When is the Rapture? (Part 2)

KEY ______

As stated before, the timing of the Rapture is not a ______doctrine, but it is a crucial doctrine that can affect the way we live in the last days. (2 Thes 2:1-5)

The timing of the rapture is an "______- ______" debate among premillennialists, and it is not to be a cause for division.


The Bible teaches that believers will never undergo God's ______. Therefore, we should conclude that the rapture will happen ______any of His wrath is unleashed on the earth. (1 Thes 1:10, 5:9; 2 Thes 1:6-10; Eph 5:6; 2 Pet 3:7; Luke 17:26-30)

Most agree that God's wrath is unleashed during what Scripture calls "The _____ of the ______." This is not a single ___ hour day but a period of time in which the Lord suddenly and severely judges the world and sets up His kingdom on earth. (Isa 13:6-13; Ez 30:3; Jo 1:15; Zeph 1:14-18; Mal 4:1-6; Am 5:18-20; 1 Th 5:1-6; 2 Pet 3:10-12)

Therefore, much of the debate hinges upon the question of ______exactly the Day of the Lord ______.


In this view, the Day of the Lord covers the ______final seven-year period (aka Daniel's 70th week) which is erroneously called "The ______".

Therefore, the rapture is thought to happen at any ______prior to the start of the 7 years and prior to the ______being revealed.

It is thought that Jesus will come ______for the church and many will have no clue as to what happened to all these people who are suddenly missing.

This is the most popular view and promoted by well-known teachers such as John ______, Chuck Swindoll, David Jeremiah, Chuck ______, Hal Lindsay, Tim LaHaye, J. Vernon McGee, Joel C. Rosenberg, and Charles Ryrie.


In this view, the Rapture occurs in the ______of the final seven-year period. Believers will endure a supposed first 3½ years of tribulation, but they will be removed before the second 3½ years of ______Tribulation (the reign of the Antichrist and God's wrath.) The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord are considered to be one in the same.

In recent years, this view has become less ______due to its lack of clear Biblical support and the rise of the more compelling Pre-wrath view.


In this view, the rapture will happen at the ______of the final seven-year period. During this time, believers will have to endure the reign of the Antichrist.

Some believe that the ______of the Lord does not occur until the end, and it is considered to be a single 24-hour day. Others believe that God's wrath may unfold during the last 3½ years, but believers will be physically ______.

This view is often ridiculed as the ______rapture theory, seeing that the saints will go up and then immediately come back down to reign with Christ.


In this view, the rapture occurs at some ______day and hour during the ______half of the final seven-year period.

The Great Tribulation is the Antichrist's ______against both Jews and Christians. At some unknown time, those days will be cut ______when Christ comes to resurrect and rapture His people. This will mark the beginning of the Day of the Lord and the outpouring of God's ______on the world, especially the kingdom of the Antichrist.

This view has been steadily gaining more popularity in recent years as more and more ______has been given to the Pre-tribulational view.

June 19, 2016 Understanding the End Times Rancho Baptist Church