The following petitions shown on the 10 Downing Street Site either directly and indirectly affect the Armed Forces. I have filtered out all others getting rid of the ‘trees’ so you can see the ‘wood’.

They have been placed here by copy and paste action, so please be aware that ‘sic’ is applicable in every case. The grammar errors and misspellings are not of my doing.

Providing the expiration date is still extant, you can open and vote upon any of these issues by using CTRL + CLICK.

1. Under Business and Industry

force all UK based companies offering an online service to accept BFPO as a valid postcode. / Benjamin Kay / 2 November 2010 / 31

2. Under Economics and Finance

stop the taxation on income from pensions under £25000 per annum / A Simpson / 24 November 2009 / 260
Cancel the replacement of Trident submarines, thereby saving lives and billions of pounds. / Lucinda Mary Ellis / 2 January 2010 / 122
not tax works pensions under £15,000 pa and to allow the surviving wife or husband after the recipient of the pension has died to receive the full pension and not only a fraction of it and, also, to allow the State pension to be paid to the surviving wife or husband after the death of the recipient and for it, also, not to be taxed / Ed D'Silva / 1 April 2010 / 35
Increase the proportion of the Defence Budget spent on the British Army and Royal Marines / Mr Adem Aljo / 21 May 2010 / 23
In recognition of the sacrifices of the World War 2 Generation they should be exempt from all income and council tax. This generation has given enough to the rest of us / Martin Jones / 7 March 2010 / 11
Revoke bankers bonuses to support our soldiers. / Mr Garry Taylor / 20 October 2010 / 6
make income tax exempt servicemen and women who are seriously injured in the course of thier duties in conflict zones such as Iraq and Afghanistan, for the rest of thier lives. / Michael R Baxter / 19 June 2010 / 4

3. Under Employment, jobs and careers

retain HMS Sultan, the Royal Navy's engineering college in Gosport / Mr Peter Langdon / 12 April 2010 / 783
...provide parity between Soldiers (and other UK Forces) starting pay and other Public Servants. / Phil Jason Hill / 6 April 2010 / 19
Make Armed Forces Personnel tax free whilst on operations / Alan Andrews / 6 April 2010 / 12
introduce National Service for persons unemployed for more than 6 months. / Rebecca Marsh / 21 July 2010 / 11
Bring back compolsary national service to whoever leaves school with no GCSE's. / stephen weller / 6 December 2009 / 6
Soldiers in the Armed Forces, (Airforce, Navy & Army) should have the same working conditions as Police & Firemen = NO Deaths or Injuries in their careers. / Shirley Bond / 30 June 2010 / 6
Army train all prisoners and gangs in Britain and send them to the frontline in Afghanistan / Mrs Emma Wilson / 22 July 2010 / 6
to change the restrictions on tattoo policy for armed forces and police force give us all a chance. / gareth dickens / 28 September 2010 / 4
Allow citizens who wish to join the armed forces to be able to have laser eye surgery. / Stephanie Brownlie / 19 December 2009 / 4
Forces Pay Sort out JPA Fiasco / Mr Des Dodd / 6 April 2010 / 3

