The Elk Point City Council met in regular session on Monday, February 5, 2018 at 7:00pm in the council chambers of City Hall located at 106 W. Pleasant Street with Mayor Trobaugh presiding and these members present: Penfield, McCreary, Zevenbergen, Verros, Abraham and Welch. No one was absent. Also present were: City Attorney Thompson, City Engineer McLaury, City Administrator Nelsen, Police Chief Limoges, Public Works Director Job and Finance Officer Hammitt.
Motion made by Verros, seconded by Welch to approve the agenda. All in favor.
Penfield moved and McCreary seconded a motion to approve the minutes from the January 8, 2018 council meeting. Unanimous.
Motion and second, Welch/Penfield to approve the following salaries and bills and to instruct the Finance Officer for payment of the same. All in favor. Salaries: General Fund: $61,540.40; Enterprise Fund: $30,855.81; Fringe Benefits: General Fund: $15,786.21; Enterprise Fund: $7,997.05; Bills: Avera Occupational Medicine-professional services: $71.00; Axon Enterprise, Inc.-equipment: $1,320.00; Banyon Data Systems, Inc.-annual support: $1,090.00; Bierschbach Equipment-supplies: $1,576.00; Bomgaars-uniforms: $805.22; Border States Electric Supply-supplies: $144.60; Brian’s Repair, Inc.-repairs: $23.65; Campbell Supply-supplies: $654.98; Cardmember Services-supplies: $1,398.11; Certified Testing Services-professional services: $960.00; City of Vermillion-tipping fees: $4,132.10; Craig Thompson Attorney at Law-professional services: $359.40; DGR Consulting Engineers, Inc.-professional services: $198.00; Ditchwitch of SD-supplies: $287.52; East River Electric-power: $108,243.40; Elk Point Ace Hardware-supplies: $809.70; Elk Point Chamber-dues: $10.00; Equipment Blades, Inc.-snow removal: $1,554.00; First National Wealth Management-fees: $1,500.00; Haines, Eric-perdiem: $42.04; Hammitt, Erika-perdiem: $63.00; Hanson, Mark-reimbursement for supplies: $27.52; Ingram Library Services-library books: $1,868.67; Jack’s Uniform & Equipment-uniforms: $217.85; Jim Hawk Truck Trailers, Inc.-supplies: $446.76; Jones’ Food Center-supplies: $89.64; Jones Lang Lasalle Brokerage-conversion: $1,518.00; Junior Library Guild-library books: $449.80; Keegan, Justin-uniforms: $155.93; Knoepfler Chevrolet Company-repairs: $112.56; Leader-Courier-publishing: $654.19; Liberty National Bank-loan: $1,907.64; Limoges, Jacob-perdiem: $22.65; Mathson Tri-Gas, Inc.-supplies: $26.36; McCrometer-supplies: $1,174.09; McLaury Engineering, Inc.-professional services: $7,176.18; Metering & Technology Solution-supplies: $1,572.56; Mid-States Organized Crime Inf.-100.00; Minnesota Municipal Utilities-dues: $375.00; MSC Industrial Supply Co.-supplies: $234.39; Northern Truck Equipment Co.-snow removal: $4,999.00; One Office Solution-supplies: $462.55; Per Mar Security Systems-professional services: $70.75; Pheasantland Industries-supplies: $442.70; Preferred Printing, Inc.-supplies: $158.80; Pyle, Kirk-perdiem: $8.50; Resco-inventory: $92.80; Rubida, Mark-perdiem: $9.00; Scoop’s Contracting-snow removal: $150.00; SD Federal Property Agency-snow removal: $570.00; South Dakota One Call-locate tickets: $12.60; Southeast Farmers Elevator Coop.-auto expense: $2,828.81; Sturdevant’s Auto Parts-repairs: $12.50; Thermo Bond-supplies: $736.00; Transource-repairs: $957.34; Ultramax-supplies: $1,090.00; Union County Electric Coop.-utilities: $527.94; US Bank Equipment Finance-copier lease: $211.75; USA Blue Book-supplies: $59.48; Utility Service Co., Inc.-inspection fee: $2,500.00; Vast Broadband-utilities: $783.07; Verizon Wireless-utilities: $283.57; Vermillion Ace Hardware-supplies: $52.96; Wilcox Electric-repairs: $259.80.
Jen Hovland spoke about the swimming pool funds and repair work discussed at the Swimming Pool informational meeting held on Monday, January 29th at the Pointe.
Discussion was held on Karen Barrett’s variance request to build an apartment at 115 E. Main Street. The current plans do not comply with section 7.01 permitted uses in the Elk Point Zoning Regulations. Rooming and boarding housing is permitted if the residence is constructed above the first floor. Council members brought up the concerns they had with allowing an apartment in the General Business District and the precedent it would set. Motion made by Penfield, seconded by Welch to deny the variance request. All in favor.
