June 23 2010

Unemployment Insurance (UI) Tax Project

Implementation Phase

Objective: DWS is in the Implementation Phase of project certification.

Project Overview: Implement a DotNet framework solution to replace the UI Tax legacy mainframe system currently implemented at DWS.

·  TARC information has been presented and approved on December 9, 2009. TARC architectural document updates sent to Mike Baca 6/1/2010.

Funding Source: Federal funds from various UI programs are being incorporated into the entire funding of this project.

Fund Source / Amount / Appropriation / Fund expiration
FF - Reed Act / $10,960,000 ** / Various extensions, the last of which is –
Laws of 2010, Chapter 6, Section 7, Subsection 16 (extended to 6/30/2012) / 6/30/2012
FF – UI Modernization (Reed Act) / $16,000,000 / Laws of 2010, Chapter 6, Section 5, Subsection 9 (Original) / 6/30/2012
Total Project Appropriation / $26,960,000 **
Initiation / Planning Phase / $1,950,000 / Requirements Definition, IV&V, RFP
Implementation Phase FY10 / $9,010,000 / ·  System Integration Phase 1, Part 1
·  IV&V will be managed through the DoIT via a MOU. Interim IV&V contract with BCA through October 2010.
·  Multi-year PM selected via RFP. Contract executed.
Implementation Phase FY11-FY13 / $16,000,000 / ·  System Integration Phase 1, Part 2
·  System Integration Phase 2
·  Warranty period
·  Considering GSA procurement for subsequent multi-year IV&V.

Project Activities:

·  Implementation Phase began 3/2/2010.

·  Multi-year PM selected via RFP. Contract executed.

·  Interim IV&V contract with BCA through October 2010.

·  Considering GSA procurement for subsequent multi-year IV&V.

·  PMP – updated.

·  JRM sessions complete.

·  Business & Technical requirements fully validated.

·  JAD sessions underway.

·  Data conversion underway.

·  Development environment hardware delivered to TIWA.

·  Software procurement underway.

** A portion of the original $12.5M Reed Act appropriation for a UI Tax System replacement was reallocated for the two following non-UI Tax project spending components, leaving a net of $10.96 appropriated for UI Tax: **

·  $1.3M UI Claims

·  $240K Call Center IVR