UML Newbie GuideIOPROG/Ingmar Olsson
UML Newbie Guide
Modeling language to specify, visualize, construct and document software systems.
UML contains a number of modeling graphical “tools”, among them:
- Use case diagram
for organizing and modeling behavior of the system
- Interaction diagram for interaction
, consisting of a set of objects and their relationships, including the messages that may be dispatched among them. Interaction diagrams address the dynamic view of a system
- Statechart diagram for state machines
, consisting of states, transitions, events and activities. Statechart diagrams address the dynamic view of a system.
-Class diagram
-for classes and their relationships. These diagrams are the most common in modeling object-oriented systems. Class diagrams address the static process view of a system.
This paper introduces UML and its notations used for static structure, class diagrams and their relationships.
The “bible” for UML is The Unified Modeling Language User Guide” written of the original “inventors” of UML, Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson, ISBN number 0-201-57168-4.
Class Diagrams in UML
Class diagrams describe classes and different kinds of static relationships: associations, aggregation, inheritance , interface.
The class diagram is represented as a rectangle with three compartments, showing the class name, attributes and functions respectively. Though, any information deemed irrelevant to the application at hand may be omitted from a UML diagram. A class may be represented by two compartments, if attributes ar not important, or even with onr compartment, if just the name of the class is useful. Not all features have to be shown, if someare omitted, an ellips (…) is used.
Static declaration is underlined.
The visibility indicators are
+ for public access,
-for private access and
# for protected access.
Operations are represented using syntax different from C++/Java/C# and have the following syntax/form:
<visibility> <name>(<parameters>): <return type>
The corresponding notation in C++, Java and C# are representented by the following classdeclarations:
class MyClass
void setPrivateVar(int PrivateV) {privateVar = privateV;}
int getPrivateVar() {return PrivateVar;}
int privateVar;
static int staticVar;
public class MyClass
public void setPrivateVar(int PrivateV) {privateVar = privateV;}
public int getPrivateVar() {return PrivateVar;}
private int privateVar;
static int staticVar;
public class MyClass
public void setPrivateVar(int PrivateV) {privateVar = privateV;}
public int getPrivateVar() {return PrivateVar;}
private int privateVar;
static int staticVar;
Relationships in UML
There are different kinds of static relationships in UML:
Inheritance – Specialization/Generalization
- Inheritance is a specialization/generalization relationship between objects of the specialized elements (child) and objects of the generalized elements (parent).
- Association is a structural relationship that describes links or connection between objects.
- Aggregation is a special kind of association.
- Dependency is a weaker form of association and is a semantic relationship between objects in which a change in one object (independent) object may affect the semantics of the other (dependent) object. The independent class gain access to the dependent class through a parameter of one of its member functions.
- Interface/Realization is a semantic relationship that is encountered between interfaces and the classes or components that realize them and between use cases and the collaboration that realize them.
Comments can be added to UML diagrams, using rectangles with their upper-right cornerturned down. Each comment is attached by a dashed line to the appropriate element of the diagram.
Inheritance - Specialization/Generalization
UML uses an arrow with a hollow end to point from the derived class to the base class.
The SubClass is also called the “child class” of the BaseClass, and the BaseClasscalled “parent class”, or SuperClass for the SubClass. The relationship is called inheritance.This relation is often described with: SubClass”is-a” type of BaseClass.
class BaseClass {};
class SubClass : public BaseClass {};
public BaseClass {};
public class SubClass extends BaseClass {};
public BaseClass {};
public SubClass : BaseClass {};
Association between classes is supported in the code by fields/attributes/variables that holds a pointer or a reference to the other objects. An association describes a weaker coupling between the objects in a relationship than aggregation does. An object uses another object but has not the ownership and the lifetimes for the objects don’t need to be the same.
An association is implemented in C++ using a pointer.
class Associator
Associatee* associatee;
class MotorFordon
Person* owner;
An association in Java and C# most often is represented by a variable/field that holds a reference to other objects.
public class Associator
private Associatee associate;
public class MotorFordon
private Person owner;
Objects can hold arrays or vectors of other objects, or they can hold many of the same kind of objects in a separate variable. In UML this is shown by placing a mulitiplicity indicator on the far end of the association.
