.
Two tables have been provided below so that you can record your results for each role.
Scenario 3: As Change Operator
Steps of the Normal (Significant) Change Process / Action I took within UniDesk at each step / Questions / commentsRequest / None needed – request received from user
Record / Log RFC:
· Type: select Simple not Extensive
Scenario 3: As Change Co-ordinator
Steps of the Normal (Significant) Change Process / Action I took within UniDesk at each step / Questions / commentsRequest / None needed – request received from user