4. Under Government, politics and public administration

reconsider the decision to remove British Forces Post Offices from mainland europe. / Mrs Debra Stevens / 9 June 2010 / 48674
Keep all Territorial Army Centres open for duty. / Ben Allman / 30 November 2009 / 189
Seek Royal Patronage for Wootten Bassett in gratitude for its respect to HM Forces / Mr Ryan Jones-Ralph / 5 June 2010 / 147
Allow British sailors to smoke on ships if they want to. / David Gerrard / 9 December 2009 / 97
Change the requirement for members of the Armed Forces to pay Council Tax whilst on active service overseas / Steven Burton / 21 July 2010 / 63
Better equipment for our troops fighting in Afghanistan / MRS LORRAINE SHERWOOD / 29 July 2010 / 59
Stop Taxing Our Troops Wages Out In Iraq And Afghanistan / Pete O'Rourke / 13 November 2009 / 47
HMS Whimbrel back to the UKfor preservation / George Fancett / 3 February 2010 / 30
not allow the privatisation of search and rescue services currently supplied by the RAF and Royal Navy / Mr Arron Maytum / 23 July 2010 / 13
Allow use of BFPO postal service to UK based contractors working at MoD sites abroad / Stephen James Clarke / 21 December 2009 / 11
The Field Gun Competition was the greatest advertisement for the Royal Navy. You MUST re-instate this and the military pageant at Earls Court to encourage our youngsters to consider a career in the armed forces. / Stephen L Manlow / 22 July 2010 / 7
stop immigrant from entering UK, increase the police force on our streets and pull out our Men from Afganistan. / Ms Jacqueline.Hanna / 29 September 2010 / 7
recognise White Poppies as Remembrance Poppies / Penelope Bielckus / 19 November 2009 / 6
Please stop Taxing our Forces to much on their wages ESPECIALLY a BONUS / Lindsay McSporran / 19 December 2009 / 6
Send more soldiers to Afghanistan, to give support to the other soldiers' out in Afghanistan to complete this mission. With out the support they can't win the war without the resources. / Maria Dodsworth / 6 October 2010 / 6
allow the public to visit the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior with no charge. / Miss Caitriona McCartney / 10 September 2010 / 4
scrap all weapons of mass destruction in the UK. / Dr Kalvis M. Jansons / 28 September 2010 / 4
let the military wear their uniforms in public / Mr Sam Gardner / 6 October 2010 / 4
pay a pension to all who served in forces pre 1975 / k g mason / 6 April 2010 / 4
stop the training of Libyan troops by the SAS / Mr Leon Tambling / 28 March 2010 / 3

5. Under health, well-being and care.

Step in and stop them taking away the BFPO rights of all UK mil personel at NATO postings / mr paul cador / 8 June 2010 / 423
RE-OPEN a specialist Military Hospital In The UK to treat injured HM Forces and Veterans / marianna proietti ex RAMC war vet / 5 July 2010 / 114
Allow terminally ill ex-service personnel to take a Serious Ill Health Lump Sum from the Armed Forces Pension Scheme 75 in accordance with legislation introduced in April 2006 / Haydn Morgan / 4 June 2010 / 73
Help the forgotten ex service personnel whose lives have been affected by homelessness. / Bill Murray / 11 November 2010 / 62
Allow Ghurka Widows & Their Children, without having to re-apply for visa's, to remain in the United Kingdom / Les Pickering / 11 May 2010 / 33
grant an amnesty to second world war veterans with regard to cost in care homes. / Mrs Kathie French / 3 August 2010 / 24
Stop members of HM forces having to pay for their meals / William Boyd / 2 February 2010 / 10
allow dependants of members of the armed forces priority allocation of an NHS dentist. / Marc Shackleton / 3 February 2010 / 9
move towards reducing the scale of UK armed forces to that of a defensive rather than offensive function / Ms S Winter-Smith / 5 October 2010 / 4

6. Under Housing

provide acceptable living condition for personnel serving at RAF Brize Norton and other military establishments / Mrs Sarah Ginn / 9 May 2010 / 50
Stop the proposed "Eco Town" at RAF Newton, Bingham, Nottinghamshire / Keith Agar / 27 November 2009 / 25
Support the Ex-Service People, Let the Government Pay their Mortgage's / Lord Derek Davies / 27 April 2010 / 2

7. Under Information and Communications

Publish monthly accounts detailing the cost of operations in Afghanistan and Iraq / Gary Sewell / 24 March 2010 / 5

