Special Issue on Foundation of P2P Computing

Journal of Computer Communications

Dear Reviewer, please use this form to send your review. DO NOT USE the journal’s generic review form. Please note this special issues review form asks few additional short questions at the end. Please upload (or email it to with subject field set to “P2P07”) or paste them as comments section in the web form at the end of review. Thanks.

Paper Number:
Paper Title:
Your Name:
Your Area(s) of Expertise:
Your Email:

1. Reviewer Blind Comments to Author:

Please include specific, detailed comments regarding the originality, scientific quality, relevance to the field of this journal, and presentation. Check the need for tables and figures, and the adequacy of the references.

Note that the authors will receive a copy of these specific comments, and a thorough evaluation of the paper is most helpful for the identification of the work's strengths and weaknesses, especially when a revision is necessary. Please be as specific as possible, and indicate why a paper is (un)acceptable and what is required to make it acceptable. Authors especially appreciate it if you cite references

supporting your comments.

2. Reviewer Confidential Comments to Editor:

Please include any confidential comments you wish to make. Make sure that these are consistent with your comments to the author.

Please return your report before the deadline assigned by the Editor. If you are not able to meet the deadline, then please contact your Editor or the Editorial Office.

Your contribution of valuable time and energy is much appreciated by the editors and authors, as well as the readers of this journal.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Review Form:


1. Is the topic of the paper relevant to the special issue?

2. Is the paper aimed at the readership?

3. Is the technical depth of the paper relevant to the special issue?




1. Is the paper needed (does it fill a gap)?

2. Are the references up to date?

3. Is the content (theories, concepts, methodologies) sound?

4. Does the originality of the material warrant publication?




1. Is the paper well organised?

2. Do any parts require further explanation of clarification?



RECOMMENDATIONS - Please indicate one of the choices below.

___Accept with no changes

___Accept if certain minor revisions are made

___Author should prepare a major revision for a second review

___Definitely reject

___Reject for this special issue but author is encouraged to submit for regular issue.


Please indicate if you feel that paper should be either:

___ Full research paper

____Research note

____Review / Tutorial paper

____Other (define) ______


1. Which category describes this manuscript?

___Practice/Application/Case Study/Experience Report



2. What is the main topic area of this paper?

___Performance/ Analysis of an Existing, proposed P2P

___ Search, Routing

___ Overlay Design, Self-organization

___ Trust, Social Engineering & Security

___ New Application or Service

___Others (Please specify)______

3. The work has theoretical underpinning?

___It proposes, extends or improves a theory/formal model (hashing etc.)

___Not directly, but it is based on a theory/formal model

___No theoretical relevance

___OTHER (Please specify)______

4. How relevant is this manuscript to the objective of this special issue? Please explain your rating.

___Very Relevant


___Interesting - but not very relevant


5. Please rate the manuscript. Explain your choice.

___Award Quality




Reviewer’s identity will be kept confidential.


Please type further comments and points that you wish to make here. You can use this space to help an author understand what revisions are necessary and why, or why their paper was rejected.