Undergraduate Program/Track/ConcentrationReviewer Guide- New/Revised

Completed and signed by appropriate persons. (faculty sponsor and Chair)
  1. Sign off by the Assessment office – Dr. Kris Hogarty
  2. Sign off by the SAS Office – Dr. Jeany McCarthy
  3. IF there is Concurrence/Consulting Departments/Units:
  • Head of consulting Departments signed the Signature/Cover page
  • A signed Memo/email from the consulting unit/department either granting or denying concurrence if they are outside of the College of Education.

Which includes the following items:
a.A summary/overview of the of the changes being made to the program
b.a justification/rationale
a.The program Catalog Copy with track changes showing what will need to be changed in the catalog.
b.On the catalog copy which lists the courses with credit hours for the program, do the credit hours total to what it says it totals?
4.EDU Major (existing CIP Code), Minor, Certificate, Track or Concentration Form
a.Does the information on the all of the documents match, e.g. same program name, etc.?
b.Are all the required courses listed and number of credit hours?
c.If the program change is due to adding a NEW course(s), are those new course proposals attached with the Revised Program/Track proposal?
d.Are documents included which shows what the program looked like prior to the requested changes?
5.Does the program proposal indicate instructor requirements for contemporary professional expertise or degree, professional experiences in school settings (if applicable), and evidence of related scholarship (CAEP Standard 5, Faculty Qualifications, Development and Performance)?
6.Does the program proposal involve field experiences (CAEP Standard 3, Field Experience and Clinical Practice)? If so, is it indicated how the field experiences allow candidates to:
a.Apply their content, professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills; Develop and refine dispositions;
b.Reflect on and justify their own practice; and
c.Collect and analyze data on student learning.
Items 7-13 - DO NOT APPLY to Minors NOT leading to Teaching Certification
7.If applicable does the program proposal describe instruction, observation, practice, and/or competency demonstration in any of the following:
a.Dispositions (values, beliefs, and attitudes) that are needed to work with students, families and communities (CAEP Standard 1, Candidate Performance, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions)
b.Understand and apply students’ prior experiences as well as school, family, and community contexts to develop meaningful learning experiences, apply learning to real world problems (CAEP Standard 1, Candidate Performance, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions)
c.Knowledge of how students learn; (CAEP Standard 1, Candidate Performance, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions)
d.Instructional strategies that address various learning styles, exceptionalities, achievement levels, and other specialized circumstances (CAEP Standard 1, Candidate Performance, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions)
e.Use of technology in instruction and record-keeping (CAEP Standard 1, Candidate Performance, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions).
f.Knowledge of diversity and issues related to diversity and inclusion that affect teaching and student learning (CAEP Standard 4, Diversity)
8.If applicable,does the program proposal describe any components designed to prepare teacher candidates to evaluate student (PK-12) learning (CAEP Standards 1, Candidate Performance, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions and 3, Field Experience and Clinical Practice) by:
a.Using multiple assessments to analyze student learning and determine areas that need improvement;
b.Using instructional plans for monitoring and improving PK-12 student learning;
c.Making appropriate adjustments to instruction, and Assessing PK-12 students’ achievement of the Sunshine State Standards.
9.Does the program proposal identify how it reflects the COE’s Conceptual Framework (mission, vision, etc.)?
10.Does the program proposal identify guidelines or competencies assessed from the relevant national guidelines (specialty professional associations or learned societies) and the manner in which they are assessed with emphasis on where inquiry, critical analysis, and synthesis of the subject are required (CAEP Standards 1, Candidate Performance, Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions and 2, Assessment System and Unit Evaluation)?
11.If applicable, does the program proposal identify guidelines or competencies assessed from the Florida Subject Matter Content Standards (or Florida Adopted Subject Area Competencies if Content Standards are not yet developed) and the manner in which they are assessed (CAEP Standard 2, Assessment System and Unit Evaluation)?
12.Does the program proposal identify any Accomplished Practices assessed and the manner in which they are assessed (CAEP Standard 2, Assessment System and Unit Evaluation)?
13.Does the program proposal identify any performance standards assessed from the Florida ESOL standards and the manner in which they are assessed (CAEP Standard 2, Assessment System and Unit Evaluation)?
14. /
  • Are there typos/grammatical errors that need to be corrected in the proposal?
  • Does the completed packet reflect a professional presentation or are forms hand-written, etc.?
  • If the forms are messy or handwritten, you can request that the proposal be re-done to better reflect on the college/faculty contact, etc.

Recommendations from the Sub-Committee review:

Sub-Committee Member:Date:

Revised 08/11/17