JUNE 2016
JUNE 20-23, 2016
These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
Heat Treat Task Group (HTTG) Chair Tom Norris made opening comments and HTTG members introduced themselves.
1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check
The HTTG meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m., 20-Jun-2016.
It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAME* / Francesco / Acerra / Finmeccanica S.p.A. - Settore Aeronautica
Wojciech / Cmok / UTC Aerospace (Goodrich)
* / Karen / Dannis / BAE Systems
* / Martin / Day / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Luigi / Di Martino / The Boeing Company
* / Jean-Luc / Dupain / SAFRAN Group
* / Andreas / Elbs / Liebherr-Aerospace
* / Mark / Emerson / Rolls-Royce
* / Melissa / Facas / Pratt & Whitney
* / Cristina / Gonzalez-Perez / Airbus Defence & Space
* / Travis / Grohoske / GE Aviation
* / Greg / Haataja / Bell Helicopter Textron
* / Peter / Hammarbo / GKN Aerospace Sweden AB
* / Gerald / Harvey / Triumph Group, Inc.
* / Andy / Hopkins / BAE Systems – MAI
* / Dave / Isenberg / Parker Aerospace Group
David / Knack / Eaton
* / Takuya / Konno / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD.
* / Marc-André / Lefebvre / Héroux-Devtek Inc.
* / Stefan / Lemberger / Airbus Helicopters
Xiaohan / Loa / COMAC
* / William / Macias / UTC Aerospace (Goodrich)
* / Doug / Matson / The Boeing Company
* / John / Merritt / Sikorsky a Lockheed Martin Company
* / Alessandro / Miglio / Finmeccanica S.p.A. - Helicopter Division
Juan Antonio / Molina Aranda / Airbus Defence & Space
* / Tom / Norris / UTC Aerospace (Goodrich) / Chairperson
* / Matthias / Otton / LATECOERE
* / Eddy / Pham / Northrop Grumman Corporation
* / Marco Luigi / Poletto / Finmeccanica S.p.A. – Aeronautics Sector
* / Earl / Pruett / Lockheed Martin Corp.
* / Sunder / Rajan / Raytheon Co.
* / Alexandre / Richez / Airbus
Hayley / Roberts / GE Aviation
* / Josefa / Rodriguez Baena / Airbus Defence & Space
Victor / Schonberger / IAI - Israel Aerospace Industries
Naoki / Sogabe / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD.
Ranganathan / Srinivasan / ST Aerospace Ltd.
* / Mariusz / Stanczyk / Lockheed Martin Corp.
* / Takahiro / Tachibana / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD.
* / Marc / Taillandier / Airbus Helicopters
* / Jeffrey / Thyssen / GE Aviation
* / Cyril / Vernault / SAFRAN Group
* / Tom / Wilson / Bombardier Inc.
* / Grzegorz / Wryk / Rolls-Royce
Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAME* / Fernando / Alarcon De Lastra Halcon / CANAGROSA
James / Bolter / RTI Advanced Forming Ltd. (Alcoa)
* / Joshua / Crockett / Ellison Surface Technologies
* / Pedro / De La Lastra / CANAGROSA
Vicki / Delaney / Haynes International, Inc.
Bill / Dhillon / Senior Aerospace - Thermal Engineering
Ella / Dill / Nedschroef Aviation Fasteners GmbH
Markus / Fuchsmann / Otto Fuchs KG
Arie / Goldstien / Blades Technology Ltd.
Rudolf / Graf / Bohler Schmiedetechnik GmbH & Co KG
* / Alexander / Klyuch / Blades Technology Ltd.
Marek / Kosior / Polskie Zaklady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o.
Rick / Kuhns / Bristol Industries
Shelly / Lawless / Meyer Tool, Inc.
Gilles / Leroy / Aubert et Duval
* / Stuart / Mellor / Wyman Gordon Ltd.
* / Amir / Mendelovich / Techjet Aerofoils Ltd.
* / Mitch / Nelson / Bodycote
* / Ken / Nelson / Continental Heat Treating
Liesa / Noisten / Nedschroef Aviation Fasteners GmbH
Nick / Olpin / Wallwork Heat Treatment
* / Matthias / Otter / VDM Metals
Jon / Pickford / TATA Steel Specialty Steel
Martin / Pojer / LATECOERE Czech Republic s.r.o.
Stéphanie / Raison / Thermi-Lyon Developpement
Klaudiusz / Raszka / Alcoa, Inc.
Stan / Revers / Straight Aero Engineering Limited
Stan / Revers / Senior Aerospace - Thermal Engineering
* / Brian / Reynolds / Alcoa, Inc.
