Dr. Fortunato-Tavares received a B.A. in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology from Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, a M.Phil. and a Ph.D. in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences from The Graduate Center, City University of New York, and a Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Sciences from Universidade de Sao Paulo. Prior to joining the Faculty at Lehman College, she was a postdoctoral researcher at Universidade de Sao Paulo. Dr. Fortunato-Tavares has collaborated with researchers from South America, United States and Europe. Her research interests include language development and disorders in children with cochlear implants, specific language impairment, fluency disorders, autism, and Down syndrome. More specifically, Dr. Fortunato-Tavares’ research focuses on the interchange among linguistic, auditory, suprasegmental, and cognitive factors on sentence processing.
Undergraduate and Graduate Education
B.A. Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
M.Phil. The Graduate Center, The City University of New York
Ph.D. The Graduate Center, The City University of New York
Ph.D. School of Medicine, Universidade de Sao Paulo
Courses Taught
SPV 312 Bilingualism
SPE 700 Research Methods
Fortunato-Tavares, T., Howell, P., Schwartz, R. G., Andrade, C. F. (2016). Accuracy, Speed and Working
Memory Influences on Sentence Comprehension in Brazilian Children Who Stutter, Applied
Psycholinguistics, ,1-25.
Fortunato-Tavares, T., Andrade, C. F., Befi-Lopes, D., Limongi, S. O., Fernandes, F. D., Schwartz, R. G.
(2015). Syntactic comprehension and working memory in children with Specific Language Impairment,
Autism or Down Syndrome. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 29, 499-522.
Befi-Lopes, D., Andrade, C. F., Juste, F. S., Cáceres-Assenço, A. M., Fortunato-Tavares, T. (2014).
Speech fluency in children with specific language impairment. Audiology - Communication Research, 19,
Andrade, C. F., Juste, F. S., Fortunato-Tavares, T. (2013). Lexical priming in fluent and with developmental
stuttering children. CoDAS, 25, 95-101.
1.8751Fortunato-Tavares, T.2012Fortunato-Tavares, T., Andrade, C. F., Befi-Lopes, D., Hestvik, A., Epstein, B., Tornyova, L., Schwartz, R.
G. (2012). Syntactic Structural Assignment in Brazilian Portuguese-Speaking Children with Specific
Language Impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 55, 1097-1111.
2Hoshino, Ana Cristina Hiromi2012Hoshino, A. C. H., Cruz, D. R., Goffi-Gomez, M. V. S., Befi-Lopes, D. M., Matas, C. G., Fortunato-Tavares, T., Tsuji, R. K. (2012). Audiometric evolution in cochlear implant users. Revista CEFAC, 15, 297-304.
3Talita Fortunato-Tavares2011Fortunato-Tavares, T., Befi-Lopes, D., Bento, R. F., Andrade, C. F. (2011). Children with cochlear implants:
communication skills and quality of life. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 78, 15-25.
Mota, J., Fortunato-Tavares, T., Tsuji, R. K., Bento, R. F., Matas, C. G., Andrade, C. F., Befi-Lopes, D. M.
(2010). Effect of Parent’s Orientation Program on Lexical Development of Children with Cochlear Implants.
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 15, 54 - 58.
Fortunato-Tavares, T., Rocha, C. N., Andrade, C. F., Befi-Lopes, D., Schochat, E., Hestvik, A., Schwartz,
R. G. (2009). Linguistic and Auditory Temporal Processing in Children with Specific Language Impairment.
Pró-Fono, 21, 279 -284.
Fortunato-Tavares, T. (2008). Eye Tracking and Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences: Current Theory and Practice. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia,13, 413 - 414.
Fortunato-Tavares, T., Andrade, C. F., Souza, A. F., Carvalho, A. C. M., Scwhartz, R. G. (2015). Prosodic Effects on Syntactic Disambiguation in Adults with and without Cochlear Implants. American Speech, Language and Hearing Association Convention, Denver.
Fortunato-Tavares, T., Andrade, C. F., Scwhartz, R. G. (2013). Sentence processing in children who
stutter. American Speech, Language and Hearing Association Convention, Chicago.
Fortunato-Tavares, T., Andrade, C. F., Befi-Lopes, D., Limongi, S., Fernandes, F., Scwhartz, R. G. (2012).
Syntax & working memory in SLI, Down syndrome and autism. ASHA Convention, Atlanta.
Rocha, C. N., Fortunato-Tavares, T., Ortega, N., Befi-Lopes, D., Andrade, C. F., Schochat, E. (2012). Artificial Intelligence and Audiology: SLI Diagnosis with Speech-ABR. Audiology Now Convention - American Academy of Audiology, Boston.
Fortunato-Tavares, T., Rocha, C. N., Fortunato-Tavares, Befi-Lopes, D., Andrade, C. F., Schochat, E. (2012). Temporal Processing and Syntactic Complexity in Specific Language Impairment. Audiology Now Convention - American Academy of Audiology, Boston.
Fortunato-Tavares, T., Andrade, C. R., Befi-Lopes, D., Limongi, S. O., Fernandes, F. D., Schwartz, R. G. (2011). Predicate structural assignment in SLI, autism and Down syndrome. American Speech, Language and Hearing Association Convention, San Diego.
Schwartz R. G., Fortunato-Tavares, T., Hestvik, A., Tropper, B, Torynova, L. (2011). Oral presentation:
Eye-Tracking Studies of Structural Assignment and Working Memory in Specific Language Impairment.
Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Montreal.
Fortunato-Tavares, T., Befi-Lopes, D., Bento, R. F., Andrade, C. F. (2011). Oral presentation: Relationship between communication skills and quality of life in children with cohlear implants. 10th Otorhinolaryngology Foundation Conference, Gramado.
Juste, F.,Befi-Lopes, D., Andrade, C. F., Fortunato-Tavares, T. (2011). Oral presentation: EPrime method: linguistic processing and working memory in specific language impairment. 19th Brazilian Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences Conference and 8th International Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences Conference, 2011, São Paulo.
Fortunato-Tavares, T., Rocha, C. N., Befi-Lopes, D. M., Schochat, E., Andrade, C. F., Schwartz, R. G.
(2010). Relationship between Temporal Processing and Sentence Complexity in SLI. American Speech,
Language and Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia.
Fortunato-Tavares, T., Andrade, C. F., Befi-Lopes, D., Hestvik, A., Schwartz, R. G. (2010). Working Memory Effects on Syntactic Comprehension in Specific Language Impairment American Speech, Language and Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia.
Schwartz, R. G., Fortunato-Tavares, T., Hestvik, A., Tropper, B., Torynova, L. (2010). Structural Assignment in SLI: Group Patterns and Individual Differences for Predicates and Reflexives. Child Language Seminar, London.
Sousa, F., Goffi-Gomes, M. V., Befi-Lopes, D., Fortunato-Tavares, Tsuji, R. K. (2010). Effect of CI technology and electrode position on intraoperative Neural Response Telemetry. 11th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Auditory Technologies, Stockholm.
Fortunato-Tavares, T., Befi-Lopes, D., Andrade, C. F. (2010). Linguistic processing and working memory: online effects in specific language inpairment. 18th Brazilian Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences Conference, Curitiba.
Fortunato-Tavares, T. (2010). Oral presentation: Language assessment in children who are candidates for
cochlear implantation]. 10th Otorhinolaryngology Foundation Conference, São Paulo.
Fortunato-Tavares, T., Andrade, C. F., Bento, R. F. (2010). Relationship between Lexical and Audiotry Skills and Parent Perception on the Quality of Life of Children with Cochlear Implants. 9th Conference of Otorhinolaryngology Foundation, São Paulo.
Fortunato-Tavares, T., Andrade, C. F., Befi-Lopes, D., Hestvik, A., Schwartz, R. G. (2010). Working Memory Effects on Syntactic Comprehension in Specific Language Impairment. American Speech, Language and Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia.
Fortunato, T., Rocha, C. N., Befi-Lopes, D., Schochat, E., Andrade, C. F. (2009). Association between
auditory temporal processing and syntactic complexity in children with specific language impairment. 17th
Brazilian Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences Conference and 1st Iberian-American Speech
Language and Hearing Sciences Conference, Salvador.
Andrade, C. R., Queiros, D. P., Lima, J., Fortunato-Tavares, T. (2009). Electromyographic speech profile: comparison between children who do and do not stutter. 17th Brazilian Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences Conference and 1st Iberian-American Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences Conference, Salvador.
Fortunato-Tavares, T. (2009). Oral presentation: Aurioral language rehabilitation in children with cochlear implants. 8th Conference of Otorhinolaryngology Foundation, Salvador.
Fortunato-Tavares, T., Hestvik, A., Tropper, B., Schwartz, R. G.. (2008). Oral presentation: Eye Tracking
Studies in Structural Assignment in Children with SLI - 1 hour seminar. American Speech, Language and
Hearing Association Convention, Chicago.
Andrade, C. F., Goncalves, V., Fortunato-Tavares, T. (2007). Family profile of speech fluency
electromyographic response to rest, maximum and minimum labial tension. 15th Brazilian Speech
Language and Hearing Sciences Conference and 1st International Speech-Language and Hearing
Sciences Conference, Gramado.
Rossi, M. P., Faustino, K. A., Morato, P. F., Fortunato, T., Ferreira, P. M. (2008). Attention déficits in
children witrth autism spectrum disorders: social orientation. 14th Brazilian Speech-Language and Hearing
Sciences Conference, Salvador.
Fortunato, T., Andrade, C. F. (2006). Oral presentation: Heredity influence on the sequential motor hability
in children who stutter. 14th International Undergraduate Symposium of Scientific Initiation of University of
Sao Pasulo – SIICUSP, Ribeirão Preto.
2011 - Best research in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. 10th Otorhinolaryngology Foundation
Conference, Gramado, Brazil.
2009 - Diversity Champion, American Speech-Language Hearing Association.
2009 - Excellence in Speech Language and Hearing Sciences, Brazilian Speech, Language and Hearing
Fellowships and grants
2013- 2016, Postdoctoral fellowship (FAPESP – The São Paulo Research Foundation)
2012, International travel grant (FAPESP - The São Paulo Research Foundation)
2009 – 2012, Doctoral fellowship (Capes - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Education)
2009 – 2011, International travel grant (Universidade de São Paulo)
2009 – 2010, Teaching fellowship (Medical School, Universidade de São Paulo)
2008 – 2009, University fellowship (The Graduate Center of The City University of New York)
2007 – 2008, Presidential fellowship (The Graduate Center of The City University of New York)
2005, Exchange student fellowship (Universidade de São Paulo – St. John’s University)
2006, Undergraduate research grant (FAPESP - The São Paulo Research Foundation