Vacancy Announcement
Programme Officer
Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction
Job level: NOA, TA
Georgia is located in the highly disaster-prone region where natural hazards (floods, earthquakes, landslides, mudflows, heavy rains and storm winds),coupled with significant levels of exposure and vulnerability, have a substantial negative impact on the national economy and increasingly pose threat to human lives.Especially vulnerable are children and their families, particularly those living in mountainous, disaster-pronecommunities, who lack knowledge and life skills that would enable them to better prepared and protected in case of a disaster.
Currently 37,000 families (150,000 people) affected by disasters are registered in the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees (MRA), out of which 11,000 families are in urgent need of resettlement. However, the Government of Georgia (GoG) has not developed the legislative framework defining the status of ‘eco-migrants’ and corresponding legal protection mechanisms; absence of the post-resettlement adaptation and integration strategy for eco-migrants, leaves the affected people, including approximately 25,000 children, without protection.
According to the Public Defender’s Office (PDO) reportson the Situation of Human Rights and Freedoms in Georgia (2012-2013), the existing child protection services (staff and beneficiaries of the boarding schoolsand small group homes for children) have practically no information about dangers caused by natural disasters and about the means of preventing or reducing disaster risks. The majority of the institutions do not have evacuation plans and basic fire safety equipment. The staff do not know in what form and by what means they should inform beneficiaries (persons with visual impairment, those using a wheelchair or other subsidiary means, and those with hearing impairment, restricted mobility, or mental restriction) in case of different disasters with what procedure, sequence, and means they should be evacuated from the building.
Strong Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) measures can play an important role in preventing or reducing the possible consequences of a natural hazard, preventing it from becoming a disaster, and helping to create a safer and more resilient community for children. DRR programming, therefore, needs to encompass activities aimed at preventing and responding to the specific protection risks for children in times of disaster. This requires an assessment of potential risks faced by children and drivers of these risks, as well as an analysis of what preventive measures can be developed to mitigate them in conjunction with other sectors.
Since 2010 UNICEF has been supporting the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) in mainstreaming DRR in Education within the framework of the “Supporting Disaster Risk Reduction amongst Vulnerable Communities and Institutions” (DIPECHO) Regional programme (South Caucasus and Central Asia). As a result, DRR has been integrated in the National Curriculum (2011-2016) and teacher training, and respective educational materials have been developed. However, despite the fact that DRR is now part of the curriculum, the Determinant Analysis (MoRES) exercise with the key national stakeholders revealed that the teaching process is rather sporadic, mainly due to the lack of teacher training and classroom monitoring mechanisms.The INEE Education in Emergency Standards are not applied/institutionalized either to guarantee children’s right to education during emergencies. Also, as identified during the Mid-term Review (MTR) of the GoG-UNICEF Country Programme of Cooperation (2011-2015), action to ensure school safety and expand school-based disaster preparedness remains to be enhanced in order to build a culture of safety and resilience (UNDAF Thematic Area 3, outcome 3)[1]. Absence of costing and budget allocation for DRR Education activities and school safety, including improvement of water supply and sanitation infrastructure for schools[2] and preschools with a particular focus on rural, mountainous areas also remain as some of the key challenges to be addressed.
UNICEF Georgia Country Office takes an active part in the CEE/CIS Regional Knowledge Leadership Development Agenda (RKLA), including the RKLA (9) Disaster Risk Reduction and (10) Adolescents: second decade, second chance – some of the priority areas identified in the new UNICEF Strategic Plan (2014-2017). This framework enables UNICEF to more effectively support the agenda of universal realization of children rights in the region and provide long-lasting solutions for the currently unacceptably high number of marginalized children in institutions, children out of school, those living in unsafe and hazard-prone communities, and adolescents excluded and without hope.
Under the supervision of UNICEF Deputy Representative, the Programme Officer for Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction and Adolescent will be accountable for professional technical contribution to Policy advice, design, planning, administration, monitoring and evaluation ofprogrammeinterventionsaddressing specific protection risks for children, as well as data analysis and progress reporting, and commitment for enhancement of teamwork and capacity building, in support of achievement of planned objectives of the work plan, aligned with Country Programme goals and strategy.
1.The Disaster Preparedness (DIPECHO-phase 3) programme related to mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction in education is effectively coordinated and implemented in accordance with the Contribution Agreement signed with the Donor.
2.Child-centered disaster risk reduction and emergency preparedness and response plans for essential services, including schools/preschools and child protection/specialized services (small group homes, boarding schools), are introduced in vulnerable areas.
3.Country Office disaster preparedness and risk reduction capacities are enhanced. DRR and emergency preparedness/response strategies are mainstreamed in the country office's work plans, Early Warning Early Action (EWEA), Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). Sectoral inputs are provided for all related documents for the office’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP), as well as for the Situation Analysis and the Country Program Document (CDP).
