Updated May, 2017

  • This form is only for NEWgraduate degree programs
  • Enter text in the gray shaded box
  • Proposals for new programs must be submitted by the last day of fall semester to be considered for the following fall and by the last day of spring semester to be considered for the following spring.

Approval / Name (print) / Signature / Date
College Curriculum
Graduate Office / Erik Brown
EVCAA / Fernando Delgado

Step 1. General Information

Program Short Title
Program Long Title
Program Short Description
Effective Term
Degree Granting College
Catalog Description (3200 character limit)
Program’s U of M contact Internet ID
Program contact’s full name
Is this a Departmental/Professional Master’s (DMS) or Graduate School/Research Master’s (GRD)program? Please contact the UMD Graduate Office with any questions.

Step 2. Narrative

Brief summary or overview of the reason for proposed new program (300 character limit)
Site(s) beyond the home campus where this program will be delivered (1000 character limit)
Enter the external accrediting agency for this program, if applicable (100 character limit)
External accrediting agency address (100 character limit)
External accrediting agency phone number (12 character limit)
External accrediting agency Website, if applicable
How frequently is this program reviewed by the agency?

Academic Exchange or Articulation Agreement:

If this program is a joint program delivered in cooperation with another academic institution, or if it involves an Articulation Agreement or a formal Academic Exchange involving the granting or transferring of college credit on any level, use the text box to describe the purpose and sources of support for the program.

Enter text here (1000 character limit):

Program delivery is available via: (programs may have more than one delivery method)

Majority of program is face-to-face. / No
Completely Online
All course work for programs designated as online should be able to be completed online. / No
Primarily Online
At least 80% of instruction in the entire program is online. Intensive, but short period of face-to-face course work may be required. No required course in the program should necessitate that students travel to a classroom location weekly. / No
Partially Online
Between 50% and 80% of the instruction in the entire program is online. / No
  1. Mission, Priorities, and Interrelatedness
  • How does the program support the unit's strategic direction and compact?
  • How will the program contribute to the priorities of the University, the campus, and the unit?
  • How does the program relate to other University academic programs?
  • What are the implications - including impact of prerequisites and related courses - for other units, colleges, or campuses? (Document your consultation by providing copies of correspondence with relevant units to establish collaborations on interdisciplinary programs, use courses from other units, etc.)

Enter text here (2000 character limit):
  1. Need and Demand
  • What is the need and demand for the program? Proposals for programs that reach very small numbers of students are discouraged. Use the following kinds of evidence:
  • Evidence that the program meets societal needs and expectations.
  • Evidence of consultation with employers or professional organizations, if appropriate.
  • Employment data, if appropriate (availability of jobs for graduates).
  • Enrollment data for similar programs.
  • Data reflecting student interest or demand, both short- and long-term.
  • What are the intended geographic service area and the prospective student market?

Enter text here (2000 character limit):
  1. Comparative Advantage
  • What are the unique characteristics of the program that make it particularly appropriate to the University of Minnesota?
  • Are there comparable academic programs in Minnesota, and, if applicable, elsewhere? (Document your consultation with other units within the University and/or research of other institutions with similar programs, if they exist, in the area.)

Enter text here (2000 character limit):
  1. Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Use of Resources
  • Is the program within the capacity of the unit's resources?
  • Have resources been reallocated within the unit to support the proposed program? If so, how?
  • If additional resources are needed, how will the program leverage existing resources to attract new resources?
  • What steps will be taken to ensure the program is operated economically and effectively?

Enter text here (2000 character limit):
  1. Program Quality and Assessment
  • What are the learning outcomes for the program? How will the outcomes be measured? How often?
  • How, when, and by whom will program quality be measured?
  • How will the college, the department, and program instructors continue to improve the teaching and learning in this program?
  • Is the program subject to review by a specialized accreditation agency? If yes, what agency and what is the review cycle?
  • How, if at all, will the program address the University's diversity goals, e.g., student and faculty recruitment, curriculum, etc.?

Enter text here (2000 character limit):
  1. Program Development
  • What planning and development authorities generated the proposal?

Enter text here (2000 character limit):

Section 6 must be compiled bythe college Administrative Director.

Budget and Planning(Numerical figures only, no narrative)

Complete as many segments of this form as are relevant for your program.

Resources: Students, Staffing and Space

The year-by-year responses should reflect cumulative (additive) information; that is, each year should show the total for that stage in the program, not just the total for the year.

Students / Year 1 (Startup) / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5
Expected # of students
Expected # of graduates
Staffing / Year 1 (Startup) / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5
New/Additional faculty FTE
New/Additional staff FTE
New/Additional administrator FTE (e.g. DGS)
New/Additional grad assistants/other student FTE
New/Additional consultants/adjuncts FTE
Space Requirements / Year 1 (Startup) / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5
# of new/additional lecture sections
Average # of students per lecture section
# of new/additional lab sections
Average # of students per lab section
# of discussion/recitation sections
Average # of students per discussion/recitation sections
New faculty/staff offices needed
Off campus rental (sq. ft)
Resources: Revenues and Expenses
All responses should reflect ONLY new or additional resources required to mount the program, or new revenues to be gained from the program.
Revenues (new) / Year 1 (Startup) / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5
State O and M
Expenses (new) / Year 1 (Startup) / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5
Faculty costs
Staff costs
Grad assistant/other student costs
Administrator costs
Consultant/adjunct costs
Equipment and Depreciation


Other Program Assumptions (2000 character limit):
If you are projecting no additional costs, please explain (2000 character limit):

Step 3. Admission Requirements

Preferred minimum GPA
Explanation of other requirements to be completed before admission: (1000 character limit)

Step 4. Program Requirements

Degree total credits
Required Courses (other requirements if applicable)

Step 5. Sub-plan Creation

If you are creating a sub-plan(s), enter the appropriate information below.

This sub-plan is a(n) / Choose an item. /
Title of sub-plan
Sub-plan catalog description (700 character limit)
Course requirements (specific to a sub-plan)
This sub-plan is a(n) / Choose an item. /
Title of sub-plan
Sub-plan catalog description (700 character limit)
Course requirements (specific to a sub-plan)
This sub-plan is a(n) / Choose an item. /
Title of sub-plan
Sub-plan catalog description (700 character limit)
Course requirements (specific to a sub-plan)

Step 6. Sample Plan

Base on the recommended semester for each course entered.

Year 1 – Fall (list courses)
Total Credits
Year 1 – Spring (list courses)
Total Credits
Year 2 – Fall (list courses)
Total Credits
Year 2 – Spring (list courses)
Total Credits
Year 3 – Fall (list courses)
Total Credits
Year 3 – Spring (list courses)
Total Credits
Year 4 – Fall (list courses)
Total Credits
Year 4 – Spring (list courses)
Total Credits