Revised: Spring 2016
Undergraduate Curriculum Forum
Directions for Revised Program Proposal
Signature Sheet (return to form)
· Indicate the Program (BA/BS), Major, and Concentration (if applicable)
· Contact Information
· Department Votes (Departmental Curriculum Committee Votes)
· Program proposal form must be signed by the Department Chair and the Department Curriculum Committee Chair, if appropriate, before submitting to UCF Office, EN-C216.
Required attachments sent as scanned documents:
· Current catalog description with proposed edits marked. It may be helpful to enlarge each page on the photocopier and mark your edits.
· Current online degree evaluation with proposed edits marked (for directions, see
· If this proposal has an effects on another department(s) please list the department(s).
· Your department must notify the chair(s) of the affected department(s) and you must attach copies of the notification email or memo from your department.
· While an acknowledgment of notification from the affected department(s) is not required, if you receive an acknowledgment email/memo from the affected department(s), please also attach.
· Be sure to include the email(s) or memo(s) in the appendices at the end of the summary sheet and indicate that you have done so by checking the box.
· Education Certification programs housed outside the School of Education must notify the chair of the SOE SCC; please include a response to this notification. This is intended to ensure that certification programs are still meeting accreditation requirements.
· If no other departments are affected by this proposal, check the box labeled “No Departments Are Affected.”
After completing forms:
1) Original Signature Sheet must be submitted to the UCF office (copies of the Signature Sheet will not be accepted). The Signature Sheet must be signed appropriately as described in Box 2 and sent to the UCF office, EN C 216. The proposal will not be forwarded to the School Curriculum Committee (SCC) until the Signature Sheet has been received.
2) Email the entire completed form as one attachment named RPP (dept. code) (e.g. RPP EDU) to the UCF Office at . Include: a) Signature Sheet, b) Summary Sheet and c) attachments/appendices.
Summary Sheet Directions (return to Summary Sheet form):
Field 1: Proposed Effective Term
Allow sufficient time for proposal to be approved by various entities. Adhere to Catalog Deadlines if you wish to ensure that your course will appear in the copy of the Undergraduate Catalog. Please note that if a proposal requires numerous revisions, suggested time frames might not be sufficient.
Field 2: Program
· Fill in the Program (BA/BS), Major and Concentration (if applicable), or Minor.
· For example:
· Program: BS, Major: Business, Concentration: Marketing
· Program: BS, Major: Anthropology, Concentration: Biological
· Program: BA, Major: English, Concentration: NONE
Field 3: Overall Requirements
· Current Overall Required Credits can be found on the top portion of the Current Online Degree Evaluation
· Current Overall GPA Required can be found on the top portion of the Current Online Degree Evaluation
· Proposed Overall Required Credits (minimum 120 credits)
· Proposed Overall GPA Required (minimum 2.0)
Field 4: Major Requirements (Minor Requirements, if applicable)
Please list any requirements that are being either deleted or added in the spaces provided. You only need to indicate requirements that are changing.
· Indicate any Deleted Requirements
· Indicate any Added Requirements
Field 5: Cognate Requirements
Please list any cognate courses that are being either deleted or added in the spaces provided. You only need to indicate requirements that are changing.
· Indicate any Deleted Cognates
· Indicate any Added Cognates
Field 6: LEP Tier Restrictions
If your program revision affects LEP Tier 1, 2, or 3 restrictions for the major, please indicate and provide the LEP Tier Category (for example, T1CT for Tier 1, Critical Thinking).
· Indicated deleted LEP Tier restricted course(s).
· Indicate added LEP Tier restricted course(s).
Field 7: Other Requirements:
Indicate any other changes to the requirements of the program that are not indicated in the fields 4-6.
Field 8: Rationale
The rationale for a program revision will describe the reasons for the changes, with particular reference to how they improve the program. The level of detail and explanation depends on the extent to which the program is changed. Therefore, a program revision that involves changing only a single course can be very brief, while major revisions in the program will require a more in-depth explanation. Be as clear and specific as possible.