Un Informe de un Desastre Famoso
40 puntos
Vas a escribir un informe en que tú eres un/a periodista (journalist). Necesitas explicar un accidente o un desastre natural famoso que ocurrió. Por ejemplo: Huracán Catrina, Pompeya, Chernóbil, etc. TÚ decides. Tienes que investigar (research) el accidente o desastre natural.
Tu informe debe incluir:
______What was going on when the disaster/accident occurred
- What was the weather like?
- What day and what time was it?
- What were people doing?
______A description of the disaster
- What was it?
- Where was it?
- Who did it affect and who came to help?
______The effects of the disaster
- Did the disaster destroy anything?
- Was anyone injured? How?
- What were the effects of the disaster?
- What steps did the community and government take to rebuild and help the survivors?
______Describe at least one heroic event or rescue.
- What did emergency personnel do to help out at the scene?
______At least one account by a witness, bystander, or hero that includes what they heard and saw
- Use the verbs oír and ver!
______What will be different in the community after the disaster?
- Use the present tense!
- This is an individualwriting and presentation project.
- You are responsible for writing the report without the aid of a translator or native speaker. Use of a translator or evidence of plagiarism will result in a ZERO.
- Try and avoid looking up new words (the max is 5).
- Do not write the paper in English and later translate into Spanish. Start writing in Spanish right away on your first draft.
- Simplify your sentences and use the Spanish grammar and vocab that you’ve already learned throughout your years of study.
- You should use mostly preterit and imperfect, except at the end when you are talking about the present day situation.
- Your paper should be at least 12 sentences long.
- Cite the link where you found your information.
- You must type your paper and include some images of the disaster (nothing too graphic) and a map of where it occurred. This can be done in physcial poster form, or you can use a web based program that you can easily share with me via a link (i.e. Glogster, prezi, etc)
10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 / 0
Target Structures
Pretérito v Imperfecto / Excellent control of the preterite and imperfect, No errors. / Good control of the preterite and imperfect, almost no errors. / Adequate control of the preterite and imperfect, Errors are frequent but do not drastically affect meaning. May be missing content. / Weak control of the preterite and imperfect, frequent errors in simple structures and/or missing content. / Little control of the preterite and imperfect, frequent serious errors. Missing content. / No control of the preterite and imperfect. Errors are frequent and content is missing.
Overall Grammar and Vocabulary / Excellent control of Spanish grammar and vocabulary. No errors in word choice, conjugations, or pronunciation. / Good control of Spanish grammar and vocabulary. Almost no errors in word choice, conjugations, or pronunciation. / Adequate control of Spanish grammar and vocabulary. Errors are frequent but do not drastically affect meaning. May be missing content. / Weak control of Spanish grammar and vocabulary. Frequent errors in simple structures and/or missing content. / Little control of Spanish grammar and vocabulary. Frequent serious errors. Missing content. / No control of Spanish grammar and vocabulary. Errors are frequent and content is missing.
Content / Very clear beginning, middle, and end with a well developed story overall. Almost no grammatical errors. / Basic organization with a clear beginning, end and idea development.
Almost no grammatical errors. / Basic organization and idea development.
Some errors that do not affect meaning and/or message. / Not completely organized, some ideas fragmented. Errors are frequent. / Not organized, many ideas are fragmented. Errors are serious and frequent. / No clear organization, ideas are poorly developed. Errors are serious and frequent.
Presentation Quality / Images enhance the presentation and add clarity to the presentation.
The project is typed and neatly organized. / Images enhance and add clarity to the presentation.
The project is typed and neatly organized. There may be a few handwritten marks / Images do not always align with the presentation and add clarity.
The project is hand-written neatly. / Images often do not align with the presentation.
The project is hand-written.
The project is sloppy looking. / Images do not align with the presentation, but are not off-task.
The project is hand-written.
The project is sloppy looking. / No Images or videos that relate to the assignment.
The paper is poorly handwritten.