Andy / Roberts / TT Electronics Roxsfur
* / Bill / Rogers / Alcoa, Inc.
Thomas / Ruecker / Schneider Electric Systems Germany GmbH EUROTHERM
Jan / Seiler / Nedschroef Aviation Fasteners GmbH
* / Jeffrey / Sipf / Haynes International, Inc.
Klaus / Sommerauer / Bohler Schmiedetechnik GmbH & Co KG
Rudolf / Sporer / Böhler Edelstahl
Juliet / Stringer / Special Steels Ltd.
Patrycja / Surdej / Polskie Zaklady Lotnicze Sp. z o. o.
Lewis / Taylor / TATA Steel Specialty Steel
* / Wilfried / Weber / PFW Aerospace GmbH
* / Mark / Willis / Alcoa, Inc.
* / Nicholas / Wood / Firth Rixson Forgings Limited.
PRI Staff Present
Jerry / AstonMark / Burval
Marcel / Cuperman
Rob / Hoeth
1.2 Safety Information – Closed and Open
The Safety Information was reviewed. If there are any emergencies, contact a PRI Staff person immediately.
1.3 Review Code of Ethics and Meeting Conduct – Closed and Open
The code of ethics and meeting conduct was briefed to the HTTG.
1.4 Present the Antitrust Video – Video from PRI – Closed and Open
Marcel Cuperman briefed the HTTG on the policy of PRI expressly prohibiting video or audio recording of HTTG meetings unless formal approval is received from all attendees and recorded in the HTTG meeting minutes.
The PRI antitrust video was played for the attendees.
1.5 Review Agenda – Closed and Open
The HTTG reviewed the agenda for the week to highlight agenda items, including start time and stop times for each day.
Presentation given by Marcel Cuperman.
3.0 REview delegation status – closed
The HTTG reviewed the t-frm-07 for delegated Staff Engineers.
Motion made by Mark Emerson and seconded by Jeff Thyssen to continue to delegate Anne Allen. Motion Passed.
Motion made by Mark Emerson and seconded by Gerald Harvey to continue to delegate Jerry Aston. Motion Passed.
Motion made by Cyril Vernault and seconded by Sunder Rajan to continue to delegate Rob Hoeth. Motion Passed
Motion made by Jeff Thyssen and seconded by Gerald Harvey to continue to delegate Marcel Cuperman. Motion Passed.
For information only, Mark Burval status was reviewed. He will not be eligible to be delegated until February 2017.
4.0 Auditor consistency - closed
4.1 +/-4 NCRs
PRI Staff provided data on audits for the past four months where there had been +/- 4 NCR swing between audits. The HTTG will continue to collect this +/- 4 data and it will be monitored by the Auditor Consistency Team (ACT) which will provide reports and recommendations back to the HTTG to help direct auditor observation priority and provide reports and recommendations back to the HTTG.
Motion made by Earl Pruett seconded by Jeff Thyssen to have Auditor Consistency Sub-Team work to propose “threshold” criteria to trigger mandatory review of an auditor’s performance. Motion Passed Unanimously.
ACTION ITEM: Auditor Consistency Sub-Team to propose criteria for evaluation for further review of an auditor at the October 2016 Nadcap Meeting. (Due Date: 1-Oct-2016).
4.2 Auditor Variation Data
Marcel Cuperman presented Auditor Consistency data, which consisted of the average NCRs for all Auditors combined, and the average number of NCRs by Auditor from 2009 through May 2016. The average of all NCRs has not changed significantly since 2009, however there has been a drop in the average NCRs from 2014 to 2015 from 4.26 to 3.75. New data with respect to Major NCR’s issued in 2016 was also reviewed.
Top ten NCRs (Auditor Consistency Report) for the period June 2015 through May 2016 was presented by Marcel Cuperman.
There was a discussion on performing a “Self-Audit” and whether or not Job Audits are required. OP 1104 paragraphs 4.14 and 4.15 are not clear as to what is expected of the auditee in performing a self-audit.
Motion by Cyril Vernault and seconded by Jeff Thyssen to write an advisory which will mandate a self-audit, but not mandate job audits, but recommend it as a best practice. Motion Denied, 3 In Favor and 17 Opposed.
As per Question of the General Checklist, all Job Audits will be performed by the Auditee during the self-audit. As a point of clarification, although Nadcap Auditor will review this Supplier Self-Audit checklist, he will populate official Nadcap audit checklists with new job audits.
4.3 OP 1117 Standard Data Set
The standard data set results from 2015 were presented by the Staff Engineer.
