Rainbow Lunch

Rainbow Lunch

Rainbow Lunch

Monthly Campaign Announcements:

Day 1 / This month we will be focusing on ways you can make your lunch nutritious and delicious. A rainbow lunch contains all four food groups! Do you have 4 food groups in your lunch today?
Day 2 / A rainbow lunch is a lunch that has all of the four food groups in it. The green arc of rainbow in Canada’s Food Guide represents the vegetables and fruit group. This group is important because vegetables and fruit are full of fibre and vitamins. Why not try broccoli or blueberries in your lunch!
Day 3 / The yellow arc of the rainbow in Canada’s food guide represents grain products. Try to make at least half of your grain products whole grain each day. Whole grains are full of fibre. Try a piece of whole grain toast with some peanut butter for a delicious breakfast or snack. Do you have a grain product in your lunch today?
Day 4 / The blue of the rainbow in Canada’s food guide represents milk and alternatives. How about having some cheese in your lunch? There are many different kinds of cheese to try. Have you ever had Gouda or Monterrey Jack? Put it on your sandwich, or eat it with an apple. Either way is delicious!
Day 5 / The red arc of the Canada Food Guide rainbow represents the meat and alternatives group. This group is important because it is a great source of protein and that helps your muscles to grow and stay strong. Why not try eating some hard boiled eggs, beans or lean sandwich meat in your lunch. Don’t forget to check your lunch for all four food groups today!
Day 6 / A rainbow lunch does not have to be a sandwich, milk and some vegetables or fruit on the side. Why not ask your parents to pack you a thermos filled with chicken noodle soup? The noodles are the grain product, the chicken is the meat and alternatives, and the veggies in the soup are the vegetables and fruits. Add some cheese or yogurt on the side for the milk and alternatives group and now you have a deliciously healthy rainbow lunch.
Day 7 / You may be wondering if a pre-made “Lunchable” could be a rainbow lunch. Lunchables do have cheese, meat and crackers in them, but they are packed with salt and fat. Instead of buying the pre-made “Lunchables”, why not pack your own with healthy cheese, low salt meat and low fat crackers. Toss in a handful of sugar snap peas for a delicious, healthy rainbow lunch.
Day 8 / Need to add a vegetable or fruit to your rainbow lunch? Try eating an apple. Apples are very easy to bring in your lunch and will help you get one step closer to your rainbow lunch.
Day 9 / Our rainbow lunchbox quest continues! Let’s see if you know how to identify Rainbow lunches by asking sneaky questions. Listen to the following lunch and determine if it has all four food groups in it. A slice of cheese pizza with a yogurt cup and banana. Turn to a friend and decide if this lunch counts as a rainbow lunch. (Answer: No it is missing a meat and alternative.)
Day 10 / Here we go with another lunch. Can you figure out which food group is missing from this one? A whole wheat tortilla rolled with turkey and low fat cheese. Turn to a friend to say which food group is missing. (Answer: Vegetable or fruit is missing.)
Day 11 / Each of the food groups is represented by a color. The colors are green, yellow, blue and red. Do you remember what the rainbow color is for the milk and alternatives group? (pause) Do you remember the rainbow color for the grains group? (pause) If you need a hint check out the bulletin board insert location.
Day 12 / Need another idea for a healthy rainbow lunch? How about beef stew in a thermos, a whole wheat bun, sliced pineapple and some white milk. Yum yumyum!
Day 13 / A stir-fry is a great way to get 3 food groups in one meal. The noodles or rice count as the grain products, the veggies count as the vegetables and fruit and the tofu or meat counts as the meat and alternatives. How many different milk and alternatives foods can you come up with to make this meal a rainbow lunch?
Day 14 / Can you think of why we talking about rainbow lunches? Each of the four food groups offers different nutrients that your body needs for your overall health. Eating from all four food groups is fun, tastes great and helps you get all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients your body needs.
Day 15 / How about a joke from the vegetable and fruit group?
Q: Why did the tomato blush?
A: Because it saw the salad dressing.
Day 16 / Pulses are an excellent source of protein and are another option from the meat and alternatives group. Pulses include most types of dry beans, lentils, chickpeas and dry peas. How many of these pulses have you tried?
Day 17 / Milk is a great source of calcium and vitamin D that helps build and maintain strong bones and teeth. Did you know that yogurt, cheese, fortified soy beverages and milk based soups count as being part of the milk and alternatives group?
Day 18 / Do you remember what food group yellow represents on the rainbow in Canada’s food guide? (pause) If you said grain products you were right! Remember to make at least half your grain products whole grains each day. A variety of these whole grains include brown rice, quinoa, whole grain breads, oatmeal and whole wheat pasta. Eating grains products will give you the energy needed for whatever fun activities that may come up throughout the day!
Day 19 / Today we have a joke from the vegetables and fruit group.
Q: What did the big tomato say to the little tomato when the little tomato fell behind?
A: Ketchup
Day 20 / Looking for new ways to have a rainbow lunch? Check out the bulletin board by INSERT BULLETIN BOARD LOCATION to see some new ideas for you to try!
Day 21 / Rainbow lunches include all four food groups. Foods from the meat and alternatives do not have to be meats! Beans, lentils, chick peas and other ‘alternatives’ in your lunch can help you have a rainbow lunch. Do you have any meat alternatives in your lunch today?
Day 22 / Hopefully you took a look at your lunches throughout the month to try to have four food groups. This is something you can do all year round! Keep on eating a variety of new foods from all four food groups!