Position : National Consultant (WASH in LIC)
Project: Sanitation, Hygiene Education and Water Supply in Bangladesh (GOB-UNICEF) Project, Urban Component.
Assignment Title: Consultant for supporting implementation of WASH in Low Income Communities (LICs) of Mirpur, Dhaka and Bhaluka, Mymensingh towns.
1.  Background:
Urbanization in Bangladesh has occurred rapidly. The availability of new livelihood opportunities is the most important factor that attracts the rural population to migrate to the cities. Between 1961 and 2001, population of Dhaka City increased from 0.5 million to 12 million – a 24 times increase in just 40 years. It is estimated that about 0.4 million people migrate to Dhaka every year. Today, Dhaka has close to 4 million people living in or around 4000 slums.
The water and sanitation needs of the slum communities are largely unmet because the slum dwellers do not have legal rights to the land, and often fell to the prey of the middle men (mastaans) who profit by charging exorbitant prices. Most urban slums dwellers do not have direct access to improved water sources. In Dhaka slum dwellers reported paying Tk.2 per pitcher of water of 20 liters, 16 times higher than the official rate. Unreliable drinking water source tends to be contaminated by pathogens, subjecting the urban poor to high risks of water borne diseases. The sanitation situation in urban area is also not good. The decline in urban sanitation coverage from 59% in 1990 to 56% in 2009 (JMP 2010) is caused by lack of sanitation access of slum dwellers. In slums of major cities, the sanitation coverage is still very low: only about 10% of households have access to improved sanitation facilities compared to 54% national average. Many slum dwellers have no options other than to defecate in drains, open fields, roadsides or riverbanks. The use of hanging latrines, suspended over rivers and ponds, is almost twice as high in urban slums (10%) comp as national average (4%). This means that urban water sources are likely to be contaminated with raw sewage. Growing slum population is also reluctant to install improved latrines because most settlements are illegal.
Despite of relatively high level of knowledge of hygiene in urban slums, the observed behaviour of hand washing remains low, and is only 1% before eating and preparing food, 13% after cleaning children’s bottom. Menstrual hygiene is a significant problem for adolescent girls and women due to lack of privacy to properly wash and dry the menstrual rags.
Poor water and sanitation not only result in health problems, it also adversely affects labour productivity and thus increases vulnerability of the poor, keeping them in the vicious circle of poverty. Diarrhoea and other water and sanitation related diseases also cause children to miss days from school, which means they must struggle to catch up and are likely to drop out altogether. There is an urgent need to find sustainable solutions for WASH intervention to meet the basic needs of this vulnerable and neglected population. Legalized water connections can be viewed to have equivalent effect of direct cash transfer and thus reduces the poverty.
UNICEF Bangladesh has taken the endeavor of tackling the issue of WASH in urban slums. Donors such as Marks and Spencer and DFID have shown interest in this new program area for UNICEF. Given the necessity to finalize the SHEWA-B project and to deliver on M&S project, it has been necessary to hire a consultant in order to support a smooth implementation and documentation of WASH interventions in Dakha urban slums
2.  Purpose of Assignment:
·  To ensure quality implementation of ‘Improving access to safe water, environmental sanitation, and hygiene promotion services’ project in a coordinated way for the 70,000 urban poor people living in Low Income Communities (LICs) of Mirpur, Dhaka and Bhaluka, Mymensingh.
·  To achieve project objectives and results by optimum utilization of allocated resources and time;
·  To monitor the project activities and incorporate monitoring findings in the project interventions for better results;
·  To support/guide the implementing partners in planning and implementation of project activities;
·  Documentation of lessons learned and best practices;
3.  Methodology:
·  The consultant will assist the implementing partners to prepare a program plan that includes monthly physical and financial targets/forecast and actions;
·  A periodic monitoring system will be established through participation of different stakeholders;
·  The consultant will participate in different meetings with partners to follow up progress, challenges and way forward;
·  The consultant will randomly visit working areas with or without partners;
·  The consultant will support urban component of UNICEF in compiling progress report, fund management (advance and liquidation) and other areas as requested.
·  The consultant will arrange and conduct training for the partners staff members to improve their skill/capacity;
·  The consultant will document lessons learned and best practices
4.  Outputs:
See “End Product/ deliverables” mentioned under point 9 below.
5.  Funding Source: Non Grant
6. Duty station:
Dhaka with frequent travel to LICs in Mirpur-Dhaka and Bhaluka-Mymensingh; Seating arrangement with all logistics at WASH Section, BCO, UNICEF.
7.  Indicative assignment dates: 15 August to 31 January 2013
8. Description of assignment:
Key tasks / End Product/deliverables / Time frame
1.  Visit project areas randomly for ensuring quality implementation of project activities in the field level; / Field visit report / At least a monthly visit to each partner round the assignment period
2.  Provide technical support to partners for preparing drawing, design and Bill of Quantities for area specific hardware;
3.  Follow up software and hardware activities to ensure time progress with quality / Technology specific drawing, design and BoQ
Progress report / Round the assignment period
Round the assignment period
4.  Lead the coordination of project activities with stakeholders including DWASA, DCC, UPPR-UNDP for proper services. Attend coordination meetings. / Coordination established among different stakeholders, meeting minutes, reports etc. / Round the assignment period
5.  Oversee day-to-day operations, in relation to financial and physical progress, of each partner’s actions;
6.  Assist partners to prepare a Project Implementation Plan (PIP) that includes start & finish time of each activity, predecessor(s) & successor (s) of each activity, resource requirement for each activity, risk & precondition (assumption) and planned actions of risk mitigation of each activity;
7.  Assist to partners, when and where necessary, for developing and implementing WASH related innovation, pilot and/ or R&D projects in order to adapt and scale up new WASH facilities with close collaboration with sector actors.
8.  Assist partners for preparing periodical reports on WASH activities and water quality analysis,
9.  Document lessons learned and best practices / Monthly progress report
One day orientation to partner how to prepare PIP
Partners’ PIP
Reports of R&D activities
Report / Monthly
During the assignment period
During the assignment period
At the end of the assignment
9. Qualifications or specialized knowledge/experience required for the assignment:
·  Minimum Bachelor degree in Civil/ Environmental/ Sanitation/ Water resources Engineering; Masters in Urban Planning/Social Science may be considered with solid experience on implementation of WASH program in urban context. Should have hands on experience on planning and implementation of community based WASH interventions.
·  Minimum 10 years’ experience in WASH program implementation including 5 years’ experience in WASH Urban interventions; working experience in urban slums in Dhaka City will be added advantage;
·  Good understanding of WES hardware (technology options, construction and material quality) for urban slums, including water quality and sustainability aspects.
·  Ability to work independently and not be easily influenced
·  Systematic, analytical, participatory assessment skills
·  Good communication /coordination skills in English and Bangla
·  Good report writing skills in English

Advertised: Saturday, 4 August 2012

Closing: 12 August 2012