8. Under International affairs and defence

rename the streach of road (B3102) between RAF Lyneham and Wootton Basset, HIGHWAY OF HEROES. / George D Ryan / 27 January 2010 / 8904
abandon the six-month halt to training in the Territorial Army. / Matthew Harris / 13 November 2009 / 5648
bring the troops home from Afghanistan. Noting the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, and the destabilisation of Pakistan arising from the NATO military intervention in the region, and believing that only the Afghan people themselves can generate a political solution to their country’s problems, we therefore demand that the government commence the withdrawal of all British military forces from Afghanistan. / Stewart Halforty / 14 November 2009 / 2700
publicly express admiration, respect and honour all HM Armed Forces wherever they may. They work day and night, year round under immense pressures to ensure our Nations Defence, this covers all operational and support roles from Afghanistan to the Falkland Islands. Thank You. / Mr A Morland / 23 March 2010 / 2218
'bring pressure to bear on The Chief of the Defence Staff and The Secretary for Defence, to re-submit a recommendation to the H. D. Committee to issue a Campaign Medal to all members of Bomber Command in WW2. / Ron Scales / 20 November 2009 / 1936
stop all spending on the Eurofighter Typhoon Tranche 3 / Patrick Seurre / 8 June 2010 / 662
Stop the £24bn defence cut and give serving soldiers the much needed equipmnet they NEED and help stop the number of lives that are being lost in the war zone!! Stop sending young soldiers to their deaths! / Mrs Fiona Graveney / 21 January 2010 / 476
for the MOD to pay parity rates of compensation to injured members of the Armed Forces in parity with Civilian rates of compensation or higher. / Bernard Fox (Ex-RPC) / 27 July 2010 / 455
SAVE THE ROYAL FLEET AUXILLIARY (RFA) under threat of RN & Government DEFENCE CUTS / Sheena Brown / 12 February 2010 / 305
stop any further cuts to our armed forces, to do so would be wholly irresponsible and place the security of our nation in danger / Neil Allison / 16 December 2009 / 290
honour the government's obligation to compensate wounded service personnel to reflect the full long-term implications of their injuries, physical and mental and the cost of care to their families. / Julie Castleford / 29 January 2010 / 250
pass a new law making it illegal to impersonate, misrepresent, or falsify connections (past or present) with HM Forces including the wearing of uniforms complete or in part and the adorning of medals awarded either for campaign service, long service and services of distinction for which they are not entitled. Further to this and in particular, we would request that the government consider making it a criminal offence for those who aspire to make personal or corporate financial gain from such acts of fraudulent deceit. / Mr Adam Williams / 29 January 2010 / 242
make it illegal for hostelries to discriminate and refuse entry to 'Forces personnel' / Tracy Gibson / 14 September 2010 / 193
ensure that every time a serviceman/woman is lost in action, a serving member of the Cabinet is present when the coffin arrives back on UK soil. / CherylCaves / 9 December 2009 / 177
award medals to our Armed Forces for every single tour they undertake / Miss Juliet Morrice / 26 October 2010 / 138
build another two Type 45 (Daring Class) Destroyers. / Mr Matthew Bate / 13 November 2009 / 116
Instruct the relevant Government parties to recognise The Royal Observer Corps with full Veteran status. / David Watson ROCA (Rtd) / 20 July 2010 / 107
Award the South Atlantic Medal(Without rosette) / Ian Mcvitie / 27 July 2010 / 76
Move the 2 Rifles Battalion back to the mainland UK / Rob Grimes / 17 November 2009 / 73
make attendance of repatriation ceremonies of our armed forces killed on operations compulsory for either the PM or a senior cabinet minister. / Darren Evans / 21 July 2010 / 62
Fly all Union Jacks on or outside government buildings at half mast on the days our soldiers are repatriated / Diane roper / 30 July 2010 / 59
Fund and build a state of the art Hospital dedicated to all Armed forces Veterans / Sean K.P.Pullen / 19 March 2010 / 54
attend the funeral of every member of the armed forces that are killed in Afghanistan & Iraq / Brian Lingard / 6 May 2010 / 53
immediatly announce an independant public enquiry headed by an independant body to review the levels of equipment needed by our armed forces, and to action any recommendations made by such an enquiry. / Mr Luke Martin / 4 November 2010 / 49
