5 November 2015
Present / Cllrs J. Hills (Chair), R. Taylor, R. Adams, P. Balbirnie, B. Herbert, G. Wright, P. Drew, K. Plummer. Also in attendance were ECC Cllr A. Goggin, TDC Cllr L. McWilliams and approximately 25 members of public.Public Questions / 1. The Chairman congratulated Cllr Adams on his election on to GBPC and welcomed him to his first meeting.
2. It was reported that the highway repairs on Plough Road are underway.
3. Mr Bishop referred to his correspondence with Cllr Goggin regarding the reduction in the village bus service.
4. The recent press release from Essex Police regarding the continuing funding of PCSO’s was referred to.
11.15.274 / Apologies for absence:
Cllr L. Edwards (work commitment) had provided his apologies.
11.15.275 / Minutes of the last meeting:
The minutes of the meeting on 1 October 2015 were proposed by Cllr Balbirnie, seconded by Cllr Drew and agreed as a true record of the meeting.
11.15.276 / Declarations of Interest: None given.
11.15.277 / Information & Reports:
Cllr Taylor reminded members that at the Parish Council meeting on 2 July 2015, he had made a statement and put forward a motion relating to the major housing development on Admirals Farm. He explained at the time that he had made an assessment of his personal position and judged that he had an interest in common with most other village residents and that he does not in his opinion have a pecuniary interest. He said that he was raising this matter now because this part of his statement had been omitted and did not appear in the minutes of the meeting.
11.15.278 / County and District Councillors Reports:
a) County Councillor: Cllr Alan Goggin reported his correspondence from Mr Whitsun, the subject is on the agenda. He received a letter from Mr Bishop for which there appeared a little confusion? The travelers camped at Martello Bay have relocated to Martins Farm.
Cllr Drew asked if we can make a bid to the LHP for traffic calming. Cllr Goggin outlined the application process. He noted that the next LHP meeting is scheduled on 28-01-16. The Clerk was asked to speak with Cllr Goggin about flooding.
b) District Councillor: Cllr Lynda McWilliams advised that the next meeting of the Local Plan Committee on 12-11-15. She gave a Dogwatch reminder and advised all that The Prince Theatres pantomime this year is Aladdin.
11.15.279 / Other Reports:
a) PCSO: No report was received from PCSO Cox as she has been on sick leave. Cllr Wright reported of diesel thefts locally. Also, there have been a number of hare courser incidents in the area recently.
b) TDALC - Cllr Taylor reported that there has been no meeting this month.
c) Transport - Mr P. Harry reported that ECC has all the information about the bus service and is assessing the situation. He completed a traffic survey. The work to raise the platform at the railway station is currently underway.
d) Footpaths: - Mr D. Gollifer advised that there is nothing to report this month.
e) Caretaker: - Mr B. McWilliams advised that there is nothing to report this month.
f) Village Events: The Remembrance service arrangements have been forwarded to the Chairman who will be attending the event.
11.15.280 / Correspondence:
a) Road traffic hazard – Mr D. Hinds: The shrubs from the property opposite the Railway Station have overgrown to the extent that they have reduced the usable width of the highway. The Clerk was asked to write to occupier.
b) Essex Rural Strategy Questionnaire: Noted.
c) Request for a footpath at Brook Farm – Mr B Whitsun: Cllr Taylor noted that this was investigated in the past and Highways did not extend the footpath for technical reasons. The Clerk was asked to write to Highways asking this proposal could be looked in to.
d) Xmas Tree Shredding – Mrs Maskell: Agreed, suggest 9 January 2016 after 12th day of Christmas.
e) Vermin on allotment plots – Mrs Maskell: Noted, Cllr Herbert reported that he periodically replenishes the rate bait boxes.
11.15.281 / Parish Clerk Report:
The Parish Clerk advised that he has nothing to add to his written report (attached as Appendix A) circulated previously.
11.15.282 / Finance Report:
The expenditure report for the previous month (attached as Appendix B) was proposed by Cllr Taylor, seconded by Cllr Wright and approved. The Clerk was asked to have the new councillor’s included on the approved signature list.
