Understanding the Process
Overall Objectives:
1. To identify the structure of the Louisiana Comprehensive GLEs and to become familiar with relevant components of development
2. To share the process of the Cross Walk between the Texas Essential
Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and the Louisiana Grade Level Expectations (GLEs)
3. To Review applicable activity from the Louisiana’s Comprehensive Curriculum,
4. To familiarize participants with resources in the Louisiana State Department of Education website and
5. To identify the similarities and differences between the TEKS and the GLEs.
Introductory Activity: Powerpoint Presentation (PreK WS GLE-TEKS 12-05)
Content Area:
PreKindergarten (PreK)
Materials Needed for Group Activity:
1. Scissors
2. Glue or tape
3. Three (3) Small containers (e.g.-shoe, tissue, etc.) one for TX, one for LA, and one for Comments
4. Labels for Containers or (optional-3D symbols of TX and LA to decorate containers)
5. COMMENTS label for container
6. Set of TEKS Strips (Yellow)
7. Set of GLE Strips (Green)
8. Set of Comments Strips for Table Act.
9. Set of Headers for Table Act.
10. Copy of the ELA PreK Strips- Key
11. Copy of Little Things-LA PreK unit
12. Eric Carle books (optional-most teachers have access to these books)
13. Quick Guide
14. Copy of URLs for each participant
15. Copy of Unit 5: Little Things for each participant
1. Make copies of Labels for Containers, cut out strips
2. Glue strips on containers or decorate containers with Texas or Louisiana symbols (e.g. cowboy hat for TX, Mardi Gras beads for LA)
3. Make copies of TEKS strips
4. Cut out strips
5. Place TEKS strips in TX container
6. Make copies of GLE strips
7. Cut out strips
8. Place GLE strips in LA container
9. Make copies of Comments strips for table act. Cut out all strips
10. Place these strips in COMMENTS container
11. Make a copy of the Headers for Table Act.
12. Cut out Headers
13.Make copies of the URLs for each participant
14. Make one copy of the ELA PreK strips- Key
15. Make copies of Little Things-LA PreK unit for each participant
Suggested Procedure:
At the workshop site:
1. Place the three decorated containers on the table with the strips inside the containers
2. Place the three Headers on the table leaving enough room for the participants
to place the strips below each header during the activity
Group Activity
1. Show powerpoint rationale for development of GLEs in LA
2. Inform group about the coding of the TEKS and the GLEs.
3. Hold up the ELA Strips Key.
4. Inform participants that we are going to replicate the ELA Strips Key on the table by
matching the TEKS to the GLEs.
5. Have each participant take 7 strips out of the TX container, 6 out of the LA container, and 3 from the COMMENTS container
6. Instruct participants to put the TEKS in a line in numerical order on a large flat surface.
Note: Not all TEKS were included, some numbers will be missing.
7. The participants will work together to match the Louisana GLE with the corresponding TEK by placing the match under the Header Louisiana GLE.
8. Explain that strips in the Comments container will be used to indicate the following:
PreK Indicator = reference to a Benchmark statement
Approximate= is not an exact match, but very similar
Not Addressed in LA
Not Addressed in TX
*Note: definite match does not have a comment strip
9. After completion of the Cross-Walk, have participants discuss the following:
What were the similarities between the two sets?
What were the differences between the two sets?
What are the implications for teachers if there are differences between the two sets? or
What could teachers do to address the differences?
10. Share the sample activity: Unit 5: Little Things. Show Eric Carle books (if available)
11. Provide Urls
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory