A grade of “C-“ or higher is required in all courses for the major.


BIO 111 / Human Anatomy and Physiology I / 3 / MAT 101 and ENG 100
BIO 112 / Practical Human Anatomy and Physiology I / 1.5 / MAT 101 and BIO 111 (concurrent)
BIO 113 / Human Anatomy and Physiology II / 3 / Bio 111/112
BIO 114 / Practical Human Anatomy and Physiology II / 1.5 / BIO 111/112, and BIO 113 (concurrent)
SPM 216 / Emergency Response / 3 / none
CON 252 / Human Nutrition / 3 / BIO 113
CON 352 / Nutrition for Physical Performance / 3 / ALT, EXS, HLS major; CON 252, SPM 330 (or concurrent)
SPM 100 / Introduction to Exercise, Health, and Sport Sciences / 3 / ALT, EXS, or HLS major
SPM 210 / Clinical Athletic Training Principles I / 2 / ALT major, 24+ USM credit hours completed, CON 216 (or concurrent), SPM 100 (or concurrent), SPM 211 (or concurrent), BIO 111 (or concurrent), and BIO 112 (or concurrent)
SPM 211 / Protective Taping and Wrapping / 1 / SPM 210 (or concurrent) and ALT major
SPM 219 / Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness / 3 / None
SPM 265 / Therapeutic Modalities / 3 / ALT major; SPM 100, 210, 211; CON 216; PHY 101, 102 or PHY 111, 114 or concurrent
SPM 230 / Psychology of Physical Activity and Sport / 3 / SPM 100 and ALT, EXS, or HLS major
SPM 270 / Athletic Training Clinic I / 2 / ALT major; SPM 100, 210, 211; CON 216
SPM 302 / Pharmacology for Athletic Training and Exercise Science / 3 / ALT or EXS major; BIO 111; BIO 113; CHY 107 or CHY 113
SPM 310 / Athletic Training Principles II / 3 / ALT major; SPM 100, 210, 211; CON 216
SPM 325 / Methods of Resistance Training and Conditioning / 3 / ALT or EXS major; BIO 111, BIO 112, (BIO 113 and BIO 114 concurrently)
SPM 330 / Physiology of Exercise / 3 / ALT or EXS major; CHY 107 or CHY 113; BIO 111, 112; BIO 113, 114
SPM 340 / Therapeutic Exercise / 3 / ALT major; SPM 370, and SPM 410
SPM 370 / Athletic Training Clinic II / 2 / ALT major; SPM 265, 270, 310; PHY 101, 102 or PHY 111, 114; BIO 111, 112; and BIO 113, 114
SPM 371 / Athletic Training Clinic III / 2 / ALT major; SPM 370; SPM 410
SPM 381 / Kinesiology / 3 / ALT or EXS major; BIO 111, 112; BIO 113, 114
SPM 410 / Athletic Training Principles III / 3 / ALT major; SPM 265, 270, 310; PHY 101, 102 or PHY 111, 114; BIO 111, 112; BIO 113, 114
SPM 430 / Exercise Testing, Assessment and Prescription / 3 / ALT or EXS major; SPM 330
SPM 440 / Manual Therapy / 3 / ALT major; SPM 230, 302, 340, 371, 381
SPM 470 / Athletic Training Clinic IV / 3 / ALT major; SPM 230, 302, 340, 371, 381; SPM 330 or concurrent
SPM 480 / Organization and Administration of Athletic Training / 3 / ALT major, SPM 230, 302, 340, 371
SPM 485 or CON 321 / Senior Thesis 1 OR Health Related Research / 3 / ALT or EXS major; MAT 120 or PSY 105; SPM 330
SPM 495 / Clinical Internship/Co-Op / 3 / ALT or EXS major; completion of all major requirements, or concurrent. Instructor permission required


CHY 107 / Chemistry for Health Science / 3 / none
CHY 113 / Principles of Chemistry / 3 / EYE (concurrent); and MAT 108 (or concurrent) or MAT 140 (or concurrent) or MAT 152 (or concurrent) or permissions


MAT 120 / Introduction to Statistics / 4 / MAT 101
PSY 201 / Statistics in Psychology / 3 / MAT 101


RHF / ANY / 1.5 / none
HIH 200 level or above / ANY / 3 / none


SE / PHY 101/102 or 111/114 / Physics / Yes

Text from the 2017 – 2018 Catalog:

Clinical Education Progression Requirements

Prior to SPM 210, Clinical Athletic Training Principles I, a student must:

  • Complete the prerequisite coursework as outlined in the course description of the catalog.
  • Sign the published "technical standards" for the athletic training program.
  • Present documentation of receiving the first two of three required Hepatitis B immunization injections. Documentation should include copies of the laboratory reports that the student received the injections. If the student chooses not to be Hepatitis B immunized, he or she must read, complete, and sign the form entitled "Hepatitis B Vaccine Declination Assumption of Risk and Release."
  • Sign the published "communicable disease policy" for the athletic training program.

Prior to enrolling in SPM 270, Athletic Training Clinic I, a student must:

  • Complete the prerequisite coursework outlined in the course description section of the catalog.
  • Present proof of current American Red Cross Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for the Professional Rescuer certification or Basic Life Support (BLS) for Health Care Providers through the American Heart Association.

Prior to enrolling in SPM 370, Athletic Training Clinic II, a student must:

  • Complete the prerequisite coursework as outlined in the course description section of the catalog.
  • Present proof of current American Red Cross Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for the Professional Rescuer certification or Basic Life Support (BLS) for Health Care Providers through the American Heart Association.
  • Present documentation of receiving the third injection of the Hepatitis B Immunization series.

Prior to enrolling in subsequent clinical (SPM 371, 470) and internship (SPM 495) courses, a student must:

  • Complete the prerequisite coursework for each course as outlined in the course description section of the catalog.
  • Present proof of current American Red Cross Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for the Professional Rescuer certification or Basic Life Support (BLS) for Health Care Providers through the American Heart Association.

Didactic Education Progression Requirements

While enrolled in the ATP, students must:

  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50.
  • Earn a minimum grade of C- in all required courses. Students receiving a grade lower than C- in a required course will not be allowed to sequence into post-requisite coursework until the prerequisite deficiency has been rectified.


Students will be placed on academic probation for failure to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50. Students failing to rectify the GPA deficiency within a one-year probation period will be removed from their declared major and from their status as a student within the Department. Upon rectifying the GPA deficiency, students can reapply for admission into a Departmental major.

Graduation Requirements

Students will graduate with a bachelor of science degree in athletic training when the following requirements are satisfied.

•Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50.

•Completion of all University Core curriculum requirements.

•Completion of all exercise, health, and sport sciences core required coursework with minimum grades of C-.

•Completion of all athletic training major coursework with minimum grades of C-.

•Completion of 120 credits.

Degree Requirements

The bachelor of science in athletic training consists of 120 credit hours: University Core Curriculum courses, EHSS required core courses, Athletic Training major required courses, and Athletic Training approved electives if needed to complete the 120-minimum credit requirement.

Core curriculum codes

EYE – Entry Year Experience

CW – College Writing

QR – Quantitative Reasoning

CE – Creative Expression

SCA – Socio-cultural Analysis

CI – Cultural Interpretation

SE – Science Exploration

EISRC – Ethical Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship

DIV – Diversity

INT – International

CAP - Capstone