To all members of the Council You are summoned to attend the Bi-Monthly Meeting of the Underskiddaw Parish Council to be held at 14:00pm on Tuesday 28th March 2017in the Underskiddaw Church Rooms.

Date: 20th March 2017


  1. To receive Apologies for absence
  1. To authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the last meeting held on the17th January 2017
  1. To receiveDispensations &Declarations of Interest from any Member in any Agenda item.
  1. United Utilities West Coast Pipeline Project Presentation (Max 30mins)
  1. Opportunity for Public Participation.
  1. Update from other bodies on relevant issues(If present)
  1. Police Report
  2. Cumbria County Council
  3. Allerdale Borough Council
  4. Lake District National Park Authority
  1. Clerks Report- Copy circulated with papers
  2. Defib project update
  3. Keswick Garden Centre-Update
  4. Alteration to Parish Boundaries
  5. Mill Beck Bridge Update
  6. Contacting ALL Parishioners re communication methods (email, website, noticeboard)
  7. Finances
    (i) To receive note of Bank Balances

Current Account£5,659.37at 5th March 2017

Money Manager£2,626.07

(ii) To authorize cheques :

Becx Carter Expenses£TBC

Becx CarterSalary (Via SO)£405.95


(iii)To approve financial reports

  1. Bank Reconciliation- Circulated with meeting papers
  2. Spend against Budget- Circulated with meeting papers

(iv)Approval of Internal Auditor

(v)Request for funding Cumbria Dyslexia Project

  1. Lake District National Park Authority
    (i) Decisions

Ref / Location / Proposal / Decision
7/2016/2198 / Croft Head Cottage, Applethwaite / Replacement conservatory and new oil tank / Approve with conditions
7/2016/2266 & 67 / Underscar Manor, Underskiddaw / New boundary wall to the east garden to improve privacy and delineate public/private space and erection of greenhouse / Approve with conditions
7/2016/2337 / Red House Lodge, Underskiddaw / New fence, internal boundary walls and drainage works / Approve with conditions
7/2016/2007 / Underscar Manor, / Remodeling and enlargement of annexe and installation of new mezzanine level to estate office located in rear courtyard of the manor house / Listed Building Consent granted
7/2017/2014 & 2015 / Ormathwaite Farm, Ormathwaite, Keswick / Reconstruction of partly collapsed Listed Barn to form 2 no dwellings to be used as holiday accommodation (Resubmission of application 7/2015/2226) / Approve with conditions

(ii) Sewage Works- To receive up-date on the current position

Work to clad the units will take place when consecutive days of 12degrees plus weather are forecast.

(iii) Planning Applications for Consideration

None at the time of agenda production

(iv) Consultations for consideration

  1. Electoral Review of Allerdale- Draft Recommendations
  2. Keswick Mountain Festival- Cycling Event
  3. Underscar Manor Woodland Management Stakeholder Engagement
  1. Cumbria Association of Local Councils
    i. To Note: Circulars- See Clerks Report

ii. To receive Minutes of Meetings- 29.9.16 & 19.1.17 Circulated with meeting papers.

iii. Dates for future meetings:After 4th May 2017.

  1. Members’ Reports :

i)Village Hall Committee.

ii)Derwent 7- Minutes 30.01.17-Circulated with meeting papers.

  1. Date of next meeting

Revised date for July Meeting (11th July)

-Tuesday 9th May 2017 (AGM & APM)

-Tuesday 18th July 2017

--Tuesday 12th September 2017

-Tuesday 21st November 2017

-Tuesday 16th January 2018

After the meeting There will be an opportunity for Councillors to raise matters for investigation or for future agendas;

Clerk: B Carter

Members of the public can obtain copies of approved Minutes from the Clerk & are invited to attend meetings when time will be made available for them to speak if they wish.

Becx Carter Parish Clerk

Email: Tel: 07786678283