Student Name:Date:
Topic: Reading a book with storyboard props and a glove puppet
Grade Level:
· 5.1 Demonstrate enjoyment of literacy and literacy related activities.
Objective/s of Lesson: Student will be able listen to a book being read to them aloud with the use of a storyboard and a glove puppet with sea creatures recreated from the book.
Time Required: _30 minutes
Equipment/Materials Needed:
· Book Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea by Jan Peck
· 1 glove puppet with student prepared sea creatures to match, glued to each finger
· A storyboard with student prepared sea creatures and images from the book
· 1 set crayons/student
· 1 paper fish pattern per student to color
· 1 ziploc bag of ¼ cup goldfish crackers per student
Set/Introduction: Sample questions to ask students, so they are anticipating what they are going to learn.
1. “Have you ever seen a whale, dolphin, starfish, or fish before?”
2. “Have you ever swam in the sea before?”
Tell Objective: “Students, today you will learn about some creatures found in the sea..”
Lesson Outline:
1. Point to the title, author of the book, and each sentence, as you read Way Down Deep aloud.
2. Use the glove puppet with the sea creatures attached to each finger, wriggle each creature as it appears on each page of the story.
3. After showing each sea creature on the glove puppet, as it appears in the book, have each student 1 at a time, place the matching sea creature on the storyboard. Ask students questions after reading each page of the book.
3. Using crayons, have students color paper fish pattern.
4. Pass out 1 ziploc bag of goldfish crackers to each student to put into their cubbie.
Assessment: In order to determine if the students learned the objective, ask each student to point to each of the related props on the storyboard as you say aloud the names of the sea creatures that appear in the book.
Closure: Review each of the sea creatures in the book, using the glove puppet.
Assesment: Ask students to tell you the names of each sea creature from the book, while you point to them on the storyboard.
Evaluation: Write how you thought the lesson went.
Suggestions for next time: What would you do differently if you were to teach this lesson again?