UNHCR Central African Republic

Safe Road Use Country Action Plan


  1. Safety Culture change: Culture assessment not done due to time constraints
  2. Safe Road Focal Point: UNHCR Deputy Representative Operations
  3. Attendance numbers: in total 31 staff members participated. 6 staff members were trained as SRU facilitator
  4. Other: in a debrief meeting (attended by the Deputy Rep Operations, Sr Supply Officer, Sr Admin/Finance Officer, SrField Safety and Security Associate, Fleet Manager and ICT) it was confirmed that all identified actions could start in 2017 and that they would be reviewed at quarterly basis

Category / Actions / Responsible / Timeframe / Resources. Synergies & Overlaps
Road Safety Management / Poor time management:
  • Communicate to staff that vehicles / shuttle will wait only for 5 minutes, after that they leave
  • Empower the drivers to put this action seriously
/ SrAdmin Officer / 31 May 2017 / Staff will be informed during the Monday morning coordination meetingand a memo will follow.
Manage staff perception about ‘mauvaiseplanification during missions’
  • Show (use data) that poor planning for missions only happens exceptionally
  • Explain to staff that when exceptions happen this is because of the nature of UNHCR work
/ Sr Admin Officer / 30June 2017 / Meeting with drivers
Write a memo and also involveHeadsof Field Offices to take active part
Enforce road safety rules to, especially:
  • Wearing seatbelts, focus specifically on wearing of seatbelts in the back
  • Not to call drivers when they are on a mission / out with the vehicles unless absolutely necessary
(Accept that drivers will not pick up and trust that they will call back) / Sr Field Safety & Security Advisor / Sr Admin Officer / 31 May 2017 / Staff will be informed during Monday morning coordination meeting and Senior FSA will send advisory mails to remind all staff
Empower the drivers
  • Not to start the vehicle if the passengers are not wearing the seatbelts
  • Not to pick up the phone / use communications devices whilst driving
/ Sr Admin Officer / 30 June 2017 / Remind staff during Monday morning coordination meeting
Safer Roads / Re-install vehicle pooling system for vehicles in Bangui office / Fleet Manager / Sr Admin Officer / 15 May 2017 / Inform staff during next Monday 24 April meeting and write a memo about the pooling system (Fleet Manager)
Investigate the feasibility of installing a ‘night driver roster’ (for early a/p trips only)
Medical emergencies for staff will be delt by UNDSS duty officer with QRF (Quick Reaction Force)
  • Mapping exercise to identify which drivers live far from the office
  • Identify if a rest / sleep area can be created on the compound for the night driver
  • Set up roster for night drivers
/ SrAdmin Officer/ Fleet Manager / 30 May 201 / Obadia and Honorine will work to implement these actions
Safer Vehicles / Place stickers in the all vehicles with the road safety rules (also partner vehicles) / Senior Field Safety & Security Advisor / 15 May 2017 / Clotilde has already received the Stickers
Safer People / Develop a Safe Road Use workshop roll out plan for trained facilitators so that all staff & partners has the opportunity to participate (both Bangui and Field Offices / Senior Field Safety & Security Advisor / Sr. Admin Officer
Programme Officer / 31 May 2017 / All training materials are shared Additional SRU bracelets have been received by Clotilde.
Clotilde/FSA to plan trainings
Roll out of Safe Road Use workshops by trained facilitators for staff / Senior Field Safety & Security Advisor / Head of Admin / 31 May 2017 / Clotilde/FSA to plan trainings
Send out communications to all staff to encourage & empower Safe Road Use facilitators / Deputy Rep Operations / 31 May 2017 / The date to be confirmed by the Deputy Rep Operations
Put in place driving test for ‘staff authorized to drive’ / Senior Field Safety & Security Advisor / Fleet Manager / 15 May 2017 / Rose to share example driving test
Test be organised in consultation with AIRD
Put in place AV training for drivers and some staff members / Senior Field Safety & Security Advisor / Fleet Manager / 31 Mai 2017 / Rose to liaise with Global Fleet Management
Put in place refresher training for all staff how to use the radio in the vehicle and develop instructions ‘how to use the radio’ and put in glove compartment of the vehicles. / ICT/ Senior Field Safety & Security Advisor / 30 July 2017 / This refresher training will be conducted by group
Set up Safe Road Use rewarding system for all staff / Deputy Rep Operations / 30 September 2017 / Rose to provide example
Example already sent by Rose it could ne adjusted for CAR.
Instruct all managers to include road safety in e-pad / end of year appraisal for all staff / Deputy Rep Operations / 31July 2017 / This could be included in e-pad during mid-review in June or July. Otherwise it will be implemented in 2018
Continue to engage staff by putting up Safe Road Use posters in the Bangui office / send email to field offices to do the same / Sr Field Safety and Security Associate / 31 May 2017 / In needed, Rose may give support for the poster
Post-crash responses and reporting / Communicate to staff that all crashes (minor / major) should be reported / SrAdmin Officer / 31 May 2017 / Share security incident report with staff and drivers

Support needed from Safe Road Use Team @ HQ

  • Additional SRU visibility items (already ordered and will be send to Sr Field Safety and Security Associate
  • AV training