4.Continuous, effective and strategic communication, consultation and liaison are maintained with the Government, UN agencies, donors and allies in support of enhancing coordination and strengthening the Disaster Risk Reduction system in Georgia for building resilience as part of the HFA and post-2015 development agenda. Technical inputs are provided for mainstreaming risk informed programming in UNICEF country programme, Situation Analysis, related strategies and work plans.
- The DIPECHO programme andotherDRR initiatives
- In collaboration with the Emergency Management Department of the Ministry of Interior (EMD), the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia (MOES), the DRR Centre of the Association Rural Development for Future Georgia (RDFG) and the DIPECHO programme partners, finalize the school-based disaster management guidelines (including piloting in the schools targeted by the DIPECHO partners); advocate for the institutionalization/endorsement of the new model by EMD and MOES; support introduction of mechanisms for implementation of school-based disaster preparedness and risk reduction initiatives (e.g.: development of the training module for school principals and technical and administrative staff responsible for management of education facilities on a regional, national and local level in disaster risk reduction criteria).
- In collaboration with the UNICEF CEE/CIS Regional office and the DIPECHO programme participant Country Offices in the South Caucasus and Central Asia Regions, work on the development/introduction of school safety assessment methodology and indicators. The key national partners should include, but not be limited to the Educational Scientific Infrastructure and Development Agency (ESIDA) of MOES, EMD and DRR Centre.
- Work closely with the National Teacher Development Centre (TPDC) for popularization (strengthening of DRR teaching) of the 20 hour DRR Teacher Training programme developed under the DIPECHO II and expanding teacher training nationwide, also engaging the DIPECHO partners in this process.
- Work with MOES on the popularization of the DRR computer game for primary level schoolchildren, developed under the DIPECHO II, also engaging the DIPECHO partners in this process.
- Strengthen the national multi-stakeholder DRR education coordination mechanism. Based on the TOR approved within the DIPECHO II, support MOES in coordinating DRR educational activities (both formal and non-formal), including school-based disaster preparedness and community outreach initiatives undertaken by various state and non-governmental actors.
- Strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Education and Science to regularly monitor teaching of existing DRR and preparedness-related curricula, and expand teacher training on DRR nationwide/support MOES Curriculum Department in inclusion of DRR in the classroom monitoring mechanism currently under development (looking at how DRR is being taught nationwide within the Civil Protection and Safety subject in grades IV and VIII, and the Head Teacher’s Programme/class hour in grades V-IX) and develop mechanisms for promoting DRR teaching (e.g.: competitions, awards, etc.).
- Promote incorporation of DRR and school safety indicators in the Education Management Information System (EMIS).
- Promote youth empowerment and participation in DRR initiatives through capacity building of informal youth groups and networks, based in schools, and through guidance on how to integrate DRR into their activities (including extra-curriculum activities, celebration of the International Days for Disaster Reduction and other relevant events, popularization of family emergency planning, organization of local and regional camps, etc.).
- Follow-up closely the development processes of the new National Disaster Management system and explore opportunities of investing in the capacity building of the local EMD staff in the regions to ensure linkages with the schools/support in the development of school-based disaster management plans, establishment of school disaster management boards/committees, implementation of regular simulation exercises/drills and risk reduction (prevention, mitigation) activities at the school and community level.
- Follow-up closely on the process of development/finalization of the first ever National DRR Action Plan and provide inputs regarding UNICEF’s role/commitment to further advancing child-centered DRR in the country. Support implementation of the recommendations provided in the DRR Capacity Assessment (CADRI) report and the Action Plan with regard to further strengthening child-centered DRR component in the education system.
- Together with UNDP and other key national stakeholders, including the line Ministries (MOES, Ministry of Interior-EMD, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resource Protection-MENRP,etc.)participate actively in the development of the new United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and provide relevant inputs for building the culture of safety and resilience at all levels (focus on education, disaster preparedness and risk reduction systems for the vulnerable communities and institutions).
- Identify, document and disseminate good practices and lessons learned in child-centered disaster risk reduction and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) as part of the regional knowledge management leadership agenda for further advancement of DRR in the CEE/CIS region and beyond.
- Maintain continuous, effective and strategic communication, consultation and liaison with the Government, UN agencies, donors and allies in support of enhancing coordination and strengthening the Disaster Risk Reduction system in Georgia for building resilience as part of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) and post-2015 development agenda.
- Communicate/coordinate on the regular basis with the DIPECHO programme Donor (DG ECHO Tbilisi Office) and the UNICEF CEE/CIS Regional Office; develop reports and other required inputs, prepare monitoring visits and participate in the development process of the new proposals.