British Flag for the British Army - The EU flag has no place. / Piers Alexander Wilson / 6 April 2010 / 42
Stop the strategy to discharge disabled service personnel and offer them redeployment into other posts / John Richard Berry OBE / 22 September 2010 / 39
immediately withdraw our troops from Afganistan and use them to protect our ports and help police and the intelligence services in the fight against home grown terrorists. / Sarah Jayne Davies / 28 September 2010 / 39
Save 58 Signal Squadron North Staffs. / peter edge / 9 December 2009 / 36
ensure that our troops on the ground are properly equipped to do their jobs / John Trask / 30 April 2010 / 33
Introduce Identity Cards for retired military personnel. / Sqn Ldr Alan Flewitt RAF(retd) / 12 June 2010 / 25
To save the Former USAFE, RAF Upper Heyford AFB Site. / Stuart wormald / 16 December 2009 / 24
Create a day seperate to that of November 11th dedicated to our Troops to show them we are proud of them! / David Turner / 17 March 2010 / 23
Pass a Law stating that the Minister for Defence must have served at least four years in one of HM Armed Forces, and have had no serious disciplinary actions taken against them / Master Christopher Leavesley / 5 May 2010 / 22
Grant better Equipment and Pay for our all Servicemen / Lynne Harper / 21 January 2010 / 20
To return frontline troops from Afghanistan unless or until the reinforcements of helicopters, personnel carriers and manpower requested by the military are provided immediately by the Government / Stephen Talbot / 21 July 2010 / 19
ncrease the pay of armed forces personal, to provide more support in terms of numbers of soldiers to our front lines, to provide more, better and advanced equipment to the armed forces that are fighting in Afganistan and to provide a better strategy in defeating the enemy while providing infrastructure to the people of Afganistan. / Luke Hilton / 23 July 2010 / 16
increase our soldiers pay especially those on tours such as Iraq and Afghanistan / Peter Njeru / 17 June 2010 / 15
Put Pressure on the Home Office to Issue a Military Service Veterans Medal / Mr Rob Beverton / 30 December 2009 / 15
Institute a military medal to be awarded to personnel invalided from military service / Dr David Styles / 20 October 2010 / 15
That no person should be able to claim asylum from any from country where British forces are currently engaged in combat operations. / mr james mckenna / 9 December 2009 / 14
attend the return of our dead war heroes at Wootton Bassett. / Cllr Tony Jones / 22 July 2010 / 14
maintain Great Britain as a Great Power, capable of shaping the world via decisive foriegn policy enabled by an Armed Forces capable of Strategic Raiding (RUSI: A Force for Honour) / Matthew Gray / 4 August 2010 / 14
Create a lasting memorial to the Heroes of World War One with a staute of Harry Patch the last one to finally pass away / jim macbeth / 27 January 2010 / 13
make the details of the number of service personnel injured on the front line freely available. / Paul Shannon / 17 March 2010 / 12
take action to co-operate with the UN and Britains allies to declare war on the pirates attacking merchant ships in international waters. / Richard Healing / 14 April 2010 / 12
commit the use of an adequate number of naval vessels to patrol the areas of seas and oceans where piracy is a threat to British registered vessels, and take appropriate action, using gunfire if necessary, to capture, sink, or disable the pirate vessels, with no regard for the wellbeing of the pirate crews, and to capture the crews alive if possible, provided that the safety of Navy vessels or personnel is not compromised. / Mr DAVID ILOTT / 5 May 2010 / 12
Maintain, support, and when necessary renew Britain's Trident nuclear defence system. / Rory Farrell / 19 June 2010 / 12
create a cemetery to the servicemen and women who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan. / Jonathan Beddoe / 2 January 2010 / 11
Give more fitting memorials to those who gave their lives on the Normandy Beaches / Donna Didderen / 5 March 2010 / 10
to place a memorial of recent war dead on the mp's entrance to the house of commons / mr stewart currie / 7 May 2010 / 10
abandon plans to privatise the training of Britain's armed forces / Andrew Thompson / 9 June 2010 / 10
To insure that parcells posted to our loved ones in the British Armed Forces in Afganistan are received in a timely fashion and not to be delayed as is the case at the moment. / diane russell / 15 March 2010 / 10
