ECEN 3711Intro to lab equipment, safety, and writing[10 points] Lab #0
Purpose: To find and use laboratory equipment. To consider laboratory safety. To practice report writing.
Equipment: See below. Equipment in the lab and equipment rooms.
Report writing: Find the ECEN.3711.Lxx.pdf file and study that example for how you write your reports. This example could be improved, and perhaps your report can become an improved example.
- Report writing. Study the ECEN.3711.Lxx.pdf file. List and describe the format, data, and writing style that you see in this example report.
This should be an example for every lab report you write in this lab course. [2 pts]
- Safety concerns. Find the file on safety (YSU_ECEN_Electrical_Safety R1.0D1.pdf) and write some brief but coherent comments about each item as you think it could pertain to our ECEN-3711 lab setting. [3 pts]
- Look around this room (the room-3040 lab and back room) and make a list of equipment you think will be suitable for making electronic measurements and building circuits. Your list should include manufacturers, model numbers, and names of the equipment. For example, Agilent, model 12321, function generator. Put your list in an easily readable table form. [1 pts]
- Use a function generator and an oscilloscope and do some measurements with them. Research the significance and effect of a 10:1 probe for the scope. Experiment by measuring a square wave. Describe what you do and what you learn about the 10:1 probe. Describe some things the function generator and scope can do for you as an experimenter. [2pts]
- Leaveat least ½ hour to finish writing up your lab report, andlist some ideas for further work you could do if time allowed it. [2pts]
Read your lab sheets carefully each week and print them before coming to lab. Be sure to ask questions about anything that is not clear to you.
Finish this lab work on time, but do not leave early on this one. Fill your time with useful work.
* Also please view this electrical-safety.mp4 file at a non-lab time. It concerns safety and may contain things about which you were not aware:
Notethat it must be viewed on the YSU system network and that you need sound.
P.Munro 15-August-2015 05:14 PM