
West Feliciana Comprehensive Plan

The West Feliciana Vision (Executive Summary of Plan)

Introduction and Purpose

How the Plan was developed

Guiding Principles

The West Feliciana Vision

Summary of Plan

–Livable Community

–Prosperous Economy

–Healthy Environment

–Opportunity and Equity

Strategic Initiatives

How the Plan was Developed

Driving forces

–History of West Feliciana

–Forecasts of Baton Rouge Metro Area

–Demographics and economic forces

Public involvement during the Plan

Scenario development and lessons learned

–Connectivity: Adequate transportation and financing mechanisms

–Housing: mix, supply/needs, quality

–Economic development: targeted initiatives

–Environment: critical issues, preservation areas

–New centers: complete communities

–New neighborhoods: design issues, adequate services

–Urban design: protecting rural character along highway frontages

How we want the Parish to look - desired development types

Livable Community

The Livable Community section includes policies and strategies to encourage the quality of life desired by West Feliciana’s citizens and stakeholders.

FutureLand Use

–Desired scenario detailing protected areas, growth opportunity areas, desired development patterns and required transportation system

–Housing and job forecasts - based on increase of 16,000 people; 6000 new housing units; 6000 new jobs

–Analysis of compact development vs. current sprawl trend

–Policies to guide future development towards desired vision


–Transportation improvements required to accommodate forecasted growth and provide increased connectivity

–Water, wastewater and drainage improvements required to accommodate forecasted growth

–Park and trail improvements required to accommodate forecasted growth

–Other Public Facilities Plan

–Policies to achieve desired level of infrastructure

Urban Design

–Maintaining rural character

–Creating walkable environments

–Desired development types


–Policies to achieve walkable communities and the desired character of future development


–Minimum requirements/standards

–Siting recommendations

–Policies to achieve desired level and location of parks

Small Area Plans

–Star Hill - Independence

–Solitude, Bluffs, etc.

–St. Francisville Environs

–Zachary Taylor Parkway

–Highway 61

Prosperous Economy

This section includes key goals, policies, and programs to ensure a prosperous economy for parish residents.

Baton Rouge Metro economy

Best bets for West Feliciana

Economic strategies

Linkage between economic development and land uses

–Building on cultural and environmental amenities

–Building on opportunity areas


–Nuclear plant

–River and port

Business attraction, retention and expansion programs

Education and training programs

Policies to achieve a strong economic future and guide parish economic development activities.

Healthy Environment

This section includes policies to address maintaining the long-term heath of the community.


–Protecting fishing and hunting opportunities

–Protecting forests

–Recreational opportunities

–Open space

–Policies to achieve desired levels of protection of resources

Water Quality

–Water quality

–Rivers and streams

–Drainage areas

–Green practices

–Permitting, compliance and mitigation needs

–Policies to address drainage, water quality and watershed planning

Opportunity and Equity Section

This section deals with housing and economic opportunities, and a predictable and transparent planning process.

Housing Opportunity

–Housing forecasts

–Future housing needs, including the affordable component

–Housing types (includes mobile home issue, tie to development types)

–Locations suitable for including affordable and workforce housing

–Policies to obtain desired level and location of affordable and workforce housing

Employment opportunities

Open and transparent regulations/processes/government

Intergovernmental Coordination Plan

This section addresses coordination efforts of the parish and other governments.

St. Francisville

Pointe Coupee Parish

Baton Rouge Metropolitan Area

State of Louisiana

Strategic Plan

Specific initiatives for implementation

–Corridor protection

–Public-Private Partnership opportunities

–Affordable housing initiatives

–Etc. (will be developed from plan process)

Recommended changes in development regulations

Early funding initiatives

Monitoring Plan

Ongoing monitoring through performance measures

Monitoring schedule and procedures