Increase the amount of dedicated beds for Service personnel at Selly Oak. / Ray Watson / 5 October 2010 / 10
keep the four Trident Submarines and not cut the united kingdoms nuclear capability / F.E.Sharpe / 28 February 2010 / 9
... remove Bob Ainsworth from his current Office / Steven Clutton / 5 December 2009 / 9
Save RAF Lyneham for the future / Neil Robinson / 7 May 2010 / 8
ensure that a member of the government is present for the repatriation of each serviceman who arrives back in this country from overseas / ian brocklebank / 22 April 2010 / 8
Build 3 new Royal Navy aircraft carriers, as opposed to just 2. / Ryan B / 30 July 2010 / 8
consider legislation to ammend the Disability Discrimination Act, which would allow diabetics to serve in HM Armed Forces / Aaran Johnson / 21 September 2010 / 8
have British Naval War graves protected from desecration and the law enforced where applicable / Mr Chris White / 23 March 2010 / 8
Go on patrol for a week with British Forces in Afganistan / Phil Birch / 28 March 2010 / 8
Raise British prestige by putting forward the need for a new Royal Yacht / Mark Crane / 3 February 2010 / 7
Increase the air capabilities of the Royal Navy's new CVF Carriers / Lewis Parker / 10 March 2010 / 7
Allow people whith controlled asthma to join the armed forces. / S Pardoe / 15 April 2010 / 7
do something about overweight members of the armed forces who can,t be sent out to places such as afghanistan because of there weight and being unfit due to it. / mrs sharon emery / 21 January 2010 / 7
carry out an independent review of the compensation system for physically and mentally wounded servicemen and women. / Councillor James Alexander / 8 March 2010 / 7
abandon all proposed cuts to the Territorial Army training budget / Oberon Houston / 27 April 2010 / 7
Make prisonmates fight in wars / Steve Watson / 21 November 2009 / 6
sex offenders serving in the armed services / R Gower / 6 April 2010 / 6
Update the annuity awarded to Victoria Cross & George Cross recipients / Jonathan Moore / 5 December 2009 / 6
Stop sending trooops under the age of 25 to Afghanistan on active service. / Catherine Hedley / 21 July 2010 / 6
Hold an urgent inquiry into the Afghanistan conflict. / Mr Terry Griffin / 22 July 2010 / 6
Transfer the founds on the war in Afghanistan to the State Pension fund / Simon Grove / 22 January 2010 / 6
Buy British troops in Afghanistan new helicopters instead of upgrading obsolete equipment / Julian Moore / 1 December 2009 / 6
replace HMY Britannia in time for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. / Adam Ant / 1 October 2010 / 6
Create a medal for service personnel wounded on operations. / Cameron Stewart / 22 January 2010 / 5
stop the MOD from sending the Household Cavalry to perform in Abu Dhabi / Ben Parish / 20 May 2010 / 4
bring the soliders back home from abroad / natalie rutter / 23 July 2010 / 4
ensure the two new aircraft carriers are both equipped with planes as well as helicopters. / Oliver Lines / 30 October 2010 / 4
authorise the RAF to increase the Tristar fleet / David Bennett / 18 June 2010 / 3
disband the Royal Air Force. / Ian Bennett / 21 July 2010 / 3
Award of LSGCM in retrospect. / Michael Charles Pavitt / 9 September 2010 / 3
Get real, either up troop numbers significantly in Afghanistan (much more than 500) or get out / Mr Mike Galloway / 15 December 2009 / 3
move the Special Air Service base in Credenhill, Hereford to a more secure and safe location away from Hereford City / Jeremy Godwin / 4 March 2010 / 2
remove Trident submarines from Scotland / Hamish Andrew Scott / 21 July 2010 / 2
Change the law to protect Britains armed forces from 'Bullet Chasing' lawyers. / Steve L / 21 July 2010 / 2
create a national cemetery for our fallen service men/women / Lee Bates / 22 January 2010 / 2
bring equality for women into the armed forces / Dean Payne / 31 January 2010 / 2
approach HM The Queen to approve of bars to the BURMA STAR / John Mellor OBE., QSM., / 6 April 2010 / 2
stop cost saving our Army. / Anne Cook / 20 December 2009 / 2
offer state funerals to soldiers killed en masse, notably in Afghanistan and Iraq / Mr. Lewis Mayo / 24 December 2009 / 1
Institute a clasp to the General Service Medal (1918-1962) inscribed "BRITFORJOR 1958" / Dr David Styles / 20 October 2010 / 1
We the people demand that the government without further delay purchase under the "Rapid procurement of equipment to meet urgent operational needs" the correct amount of helicopters as requested by commanders and soldiers. / Colin Watson / 12 February 2010 / 1

10. Under Life in the Community