Second Reading was given to Ordinance No. 390, an Ordinance adopting the revised Elk Point Official Zoning Map.
Section 1. That this Ordinance adopts the revised Official Zoning Map, as set forth in the document titled 2011 Revised Elk Point Zoning Regulations; supersedes and replaces the Official Zoning Map adopted by reference in Ordinance No. #348, Section 2.02; and repeals any other ordinance or parts thereof in conflict with this Ordinance.
Dated this 5th day of February, 2018.
Isabel Trobaugh
Erika Hammitt
Finance Officer
First Reading: January 8, 2018
Second Reading: February 5, 2018
Adoption: February 5, 2018
Publication Dates: February 15th & 22nd, 2018 (Notice of Adoption)
Effective Date: March 14, 2018
Zevenbergen moved and Verros seconded a motion to approve the ordinance. Unanimous. A copy of the Zoning Map is available at City Hall.
The following bids were opened for the 2018 Electrical Conversion Project on Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 1:30pm at City Hall.
1. Dave’s Construction, Sioux Falls, SD - $378,964.12
2. Klein Electric, Wakefield, NE - $475,885.06
3. Karian Peterson, Montevideo, MN - $495,547.75
4. AEI Construction, Inc., Perham, MN - $518,382.81
5. MP Nexlevel, LLC, Maple Lake, MN - $562,047.38
6. Push, Inc., Rice Lake, WI - $696,420.06
7. Primoris Aevenia, Inc., Johnston, IA - $760,634.49
Motion and second, Penfield/Welch to approve the low bid from Dave’s Construction for $378,964.12 as recommended by DGR Engineering. All in favor.
The following bids were opened for the Business Park Access Road Project on Friday, February 2nd at 2:30pm at City Hall.
1. Steve Harris Construction, Homer, NE - $903,763.24
2. Knife River, Sioux City, IA - $927,481.97
3. Bainbridge Construction, Kingsley, IA - $974,717.40
4. H&W Contracting, LLC, Sioux Falls, SD - $989,992.80
5. BX Civil & Construction, Dell Rapids, SD - $1,044,248.00
6. Hulstein Excavating, Inc., Edgerton, MN - $1,061,541.80
7. Sioux City Engineering Company, Sioux City, IA - $1,074,488.00
8. Feimer Construction, Yankton, SD - $1,122,430.75
9. RP Constructors, LLC, North Sioux City, SD - $1,148,895.70
10. Dakota Contracting Corp., Sioux Falls, SD - $1,171,564.94
Motion made by Verros, seconded by Zevenbergen to approve the low bid from Steve Harris Construction for $903,763.24 contingent on EDA concurrence as recommended by McLaury Engineering, Inc. Unanimous.
Verros moved and McCreary seconded a motion to proceed with Option 3 proposal from Burbach Aquatics for swimming pool repairs. All in favor. This plan is the 7-year short-term project. Work would include rising the inside corner of the pool wall, replace skimmers and associated deck work. A liner will be installed next fall, if water does not hold next summer.
Motion and second, Welch/Verros to approve the following Resolution. Unanimous.
For the
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
WHEREAS, the City of Elk Point is submitting a Hazard Mitigation Grant project to the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the State of South Dakota; and
WHEREAS, the City of Elk Point is required to appoint an Applicant Agent for the purpose of signing documents and assuring the completion of all application documents;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Elk Point appoints Dennis Nelsen as the authorized Applicant Agent.
Dated this 5th, day of February, 2018.
Appointing Authority
Name: Isabel Trobaugh
Title: Mayor, City of Elk Point
Appointed Agent
Name: Dennis Nelsen
Title: City Administrator
Motion made by Welch, seconded by Verros to approve Mayor Trobaugh’s signature committing to use local general fund funding match of 25% as part of the Hazard Mitigation Grant application process. All in favor. The City of Elk Point’s commitment to meet the matching fund requirement for the Warning Siren Replacement Project.
Verros moved and Penfield seconded a motion to advertise for bids for the Rose Street Reconstruction project when plan specifications are ready. Unanimous.
Motion and second, Welch/Penfield to raise Craig K. Thompson’s attorney fees from $130.00/hour to $160.00/hour as requested. All in favor.
Motion made by Penfield, seconded by Zevenbergen to approve the tax abatement request for parcel number for $157.38. Unanimous.
Penfield moved and McCreary seconded a motion to approve the 2018 State of South Dakota Financial and Maintenance Agreement between the Department of Transportation and the City of Elk Point to sweep curb and gutter on Interstate 29 loop, milepost 006.4 to 009.1 for $3,000.00. All in favor.
Mayor Trobaugh read letters from Trooper Christopher Halm with the South Dakota Highway Patrol thanking Public Works Director Job and Police Officer Trudeau for their commendable actions during the severe winter storm.
Motion to adjourn, Verros/Welch. Unanimous.
Attest: Erika HammittIsabel Trobaugh
Finance Officer Mayor
Publish: February 15, 2018