The multiplicity indicators can be used in the following way:
-A range of the form i .. j, where i < j and I and j are non-negative integers. To represent infinity, j is equal to *: 1 .. * represents “at least one object”
-A single number i to represent i .. i
-A * to represent 0 .. *
-A discrete range, such as 1,3
This relation is often described as a “has-a” relation. An aggregation is a whole or part-of relationship. In UML, aggregation is an association denoted by a hollow diamond at the end of the relationship that specifies the aggregator/whole part. The two ends of the relationship is also called roles. A relationship as well as its roles, can be labeled. When labels are missing, the roles are named after the target classes. There are two types of aggregations: standard aggregation and composition.
class Aggregator
Aggregatee aggregatee;
Public class Aggregator
private Aggregatee aggregate;
#include “Studentname.h”
class Student
StudentName ettName;
public class Student
private StudentName ettName;
#include “Motor.h”
class MotorFordon
Motor enMotor;
public class MotorFordeon
private Motor enMotor;
The aggregator class Student has a name aggregatee class StudentName. Based on the multiplicity indicators, each student has exactly one name, but the same name may be used to name many students. Or a vehicle MotorFordon “has-a” engine, Motor.
Aggregation does not imply lifetime dependencies between the classes. For example, the students can change their names.
If both ownership and lifetime dependencies are required, then they can be expressed using a specific kind of aggregation called composition (or composition aggregation).
A composition implies that the part object may belong to only one whole object ant the composer and compose have identical lifetimes. In UML, a composition is denoted by a filled diamond at the end of the relationship that specifies the composer.
Changing the aggregation to composition in the Student and MotorFordon examples would imply that the student’s name and the motor could not be changed.
To clarify this concept, consider an example of a class Circlethat uses the class Point to denote its origin. Not only is a point part of a circle, but also a point and a circle have the same lifetime: a point is deallocated together with its corresponding circle.
As with an aggregation, the code generated is exactly the same as for an association, see above. In C++ there is a lot of use of this relationship, but Java and C# does not have a lot of use of if. In Java and C# destruction happens behind the scene by the garbage collector. In C++ there is a need to manage the lifetime of an object.
Dependency expresses the weakest coupling between two classes. The dependency is shown as a dashed arrow. With an association, a field/attribute/variable is used/created to support the relationship. A dependency does not use a field/attribute/variable. Therefore the relationship must be supported through another means. Possible ways are:
-global supplier object and is therefore accessible to the client
-supplier object is passed to the client as a parameter to an operation
-supplier object is declared locally within an operation of the client
class Instantiator
Instantiatee* createInstance();
return new Instantiatee;
public class Instantiator
public Instantiatee createInstance()
return new Instantiatee;
class Interface1{};
class Class : public Interface1 {};
interface Interface1 {}
public class Class1 implements Interface1 {}
public interface Iinterface1 {}
public class Class1 : Iinterface1 {}
Stereotypes appear between guillement characters, usually above the name of the class or relationship. These help us figure out what types of classes or relationship we are dealing with in our model.
Association stereotypes
A «create» B
public class A
public B createB()
return new B;
A «local» B
public class A
public void f()
B b = new B();
//Use b locally
A «parameter» B. The same as
public class A
public void f(B b)
//Use B as a parameter
A «delegate» B
public class A
private B b;
public void f()
Class/Interface stereotype
«interface». Used for interface classes, se chapter Interface/Realization.
The class Shape has two protected points (aggregation).
Shape has a static private datamember n that counts the number of figures created
Rectangle is a derived class by Shape, inheritance.
A notation describes how the memberfunction area() calculate the area.
Reusability through Object Composition
To reuse functionality in object-oriented system there are two techniques:
- class inheritance
- object composition
Object composition can be implemented with two techniques:
-by value, using nested object
-by reference, using references or pointers
By value:
By reference:
By value object composition implies a static structure. While access to objects is efficient (no need for indirect access through pointers or references), copying large object can be inefficient.
By reference object composition is defined dynamically. The most important advantage of a by reference object compositon is that it can be used for polymorphic programming.
A specific application of object composition is delegation, in which an object that is receiving messages, a delegator, delegates these requests to a delegate object. Often combined with inheritance delegation is commonly used in design patterns.
Reusability – Inheritance versus Delegation
Inheritance is a technique to help support reuse of interface and implementation. This kind of reusabiblity is call white-box reusability because the internals of the parent classes are visible to the derived classes. However, inheritance is a compile-time operation, which means that you cannot make modifications at run-time. In addition, the derived class needs to have access to the features of its base class and therefore the base class cannot be fully encapsulated.
Delegation is another reusability technique. This is a black-box reusability that uses a run-time relationship between two objects. The composition by reference, see the paragraph “Reusability through Object Composition”, can be used to show delegation. An Associatorhas either a pointer or a reference, called a delegate, to an Associatee. The classAssociator is called Handle and the class Associtee is called Body. The Handle represents an abstraction and is visible to the client, while the invisible Body provides the implementation.
The use of inheritance alone means that the client’s code has to be recompiled whenever a concrete class used by the client is modified.
The use of a combination of object composition (delegation) with inheritancemeans that client’s code only har to be relinked with the modified code. It also helps to implement additional functionality without affecting the client, such as support for sharing objects by using reference counting or implementation of specific memory management.