Unapproved DASC Meeting Minutes September 18, 2008
- Victor Berman
- Stan Krolikoski
- Kathy Werner
- Karen Pieper
- Serrie Chapman
- Bill Paulsen
- Chuck Swart
- Mike McNamara
- Michael Mirmak
- Joe Hupcey
- Yatin Trivedi
- Charles Berking
- Ron Waxman
- Karen Bartleson
- Andrew Piziali
- Darren Galpin
- Steven Dovich
- Charlie Dawson
2. Approval of Agenda
* Charles B. moved to approve
* Stanseconded
* Agenda approved
3. Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting
* Stanmoved to approve
* Karen B.seconded
* Minutes approved
4. Action Items from Last Meeting
Victor to amend the P&Ps for election timing and send for DASC review.
Included in updated DASC Operations Manual sent 9/18. This document captures the previously approved decisions to clarify the P&Ps, including the election process and document approval process. A suggestion was made to include change tracking for future revisions.
Victor to circulate P1647 PAR for email vote
Kathy forward final P&Ps to Victor and update PAR.
5. Study Group Status - updates from the chairs
6. Working Group Status – updates from the chairs
* P1481 Ballot update
The ballot group has been approved and the ballot is expected to start on 9/29.
* P1076
Work has been submitted for REVCOM at the meeting after next. Approval is expected and the standard should be available soon.
* P1647 new PAR request discussion
DASC has approved the updated PAR via email vote. There were comments that the specific revisions changes originally contained in the addendum should be included in the PAR proper for easier review. The draft was updated with these changes and will be submitted to NESCOM for the meeting after next (December).
* P1734 – new P&Ps and PAR discussion
The P&P and PAR were approved by DASC via email vote. The PAR will be submitted to NESCOM for the December meeting.
7. Ron Waxman Award committee
John Hines was nominated and accepted by the committee chaired by Stan. John has been notified and an updated picture and bio obtained. The award will be given at the next standards board meeting dinner to be held 12/7 in Florida. The meeting is open to all members. Stan will confirm John’s availability and plans to be present to receive the award. Several people asked for John’s contact info – please get with Stan directly for this.
Stan mentioned that the committee identified some potential changes to be addressed for future award consideration: 1) Must the recipient be a current DASC member? 2) Can the award be posthumous?
8. Market Relevance Discussion
This topic has come up in the past, specifically as to how we judge new PARs, etc. DASC has some guidelines, but there are no general IEEE guidelines available. Should we use metrics such as monetary value, number of users, tool impact, or…? Victor suggested that we have some definitive screening process and asked for volunteers for an ad hoc group to come up with recommendations and identify issues, and potentially generate a white paper that can be used as a decision mechanism for starting new groups and shared with other IEEE groups, CETA or other broad interest groups. The question was raised on whether this could fall into the collusion category especially if we discuss monetary impact. However, if there is a concern about collusion, this may in itself indicate market relevance. Also indicating relevance would be if enough customers sign on to work on the standard. The suggestion was to avoid numbers, but focus on the standards impact and identify any potential patent infringement. The question was raised if there is a specific problem that we are trying to fix. Different WG operate differently, for example providing useful work versus an academic exercise. Even though there is the feeling that the DASC process works now, the amount of discussion generated shows interest in the topic which could be used to enhance our standard procedures. There was the additional question of what makes a standard relevant versus market relevance and VHDL was used as an example; no market existed prior to the standard.
AI: Steve D, Stan and Mike Mc. volunteered to start discussions.
AI: Victor to put together initial agenda and circulate for additional interest and comments.
9. AOB
The secretary and treasurer terms are coming to an end in October and we need to start the election soon. Mike McNamara volunteered to act as returning officer and send out the call for nominations. The Chair and Vice-Chair positions end next year.
AI: Mike to send call for secretary and treasurer nominations
The date of the next meeting has been moved up to Oct 16 due to conflicts. A request was made to publish the meeting schedules for the next year. In general, the meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month.
AI: Victor to publish meeting dates for the next year.
Adjourn. 8:38 AM PDT
Next Meetings:
October 16, 2008
November 20, 2008
Minutes submitted by:
Kathy Werner
Freescale Semiconductor