Revelation Part 3
Lesson 8
Kay Arthur
Is God finished with the Jew? No. It is simply the time of the Gentiles.
Dan. 2:1-3
931 B.C. Kingdom Divided
722 B.C. Assyrians took the northern kingdom captive because they had disobeyed God and had gone into idolatry.
605 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar becomes King of Babylon and takes Daniel and some nobles into the palace.
604 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar has this dream
Dan. 2:31-34
Dan. 2:34-35 Stone comes, hits the statue at its feet and it comes tumbling to the ground.
Dan. 2:35 The stone became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.
Dan. 2:36 God’s interpretation of the dream given to Daniel
Dan. 2:37-38 Every king that rules, gets his power from God because God is sovereign
Dan. 2:38 Babylon is the head of gold
Dan. 2:39Medo-Persian Empire is silver, the chest and arms
Dan. 2:39 Greece is bronze part of the statue
Dan. 2:40-43 All the other kingdoms will be broken into pieces by this kingdom: Roman Empire. In the days of THOSE KINGS: these ten toes on the statue represent 10 kings
Dan. 2:44 This kingdom will NEVER be destroyed and it will not be left for another people. That kingdom will crush and put an end to all the other kingdoms and endure forever. The stone hits the statue at the feet, where the 10 toes are.
Rev. 20 A kingdom is set up, God’s kingdom and it is never destroyed
Dan. 2:45 The dream is true and its interpretation is trustworthy.
God was showing Israel, in 604 B.C., what would happen all the way through time up until God’s kingdom being established on earth.
All these kingdoms on this statue are GENTILE kingdoms, ruling over them.
70 A.D. Destruction of Jerusalem
When IS the time of the Gentiles and what does it mean?
605 B.C. started the 70 years of captivity and continued until 536 B.C.
539 B.C. the Medes and the Persians conquered Babylon, and under Zerubbabel in 536 B.C. they began rebuilding.
520 B.C. They resumed rebuilding of the Temple
516 B.C. Temple is finished
331 B.C. Alexander the Great, like a leopard, conquered the Medo-Persian Empire and everything else in its wake. Jerusalem is conquered and comes under the rule of Greece.
Dan. 11:2Three more kings will arise in Persia and then Greece will come against them.
Dan. 11:21 Despicable person will arise, and seizes the kingdom by intrigue. This is Antiochus Epiphanes in 175-163 B.C. , and is part of the Grecian rule. He is like the abomination of desolation that sets himself up in the holy place.
Dan. 11:29 -30 Holy Covenant is the covenant of the Jews. For a Jew, the most important thing to him is the sign of the covenant: circumcision. But some of the Jews living in the land went along with Antiochus Epiphanes because it was expedient.
In the last days, in that last 3 ½ years, the beast will cause many people to take a mark because without that mark they cannot buy or sell. He is going to make a statue of HIMSELF and those that don’t worship that statue will be persecuted.
Dan. 11:31 Sanctuary fortress is the temple and the temple mount. (Daniel’s 70th week)
They will set up the abomination of desolation, the statue of Zeus they erected in the Holy of holies.
Dan. 11:32Those that apostatize, he will turn to godlessness.
Dan. 11:32bBut the people that know their God will display strength and take action – the whole purpose for Precept Ministries, the whole reason YOU study!!
Dan. 11:33 Those who know their God will be able to give understanding to others, yet they will fall by sword and by flame: they are going to be persecuted and some will die.
Daniel wrote all of this before Antiochus Epiphanes ever came on the scene.
When this happened in 165 B.C. the head of a family, Mattathias, rose up against Antiochus Epiphanes, fled to the caves and organized. Their son, Judas Maccabeus: the Hammer, rose to the front, and led the Maccabean Revolt. In three years they recaptured Jerusalem and cleansed the temple. That Jewish control only lasted until 63 B.C. Hanukkah celebrates the cleansing of the temple.
Pompey conquered Jerusalem and walked into the Holy of holies (no Ark of the Covenant because it was lost in the Babylonian captivity) desecrating it simply by his presence.
From history, we know the fourth kingdom is Roman, though it is not stated in Daniel.
Herod declared himself king of the Jews and he loved to build. Herod took the temple the Jews had built back in 516 B.C. and he wanted it to be more beautiful than Solomon’s temple.
In 4 B.C. Herold dies and Jesus is born.
Dan. 7:3-7 Daniel has a dream of the four beasts. Fourth beast has 10 horns. Parallels Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.
Gold = lion
Silver = bear represents the Medo-Persian Empire. This bear is up on one side, indicating one side is stronger than the other. The Persians were stronger and the Medes faded out.
Bronze = leopard(4 heads and wings) The Grecian empire started with Alexander the Great: he dies suddenly and his kingdom was split into 4. The wings show the swiftness with which Alexander the Great conquered and set up the Grecian Empire.
4th Beast is not described as an animal: dreadful and terrifying with 10 horns. The Roman Empire has ten toes/ten kings/ ten horns. Another picture laid out for us.
Dan. 9:24-27 Seventy weeks of Daniel. Under the Medo-Persian Empire they returned to Jerusalem.
445 B.C. Decree by Artaxerxes to return and rebuild
Dan. 9:26 Still missing 7 years. After the 62 weeks, Messiah the Prince will be cut off: Crucifixion
Dan. 9:26And the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary: the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. All of this happens AFTER the 69 weeks but BEFORE the 70th week.
That gap of time could be called the time of the Gentiles. So they either go all the way back to the start of the Babylonian rule, or at the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A. D. until the stone comes, Christ comes and sets up His kingdom: the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ.
Dan. 9:27 In that one week he is going to make a covenant with the many (Jews) but in the middle of that week, he breaks it. Middle of 7 years is 3 ½ years. He stops the sacrifice and you have tribulation on the face of this earth.
When do the last 3 ½ years begin? It begins at the 7th trumpet.
Dan. 7:23-27
Rev. 12:3 Takes us back just before Jesus Christ.
Rev. 13:1 Description of the beast, comes out of the sea and has ten horns and 7 heads and on his horns are 10 diadems, so it parallels Daniel 2 and 7.
Rev. 13:2 Leopard, bear and lion.
Rev. 13:3-5 Authority given for 3 ½ years/42 months
Before the 7th trumpet we know there have been 2 witnesses, sent from God, tormenting those that dwell on the earth.
Rev. 11:1-2 The holy city will be trampled down for 42 months.
It looks like, maybe, during the first 3 ½ years, the temple is not being trampled down.
Rev. 13:5-7
Rev. 17:7. 12-13 Ten kings who give their authority to the beast.
What are the times of the Gentiles? The time of Gentile rule over Israel.
But God is NOT finished with Israel.
The Jew’s rejection of Jesus has become the time of OUR salvation.
When He comes again, He will come as King of kings and Lord of lords.