Thomas Harty
325 P St SW Apt 205
Washington, DC 20024
(631) 839-1666
To utilize my skills and knowledge in weed science, plant pathology and entomology to help protect and preserve our communities, agricultural systems and native environments.
Farmingdale State University Farmingdale, New York
2009 to 2014
Bachelors of Ornamental Horticulture/Horticultural Technology Management
Minor in Biology
Florence University of the Arts Florence, Italy
Study Abroad Summer 2013 studied Horticulture and Fine Arts in Italy
University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Tifton, Georgia
2015-to Present
Masters of Plant Protection and Pest Management
Co-Designer & Co-Project Manager | Farmingdale State University Home Depot Bio-swale Project
Supervisor: Professor Michael Veracka Email:
November 2011- December 2012
Developing Budget, Pitching project
September2012-December 2012
Design & Operations decisions and installation of garden design
Assistant Horticultural Inspector 1| New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets
March 2013-June 2015 7:30am-4:00pm Monday thru Friday
Supervisor: Thomas DeMayo Phone: (631)831-7242 Email:
Work alongside APHISPlant Protection Technicians & Plant Protection Officers surveying properties within the Long Island Quarantine based out of Amityville, New York. Skills in data collection using survey forms and pdas, tree identification, Identifying damage and evidence of Asian Long-horned Beetle on host material, experience in Bio-metric survey. Setting up research and traps, supervising removal of infested and high-risk trees, preparing and leading work as a zone captain. Supervising insecticide and herbicide treatment of infested trees. Monitoring and assisting in sterilization in the Golden Nematode quarantine program in Suffolk, New York.
Graduate Research Assistant | University of Georgia Coastal Plains Research Center
June 2015- December 2016 8:00am- 5:00pm Monday thru Friday
Advisor: Dr. David RileyPhone: 229-386-3374Email:
Led and assisted with several research projects involving vegetable entomology and pathology. Maintained insect colonies, conducted identification and monitoring in the field, data entry and analysis, skills in sprayer calibration and pesticide application. Team leadership and organizational skills as well as applied scientific method and scientific writing. Conducted research and assisted in the development of reports on crops such as: black eyed peas, cabbage, collard greens, corn, cucumber, eggplant, melons, onions, pepper, squash, snap beans and tomato.
Chemical Review Manager | US Environmental Protection Agency
January 2017- Present 7:30am-5:00pm Monday thru Friday
Supervisor: Neil Anderson Phone: 703-3088187 Email:
Lead in the development and implementation of risk management decisions for the registration review of a variety of pesticides under FIFRA. Negotiated the needs of assessments, planned workload and timelines with other division within EPA, other government agencies (USDA/OPMP, California DPR, and Canada PMRA) as well as various NGO’s and other stakeholders. Negotiating risk mitigation and implementation measures with chemical registrants and other stakeholders. Developed familiarity with pesticide regulation and review procedures, and the writing of pesticide regulations review decisions.
- Herbaceous Plants class 1&2- learned the cultural needs and ornamental traits of many herbaceous plants whilst also developing field identification skills.
- Woody Plants class 1,2 & 3- learned the cultural needs and ornamental traits of woody plants whilst also developing field identification skills with a focus on the concepts of native and invasive plants.
- Arboriculture- advanced understanding of woody plants, their morphology, and biology.
- Woody Plant Diagnostics- Identification of various pests and diseases and how they detriment plants biologically.
- Entomology- learned skills in pest identification, Arthropod taxonomy, Arthropod life-cycles
- Ecological Topics- studying forest succession, plant importance value calculations, collecting and analyzing data, presenting data in slideshows
- Botany- studying plant morphology, photosynthesis, metabolism, physiology
- Plant Pathology- studies the various types of pathogens (bacteria, fungi, viruses, nematodes, etc.) and how they impact agriculture.
- Plant disease and diagnosis- worked as an intern in the plant pathology ID lab, developing skils in various diagnostic techniques on a multitude of plant pathogen.
- Integrated Pest Management- understand the various types of management and how to use them synergistically for better pest control and less negative environmental and economic impact
- Weed science- studied and developed identification skills of problematic weeds in southern agriculture and techniques to manage them.
- Pesticides & Transgenic crops- learn the science behind and commercial uses of pesticides and agricultural biotechnology as well as they various techniques used to create them.
- Biological control and Crop specific insect management.
- Sustainable Gardening- learned and practiced sustainable gardening techniques and practices
- Horticulture 1 & 2- developed fine gardening technique and the procedure for various types of garden maintenance
- FSU Dean List Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014
Awarded to students who maintain a GPA above 3.30 that semester.
- 2009 Master Gardeners Scholarship
Scholarship awarded to applied student interested in pursuing a career in the horticultural field.
- 2012 MatinecockGarden Club Scholarship
Professors of Horticulture department choose one student whose academic and extracurricular performance they deem worthy of this award donated by the Matinecock Garden Club.
- 2014 Second District Federated Gardens Clubs Scholarship
Professors of department choose one student whoseacademic performance they deem worth of this award.
- Student President of the FSU Horticulture Club2013-2015
Leading in planning, managed $10,000 plus budget, executing club activities, arranging and hosting weekly meetings, field trips, developing networking, event planning, and fundraising skills all while furthering my knowledge of Horticulture.
- Member of Botanical Society of America Farmingdale Chapter
Plan & Participate in research activities relating to botany and ecology, to further my knowledge and experience in those subjects.
- Student Government Association member
plan and execute educational and recreational activities for the student body on the UGA Tifton campus