5.0 Auditor observations – closed
There were five Auditor Observation forms reviewed for observations conducted since the February 2016 meeting. Staff Engineer and Supplier feedback were presented.
A recommendation for job audits for the HTTG Aluminum checklist was posted to optimize the number of job audits against that checklist. The HTTG will wait until the Nadcap Management Council (NMC) Audit Effectiveness Sub-Team comes up with recommendations from Job Tracker before deciding on revising the number of job audits.
Motion was made by Cyril Vernault and seconded by Alex Richez to adjust/change the number of Job Audits. Motion Denied.
An observation reviewed at the meeting triggered an item for the October 2016 Auditor Conference; Subject- Intimidation of the Auditor by the Auditee based on the observation of an Auditor that was influenced by the Auditee and not in control of the audit.
There are about 15 auditors scheduled to be observed. Request was again made for Prime HTTG Members to make time to perform these Observation audits.
6.0 subscriber voting member participation – closed
The following requests for additions or changes to voting membership were received and confirmed by the Task Group Chairperson pending verification of PD 1100 requirements:
· Subscriber Voting Member: UVM
· Alternate: ALT
· Task Group Chairperson: CHR
· Vice Chairperson: VCH
· Secretary: SEC
First Name / Surname / Company / Voting Member Type(new / updated) / Meetings Attended
Karen / Dannis / BAE Systems / UVM (new) / Oct 2015 / Feb 2016
Jean-Luc / Dupain / SAFRAN Group / ALT UVM (new) / Feb 2016 / June 2016
Marco Luigi / Poletto / Finmeccanica – Aircraft Division / ALT UVM (new) / Feb 2016 / June 2016
Luigi / Dimartino / The Boeing Co / ALT UVM (new) / April 2007 / June 2016
The Staff Engineers presented to the HTTG a chart showing Subscriber Voting Member (UVM) meeting attendance from March 2015 through February 2016 and HTTG ballots July 2015 to June 2016.
The compliance to voting requirements per PD 1100 were reviewed. The Chairman, Tom Norris will contact each Subscriber that is not in compliance with participation and/or balloting. The Chairman agreed that their voting status (UVM) will be maintained.
ACTION ITEM: Tom Norris to contact Subscribers that are not in compliance with voting requirements. (Due Date: 1-Oct-2016).
7.0 risk mitigation team report-out – closed
No date has been established for the transition of Risk Mitigation to the PRI Staff Engineers.
8.0 Google chat subjects – closed
A Summary of Google Chat Subjects was presented by Marcel Cuperman. It was agreed that each subject / question will be reviewed in the closed HTTG Meeting. Once agreement is reached by the HTTG, the subject and the decision / disposition will be added to the minutes.
ACTION ITEM: Staff Engineer to add all the Pyrometry related subjects and resolutions to the HTTG Pyrometry Handbook. (Due Date: 1-Oct-2016).
HTTG discussed and agreed that an Auditor Advisory is needed to describe how many tests need to be observed by an auditor during a job audit to satisfy material testing requirements.
ACTION ITEM: Mark Emerson and Cyril Vernault to write an Auditor Advisory. This advisory will be reviewed by HTTG before it is released. (Due Date: 1-Oct-2016).
9.0 auditor conference prepAration– closed
Proposed subjects were presented by Marcel Cuperman. We are requesting participation from other Subscribers to conduct presentations.
The importance of auditors attending the training / conference was discussed at length. All auditors must be strongly advised of possible repercussions if they fail to attend the October 2016 Auditor Conference to be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
10.0 failure Analysis & vca data – closed
The Staff Engineers presented the Audit Failure Data by sector and in total. Failed audits for 2016 is 1.0%.
In 2016 there were 3 Verification of Corrective Action audits (VCA) performed.
One Auditee required extension to allow for VCA to be conducted in April 2016 and was granted 30-day extension by the Staff Engineer.
12.0 appeals analysis & Possible appeals – closed
In 2016 there have been 3 appeals presented to the HTTG.
13.0 AUDIT ALLOCaTION– closed
Audit Allocations were made up through 31-Oct-2016. Any audits that do not have two reviewers will be assigned by HTTG Secretary, Sunder Rajan.
14.0 HT-STSTG meeting – open
See HT-STSTG minutes posted on www.eauditnet.com > Resources > Documents > Public Documents > Heat Treating > HTSTSTG.
Only Suppliers and Staff Engineers are allowed to participate.
Subscribers are welcome to observe.
15.0 Task group tutorial – open
Marcel Cuperman presented the HTTG Tutorial.
A microphone is available for anyone who would like to use it. Speak clearly, do not dismiss people’s opinions, emotional and off topics should be avoided.