11.15.283 / Village Green Working Party:
Cllr Herbert reported that there had been no meeting of the Working Party during the previous month. He reported that the annual task of clearing the village pond has been completed. A number of trees of the Green have been crown lifted.
11.15.284 / Declarations of Interest:
Cllr Hills referred to his previously circulated motion. He said that in light of the Monitoring Officer’s unavailability to address council members he would like to defer consideration of his motion
Cllr Drew indicated that she would like members to consider a different way of addressing this matter and she agreed to defer this also.
11.15.285 / Reduction of Local Bus Service:
There was a short discussion about the situation and avenues being explored to secure a bus service after the withdrawal of the service in December 2015.
11.15.286 / Senior Playground:
Cllr Hills announced that TDC Cllr McWilliams had confirmed that TDC currently holds two pots of S106 monies for Gt Bentley totally £5617 and £2,253. Cllr McWilliams has agreed to keep the Parish Council informed as to when the S106 contribution for the Sturrick Lane housing development becomes available.
11.15.287 / Public Engagement:
Having requested this item, Cllr Drew provided a report about what her view on what is needed to improve public engagement with the Parish Council. She proposed to form a team whose remit would be to prepare a policy.
Cllr Drew agreed to prepare and present more detail in order that it can be considered by members prior to the next meeting so they are able to consider this issue at the meeting
11.15.288 / Essex Police Community Policing Proposals:
Essex Police’s proposal for future community policing consultation invitation was noted.
11.15.289 / PCSO Telephone Contact:
It was confirmed that Essex Police has reflected and reinstated PCSO Cox’s mobile telephone.
11.15.290 / Audio Minutes:
It was agreed to explore the costings of the ECC/Audiominutes offer of audio broadcasting of parish council meetings and include this as an agenda item next month.
11.15.291 / Christmas Shopping Bus:
Further to a request to provide a 16 seat mini-bus to run from Great Bentley to Colchester on 23rd December for those dependent on a bus service to finish their Christmas shopping.
Cllr Adams proposed and Cllr Drew seconded a motion to fund a bus on 23rd December up to a cost of £190 on condition that there is a full complement of passengers. The motion was carried 4 votes to 2.
11.15.292 / Future Agenda Items: None.
PUBLIC QUESTIONS / 1. One of lower railings on the pavement barrier outside Tesco has become dislodged and needs repair. The Clerk was asked to report it to Highways.
2. The pavement from the garage to the Uber salon needs repair.
3. There was a suggestion that there needs to be more use social media to publicise GBPC business.
4. It was agreed that improved public engagement is a good idea.
5. The apparent softening (increased informality) of these meetings appears to have improved meetings.
6. TDC Cllr McWilliams noted that she now apparently conducts councillor surgeries at 8am when mucking out.
7. The Clerk was asked to speak with the PCSO regarding police attendance on Remembrance Sunday.
8. 2 panels kicked out of fence?
9. The Clerk advised on the action that would be taken if there was to be a traveler’s incursion in the village?
*New Cllr’s Drew and Adams together with Cllr Wright agreed to attend the next LHP meeting in 28 January and prepare a LHP bid. Cllr Goggin suggested writing to Highways.
5 November 2015
1. Sign on Village Hall; I have held a meeting with Lynda McWilliams, Chair of the Village Hall to discuss erecting a sign in the car park to direct people to the Community Resource Centre. Subject to obtaining the approval of the Village Hall management Committee to erect a sign, I need the Parish Council’s approval to have the sign fabricated and erected. The estimated cost is in the region of £300.
2. Flooding of Forge Lane; I have been advised that ECC will not now undertake the work to stop Forge Lane flooding as this year as previously agreed. A new ‘points based’ system has been introduced and this flooding no longer meets the criteria to have the work completed. It may just be a matter of reporting this each time the road floods attaching photographs to show the extent of the flooding.