- DRR in the UNICEFCountry Programme
- Work closely with the UNICEF Education Section to develop the DRR program for preschools and introduce it in the preschool curriculum, based on the available good practice/materials developed and piloted by ASB and Save the Children within the DIPECHO II.
- In close collaboration with the UNICEF Education Section explore the possibility of including DRR content in the existing pre-service training for school and preschool teachers (national full-fledged university education Bachelor programme for preschool teachers).
- Engage in the process of revision of the primary school curriculum for grades I-IV, review the possibility of inclusion of DRR elements and provide inputs to MOES where relevant.
- In close collaboration with the key national counterparts (DRR Centre, EMD, DIPECHO partners, etc.) support integration of child-centered disaster risk reduction and emergency preparedness and response plans for child protection/specialized services (small group homes, boarding schools), in vulnerable areas.
- In close collaboration with the UNICEF Georgia Specialists explore avenues of incorporation of DRR in WASH, Mother and Child Health, Child Protection and Social Policy areas. Ensure annual reporting on the new DRR/resilience indicators in the aforementioned sectors as per UNICEF Strategic Plan (2014-2017).
- Country Office Emergency Preparedness and Response / Early Warning Early Action (EWEA)
- Enhance UNICEF Georgia disaster preparedness and risk reduction capacities and support mainstreaming of DRR and emergency preparedness/response strategies in the Country Office's multi-sectoral work plans, Early Warning Early Action (EWEA), Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP), Business Continuity Plan (BCP), Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), the Situation Analysis and the Country Program Document (CPD).Participate actively in the UN Disaster Management Team (DMT) activities, including the revision/update of the UN Country Team Contingency Plan and contingency planning exercises organized by UNOCHA Regional Office for Caucasus and Central Asia (ROCCA).
- Regularly update/maintain the EPRP/EWEA portal and consult respective programme and operations staff when required.
- Provide support to the Country Office in coordination of humanitarian activities, in accordance with the Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action (CCCs), including participation in joint needs assessments in response to emergencies, if required/such occur.
QUALIFICATION AND COMPETENCIES([ ] indicates the level of proficiency required for the job.)
Education: / University degree in socialsciences, law or child development/protection. Advanced University degree and/or training in disaster management will be considered as a strong advantage.Work Experience: / Three to five years of relevant professional work experience. Background/familiarity with disaster management/emergency.
Language proficiency: / Fluency in Englishand Georgian languages. Good knowledge of Russian language will be considered as an advantage.
Competency Profile:
Technical Knowledge: / i)Core Values (Required)
- Commitment
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Integrity
- Communication [II]
- Working with People [I]
- Drive for Results [I]
- Formulating Strategies and Concepts [I]
- Analyzing [II]
- Applying Technical Expertise [II]
- Learning and Researching [II]
- Planning and Organizing [II]
Essential technical knowledge of theories, principles and methods in the following areas:
- Strengthening Disaster Risk Reduction and Adolescent and Youth development oriented systems and policies;
- Strengthening partner capacity for introducing risk informed programming and emergency preparedness in essential services, including child protection services;
- Use of relevant data and indicators
- Methodology of programme/project management
- Sectoral Programmatic goals, policies and strategies
- Knowledge of global human rights issues, specifically relating to children and women
- UNICEF policies and strategy in Disaster Risk Reduction programming (including guidance notes on mainstreaming DRR in Child Protection, Health and Nutrition, Education, WASH and Social Protection), natural disasters, and recovery;
- Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA 2005-2015) and other key disaster management/DRR related frameworks
- Policy advocacy
- Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action (CCCs)
- UNICEF financial, supply and administrative rules and regulations
- Rights-based and Results-based approach and programming in UNICEF
- UNICEF programme policy, procedures and guidelines in the Manual
- UNICEF Strategic Plan (2014-2017)
- Gender equality and diversity awareness
- Government development plans and policies
- Knowledge of local conditions and country legislation relevant to UNICEF programmes
- UN policies and strategy to address international humanitarian issues and the responses
- UN common approaches to programmatic issues and UNICEF positions
- UN security operations and guidelines
- UNICEF strategic framework for partnerships and collaborative relationships
- UNICEF policies and strategies promoting and supporting gender equality and diversity
DUTY STATION: Tbilisi, Georgia
How to apply:
Interested candidates are kindly requested to submit:
(a)Cover Letter
(b)Curriculum Vitae
(c)Completed UN Personal History Form P11
To the following e-mail address: with Ref. subject: Programme OfficerDisaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Application deadline is COB 17 November, 2014. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
[1]United Nations Development Assistance Framework (2011-2015) in Georgia, p.48:
[2] Survey of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Conditions in Public Schools, UNICEF-ESIDA, 2013: