MS Word Computer Applications

Exercise 12 (Review)

1.  Load the word processing program (if not already loaded)

2.  Type the following text:

The big fashion stories this season are soft floral prints, the sharp military look and eighties retro. There will be something for everyone in fashion this season, whatever your age and mood. But even though diversity still rules, there are definite trends coming through. In order to make sense of the array of clothes in the shops, they can be broken down into three main looks:




The florals are forties and feminine in feel. This season’s floral prints are gentle, rosy dresses, skirts and little tops, but without the beads, trims and fringes which covered everything from cardigans to camisoles last season.

3.  Change the word ‘sharp’ in the first sentence to ‘crisp’.

4.  Insert the word ‘almost’ after the word ‘for’ in the second sentence.

5.  Delete the words ‘there are’ in the third sentence.

6.  Insert the word ‘are’ after the word ‘trends’ in the third sentence.

7.  Insert the words ‘the following’ after the word ‘into’ in the fourth sentence.

8.  Create a new paragraph beginning with the words ‘In order to …’.

9.  Insert the word ‘very’ after the words ‘forties and’ in the last sentence.

10. Save the document with the file name Fashion1.

11. Add the following paragraph at the end of the document:

Club wear is out. The urban commando has deserted her combats and thick-soled runners in favour of more sophisticated fashion wear. While the colours are dusky rose, muddy pink and lilac, an edge of sophistication puts paid to any idea of the little girl look as these are definitely flowers for the grown-ups.

12. Insert the words ‘Fashions this Year’ at the top of the document and leave a blank line between them and the first paragraph.

13. Select the words ‘Florals’, ‘Military’ and ‘Eighties’ in the second paragraph and apply bold and italic enhancement.

14. Select the words ‘urban commando’ and apply bold enhancement to them.

15. Select the words ‘Fashions this Year’ at the top of the document and perform the following operations on them:

·  Apply bold enhancement.

·  Apply underline enhancement.

·  Centre the words over the document.

·  Change the font to Arial.

·  Change the font size to 16 pt.

·  Change the font colour to red.

16. Combine the third and last paragraphs to form one paragraph.

17. Split the last paragraph into two separate paragraphs so that the sentence beginning ‘The urban commando …’ becomes the start of the new last paragraph.

18. Select the second paragraph, with the three lines of main looks, and place it in 1.5 line spacing.

19. Select the last paragraph and position it to become the second paragraph.

20. Copy the first sentence of the second paragraph and paste it as a new paragraph at the end of the document.

21. Select the last paragraph (the one that has been copied) and delete it.

22. Replace all occurrences of the word ‘season’ with the word ‘year’, including plurals of the word.

23. Try to place a hanging indent of 1 cm on the third paragraph (this should indent the main looks by 1 cm).

24. Place a first line indent of 1.5 cm on the last paragraph.

25. Indent the right-hand side of the last paragraph by 1 cm.

26. Justify the last paragraph.

27. Place a 1 pt purple border around the last paragraph.

28. Apply a light colour shading to the paragraph with the border.

29. Spell check the document.

30. Save the document again.

31. Print Preview the document. (don’t waste money printing it!)

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