3. Copyright Infringement; A letter has been received from Linda’s Lyrics LLC, based in Georgia, USA. It serves as notification of unauthorized use of the poem, "The Dash." "The Dash" is a poem written by Linda Ellis, and she owns the legal copyright to the poem. The poem was published in The Parish News (August 2014) and subsequently published on the Council’s website. Rather than pursue legal action for copyright infringement, Linda’s Lyrics, LLC is offering a compromise agreement whereby the Council pays a reduced retroactive licensing fee of £3,750.
I removed said article from the website immediately and advised Came and Co. the Council’s insurer. I was advised to pass the matter on to the editor of the Parish News and respond to Linda’s Lyrics advising of the action taken and then wait and see. A quick surf round the internet shows that shows that Linda’s Lyrics may have found an effective way to scare innocent infringers into paying a large sum of money that they do not and should not pay.
4. Pensions Briefing; The Clerk attended a briefing about the new pension rules on 2 November 2015. The Pensions Regulator has advised that GBPC’s automatic enrolment duties commence on 1 November 2016 (effectively the staging date) and that is the date when the law comes into effect for the Council. Action is required and the sooner the better in terms of options available.
5. Mowers; Mick Dorling advises that plans should be put in place to replace the existing mowers. Options have been identified and these will be put to the Finance Committee meeting in order that budgetary provision can be made.
6. Allotments; Only a few annual rents have yet to be collected and these are being chased. The fear of ending up with 10-12 vacant plots has not come to pass. A number of new people have taken on allotments. As things stand there are three vacant plots with a number of people interested in them.
5 November 2015
Public Questions
1. Clarification of the location of ‘onest’ on Station Road was requested?
Present: Cllrs J. Hills (Chair), R. Taylor, R. Adams, P. Balbirnie, B. Herbert, G. Wright, P. Drew, K. Plummer. Also in attendance were ECC Cllr A. Goggin, TDC Cllr L. McWilliams and approximately 25 members of public.
11.15.112 Apologies for absence: Cllr L. Edwards
11.15.113 Declarations of interest:
1) Cllr Hills declared an interest in item 11.15.115c.
2) Cllr Adams noted that he has an interest in item 11.15.115g in so much as he lives next door to the applicant.
11.15.114 Minutes of last meeting: It was noted that there was no date on the minutes of the 1 October 2015. The Clerk agreed to insert the date. With this amendment, Cllr Herbert proposed them, Cllr Plummer seconded them and they were agreed as a true record of proceedings
11.15.115 Planning Applications: The planning applications set out in the table below were considered by the Committee.
No. / Planning Ref. / Application Details / Address/Location / Resolution/Comments
a) / 15/01405/FUL
Mrs L Simpson / Proposed agricultural barn / Land R/O Mayfield Swallows Row Shair Lane Great Bentley / This application was dealt with at last meeting. The decision taken was not to object or comment.
b) / 15/01478/FUL
Mr & Mrs Murray / Proposed single storey side and rear extension to form kitchen, sitting room and utility. / 40 Birch Avenue Great Bentley / No objection and no comment.
c) / 15/01518/FUL
Mr Jonathan Hills / Proposed extension to existing machinery store. / Grange Farm Heckfords Road Great Bentley / The Chairman left the room before this matter was considered.
Cllr Drew proposed, Cllr Taylor seconded. Resolved not to object or comment on this application.
d) / 15/01567/FUL Mr M Seaman / Proposed two storey side extension to form living room, bedroom and en-suite. / Ivanhoe Station Road Great Bentley / No objection and no comment.
e) / 15/01524/FUL
Mrs Sarah-Jane King / Installation of log burner and erection of flue. / Ownest Station Road Great Bentley / No objection and no comment.
f) / 15/01623/TPO
Mrs M Clementson / T11 - Whitebeam - to be lopped / 26 Pine Close Great Bentley / No objection and no comment.
g) / 15/01620/TCA Mrs Evans-Jones / 1 x Sycamore – rear garden fell. / The Old Rectory, The Green, Gt Bentley / It was reported that the TDC tree officer has agreed this application.
It was noted that the applications below had been received after the agenda had been circulated and publicised and as such had not at the time of the meeting been publicised for the required three days. The Parish Council’s position was determined (and is set out in column 5) subject to any comments being received from the public within the three day publicity period.