The Church of the Holy Nativity
Under the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter
The Transfiguration of the Lord
Aug 6, 2017
For the people of Holy Nativity Parish
The Transfiguration of the Lord
Fr. Jack D. Barker, Celebrant
Opening Hymn # 465
Collect for Purity
Summary of the Law
Kyrie eleison
Gloria in Excelsis
Collect of the Day
First Reading – Daniel 7:9-10 13-14
Psalm: 97:1-2 5-6 9
The Lord is King, the most high over all the earth
Second Reading: Letter of St. Peter 1:16-19
"Alleluia, alleluia"
This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased; listen to him
"Alleluia, alleluia"
Holy Gospel – Mathew 17: 1-9
Homily - Fr. Jack+
The Nicene Creed
Intercession (Form III)
Penitential Rite
The Comfortable Words
Offering (collection taken now) Hymn # 591
Preparation of the Altar
Prayer over the Offerings
Eucharistic Prayer - (Roman Canon)
Sursum Corda & the Sanctus
Prayer of Consecration
The Lord’s Prayer
The Peace
Breaking of the Bread
The Agnus Dei
The Prayer of Humble Access
The Administration of the Sacrament+
(Communion is taken by intinction, (placed on your tongue) if you wish not to receive the wine, the blood of Christ place you finger over your lips when the Priest comes to you and he will give you the host, body of Christ only.)
The Prayer of Thanksgiving
Concluding Rite
Closing Hymn # 709
+Bold type said together.
Announcements for the Week
Father Jack will be attending an ordination in the Diocese of San Bernardino this week and will be gone from Thursday to Saturday August 10-12. He will be back for Sunday Mass on the 13th.
Tuesday August 15 is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and is a Holy Day of Obligation for all Catholics. Mass will be offered at Holy Nativity at 10:00 a.m. Those unable to attend at this hour may attend one of the Masses at St. Philips Catholic Church.
Saints this Week
Monday August 7- St. Sixtus ll, Pope,Companiuons, Martyrs (born Greece-d.258)
Tuesday August 8 – St.Dominic, Priest (1170-1221)
Born in Spain he was the Founder of the Order of Preachers or Dominicans. Later when a Dominican became pope he wore the white habit of the Dominicans instead of the customary scarlet that popes used to wear. To this day this is why popes wear a white cassock. St. Dominic is the patron of the Doninican Republic and of astronomers.
Thursday August 10 – St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr (225-258)
Friday August 11 – St. Clare, Virgin (1194-1253)
She is the patron of eye disorders and Television.
Saturday August 12 – St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious
Jane Frances was wife, mother, nun, and founder of the Visitations, nuns of humility and meekness.
Thank you for increasing your pledges…it has helped greatly with our budget.
The Church the Holy Nativity is a Roman Catholic Church within the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter.
An Ordinariate is like a diocese except the jurisdiction is over particular persons rather than a specific geographic territory. For example the Catholic Diocese of Tucson includes Payson, Arizona. However, Holy Nativity is under Bishop Lopes of Houston Texas where the Home Office and Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham are located. This Ordinariate has parishes throughout the United States and Canada.
The Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter and two additional Ordinariates in other parts of the world were erected by Pope Benedict XVI as a way of protecting and preserving the richness, beauty and patrimony of the Anglican-Episcopalian tradition. Members of these Ordinariate parishes are fully catholic and enjoy the privileges of catholics everywhere.
In 1980 Pope John Paul II erected the Pastoral Provision which allowed married former Episcopalian/Anglican priests to be received into the Catholic Church and retain their marital status. At that time it was big news. Many hundreds of former Episcopalian priests have come into the Catholic Church throughout the world since 1980.
Congregations also were received into the Church at that time and since. Those early parish groups were under the jurisdiction of the local Roman Catholic Bishop. As the years passed numbers grew. In 2011 Pope Benedict XVI announced the establishment of the first Ordinariate for England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales; and, in 2012 the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter was established for the United States and Canada. Today all parish groups that were received under the Pastoral Provision are now an official part of the Ordinariate.
Are priests of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter Latin priests as well?
Yes. The Ordinariates are part of the Latin Rite. The Roman Catholic Church has several Rites of which the largest is the Latin Rite. Other Rites include the Byzantine Rite, Chaldean (who worship in the Arimean language that Jesus spoke), Antiochian (Maronite), Alexandrian (Coptic), etcetera. Priests ordained for the Ordinariate are Latin Rite priests and can celebrate in Latin Rite churches. Also regular Latin Rite priests can celebrate our liturgy when asked to do so by an Ordinariate priest.
Historic Moment.
These events with the restoration of Protestants to the full communion and unity of the Catholic Church are truly historic. It is the beginning of the healing of ancient disagreements which have prevented the Church of Christ from being fully united with one pope, one faith and one baptism. The ancient unity of the Catholic Church is being rebuilt. We thank Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI and now Pope Francis for their wisdom and pastoral care in allowing our full unity in the Catholic Church while recognizing and protecting our patrimony of worship, music, and pastoral evangelical style of caring for God’s people.
The Church of the Holy Nativity
1414 North Easy Street + Payson, Arizona 85541
The Most Rev. Steven J. Lopes – Bishop
The Rev. Fr. Lowell E. Andrews – Pastor
The Rev. Jack D. Barker-Visiting Priest
Sunday Mass 10:00 a.m.
Weekday - Wednesdays Mass & Holy Unction 10:00 a.m.
First Wednesday of the month, Benediction & Chaplet of Divine Mercy 5:30 p.m.