INSTRUCTIONS: Complete all sections of this form if the tent or membrane structure is over 400 sq. ft. (with sides) or over 700 sq. ft. (without sides). The completed form and attachments should be submitted to the Environmental Health and Safety Office at least 15 days prior to your event to assure adequate coordination and approval. If you have any questions please contact EHS at 704 687-1111 or e-mailSECTION I. EVENT INFORMATION – This section of the application is to be completed by the Event Coordinator.
APPLICANT’S NAME: Click or tap here to enter text. DEPARTMENT: Click or tap here to enter text.
PHONE NUMBER: Click or tap here to enter text. E-MAIL ADDRESS: Click or tap here to enter text.
EVENT ADDRESS/LOCATION: Click or tap here to enter text.
NAME/TYPE OF EVENT: Click or tap here to enter text.
SET-UP DATE: Click or tap to enter a date. EVENT DATE(S) AND TIME(S): Click or tap here to enter text.
Please indicate if application is for: ☐TENT ☐MEMBRANE STRUCTURE Size of Tent/Membrane Structure: Click or tap here to enter text.
☐ ☐ / Has authorization for use of the space been secured from appropriate University department(s)?
☐ ☐ / Is tent >400 sq. ft., with sides or without sides 700 sq. ft.? If yes, permit is required.
☐ ☐ / Is tent/membrane structure certified as either flame resistant material or treated with flame retardant? (attach Certificate provided by manufacturer or vendor and material labeled.)
☐ ☐ / Is this an air supportedstructure?Ifyes, additional informationis required (see theNCFire Code).
☐ ☐ / Are 20ft.fire lanes providedto thetent?Is Fire Departmentvehicle access providedto within 150ft.of all points on
perimeter of the tent/membranestructure?
☐ ☐ / Is 20 ft. separation providedbetweenstructure andothertents, membranestructures,lotlines, buildinglines,parkedvehicles,orinternal combustionengines?Forthepurposeof determiningrequireddistances,support ropes and guy wires shall beconsideredaspartofthetent.
☐ ☐ / Does thetent haveflaps orsides?
☐ ☐ / Ifthetentdoes haveflapsorsides,are thereat leasttwomarkedexits thatareeachatleast72”wide?(For
occupancies 199see theNCFire Code)Are anycurtains at exits acolorthat contrast with thetent,free slidingon a
metal supportthatis aminimum of80 inchesabove the floor? Do any curtains at exitscompletelyopenso no part obstructs the exit? Are lit exitsigns withbatterybackup providedfortents with flaps orsides?
☐ ☐ / Are aisles freeof obstructionsand are the aisle clearancesat least44”provided inpublicareas?
☐ ☐ / Is smoking prohibitedintentand NOSMOKINGsignsposted?
☐ ☐ / Are openflames and otherdevices emittingflame,fire, heat or any flammable or combustibleliquids, gas charcoal or
othercooking devices maintainedatleast 20ft.away fromtent?(This does notinclude operations suchas warmingoffoods andsimilar operationsthat use solid flammables,butaneor othersimilar devices which donotpose anignitionhazard.)
☐ ☐ / Is all cookingand heatingequipmentmore than 10 ft.fromexits and combustible material?
☐ ☐ / Has combustiblevegetation beenremoved to a distanceof30 ft. fromthearea tobe occupied by the
tent/membrane structure?
☐ ☐ / Are appropriate restroom accommodationsprovidedforthe event? Indicate where: Click or tap here to enter text.
☐ ☐ / Are accessibilityfeatures,includinganaccessiblewalkingsurface,providedtoaccommodatepersonswith a disability? Note thatgrass is NOT anaccessible walking surface.
☐ ☐ / Will tent/membranestructurebemaintained ingoodconditionandadequatelyroped, bracedand anchoredto withstand theelements of weather and preventcollapsing? Ropes, guy wires,etc. mustbe readilyvisible to minimize triphazard.
☐ ☐ / Are fire extinguishers locatedwithin 75ft.of all pointswithinthe tent?
☐ ☐ / Certificate ofFlame Resistance
☐ ☐ / Indicate occupantloadbased onfollowingSFperperson‐5SFstanding,7SFseated, or15 SFseated with tables.If
occupant load >50 providedimensionedfloorplanshowingseating,tables,exitaisles, exitlocations,exitwidths and
equipmentin tent/canopy. Occupant Load: Click or tap here to enter text.
☐ ☐ / Dimensioned site planshowingtent/canopylocation, 20ft.separationfrom other structures,and FireDepartment vehicular access to within 150 ft.
EHS Review Date: Click or tap to enter a date. / SCO Approval: Click or tap here to enter text.