Approved SEC Meeting Minutes
Date: 28 May 2008
Steve Mills, Chair, SEC
David Law, Member SEC
Donna Hudson, Member SEC
Curtis Dodd
Todor Cooklev
Stuart Kerry
Amin Karim (DeVry University)
Eric Puskar (NIST)
Jennifer McClain
1. Unapproved 23 April 2008 Meeting Minutes2. Draft Market Survey Questions for Standards Workshops/Seminars and Spreadsheet with all Comments 3. Engagement opportunities with DeVry University4. Update on System Verilog Tutorial 5. Update and approval process for Policy Paper on the Role of Standards in Engineering Education6. Don Purcell's invitation for paper on, "Do Standards Education Programs have Strategic Value?": Deadline for submission is 1 July 2008. 7. Decision on Nikolich proposal for IEEE 802 Tutorial 8. Feedback on Litsa's submission for possible Biometric Standards Tutorial (materials sent out on May 20th)
Meeting called to order at 11:05 AM EDT
1) A quorum of SEC members was not present, so no decisions were taken during this meeting.
2) Approving the 23 April Meeting Minutes was tabled until the 9 June meeting.
3) Discussion on Draft Market Survey and resolution of comments was postponed to 9 June meeting.
4) Group held a discussion with Amin Karim from DeVry University about effectively communicating to universities and students that we are seeking Student Application Papers. It was decided that more discussion is needed at the 9 June meeting. Eric Addeo, also from DeVry, has indicated that he has some ideas for a paper with two senior-level students in their Biomedical Engineering Technology program. More to come at the 9 June meeting.
5) An update was given on the System Verilog Tutorial. Steve, David and Jennifer held a call with Karen Bartleson of Synopsis to relate the comments and concerns of the SEC and reviewers, especially in the area of commercialism. Karen agreed in principle to the feedback and has assigned someone from Synopsis’ university program to oversee the changes. Jennifer will work with the new project manager to help move things forward.
6) Group discussed the procedure for creating, socializing and approving the Policy Paper on the Role of Standards in Engineering Education. Moshe is the lead and others had previous expressed interest in helping with the draft. Todor Cooklev indicated that he would also like to be part of the Ad-hoc for this activity. The goal is to gain approval of both the EAB and SA BoG and then submit to the BoD for their November 2008 meeting. Curtis Dodd indicated that the Accreditation Committee (ECAA) would also have an interest in reviewing and commenting.
7) No one from the SEC has yet expressed interest in drafting a paper per Don Purcell’s invitation on the Strategic Value of Standards Education Programs. Eric Puskar reported that NIST has submitted a paper. Jennifer reported that Eric Addeo from DeVry indicated that he may be interested. Jennifer will follow up with Eric.
8) The decision on moving forward with the IEEE 802 Tutorial proposed by Paul Nikolich was postponed to the 9 June meeting. Comments were positive from SEC members on the second version of the proposal.
9) The group has not had time to thoroughly review the material forwarded on 20 May by Litsa from Brian Wong of International Biometric Group for a possible tutorial on IEEE Biometric Standards. Action assigned to Jennifer: contact Brian Wong and request that he fill out the SEC’s new project proposal form. (Done on 29 May 2008)
10) A discussion was held about the official makeup of the SEC. The list of voting members from the EAB and SA were read: Litsa Tzanakou, Moshe Kam, Donna Hudson, Marios Savvides, Steve Mills, David Law, Mary Saunders, Paul Nikolich. The committee makeup and coordination with other interested committees, such as CEA and CTA, will be discussed at the 9 June meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:50 AM EDT.
Next meeting will be the face to face meeting at the IEEE in Piscataway, NJ.
June 9, 2008 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.