Ulysses S. Grant High School United States World History Syllabus

Instructor Ms. Moncada

CONTACT INFORMATION: school phone number (818)756-2700 email , room 230

CLASS OVERVIEW: According to the History-Social Science Common Core Standards for California Public Schools, students in the 10th grade study the major turning points in World History in the 20th Century. Following a review of the impact of the Enlightenment on the U.S. democratic ideals, students build upon the 10th grade study of global industrialization to trace the change in the ethnic composition of the world.

OBJECTIVES: Our purpose and goal is to develop students understanding of Geography and Modern WorldHistory. This course is a survey of western political ideas, and the study of what is known as Modern World History – approximately 1750-present day. The course is designed to include eleven California Content Standards which will be addressed throughout the semester.

STANDARDS: In fulfilling mandated standards as established by the Los Angeles Unified School District, and Ulysses S. Grant High School the student will:

  • Develop critical thinking, speaking, discussion, and research skills.
  • Improve note taking, test taking, study, and writing skills.
  • Examine and analyze issue to make informed decisions.

TEXTBOOK Websitewh.mt.glencoe.comWORLD HISTORY A and B

  • The belief systems of the first civilizations, which were based on law codes and religious beliefs, shaped Western civilization.
  • The Enlightenment sparked revolutions in England, France, and America. The results of these revolutions were representative governments and increased personal freedoms.
  • Poverty, social divisions, and economic crisis led to the French Revolution and a reign of terror. Napoleon was a brilliant politician and a military genius.
  • The Industrial Revolution and a wave of liberal nationalist revolutions transformed Europe during the nineteenth century.
  • The Second Industrial Revolution transformed the Western industrialized societies.
  • After a century of Western influence, internal and external forces in China brought down the Qing dynasty and led to civil war.


  • An assassination in the Balkans sparked the outbreak of World War I.
  • The peace settlements at the end of World War I combined with severe economic problems to produce widespread discontent across Europe.
  • Nationalism was a major force in the Middle East, Africa, and India after World War I.
  • The German and Japanese occupations of neighboring countries led to World War II.
  • Economic crises after World War II brought military rule in some Latin American countries and revolution in others.
  • African states gained independence after World War II, but troubling conditions and authoritarian rule remained widespread.
  • Mao and the Communists took control of China and turned it into a military power. India split into three countries—India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Japan and the "Asian Tigers" became economic powerhouses.
  • Remarkable developments in science, technology, industry, and agriculture have been offset by the political, economic, and environmental costs of these advances.

Selected chapters will be addressed as they relate to the Common Core Standards. Selected supplementary readings (primary and secondary source readings) will also be given throughout the semester.

CLASS PARTICIPATION: Students are required to read the text prior to the test. Some of the section readings will be covered in class, and others at home. Tests and lectures will be dependent on students participating in the reading both in class and at home.


  • Respect yourself, the classroom, your fellow classmates, and the teacher.
  • Be ready to participate. We will be working hard in this class and you will have the opportunity to be an active participant in the class.
  • Please limit the use of electronic devices of any kind, unless used for school projects. (IPods, Cell Phones) Cell phones need to be on silent and put away in the purse or backpack.

Note: Electronic devices that are used by a student excessively will be confiscated by the teacher and returned at the end of class. If the student refuses to cooperate with Grant High School policies regarding cell phone use, a parent conference will be requested by the teacher.

COOPERATION GRADE: Your Cooperation grade will be seriously affected by:

  • Talking and class disruptions
  • Repeated violations of class rules including cell phone use.

GRADING:All assignments are given a point value. Each homework and classwork assignment is usually worth between 200- 300 points, and account for the bulk of the grade in the course. Students receive points on each of their assignments, quizzes, and exams and those points are then divided by the total possible points to yield a percentage. The student’s percentage determines their letter grade, and the grade breakdown is as follows:

World History:

A = 90-100%

B = 80-89%

C = 70-79%

D = 60-69%

F = 0-59%

Fall and Spring semester school marking practices are consistent with the Los Angeles Unified School District mark reporting dates. These dates are provided under the auspices of LAUSD by the Division of Instruction.

Fall semester mid-term (10) week report card will be mailed starting the week of October 17, 2016

Final Fall report card notices will be mailed starting the week of December 19, 2016

Spring Semester mid-term (10) week report card will be mailed starting the week of March 20, 2017

Final Spring report card notices will be mailed starting the week of June 12, 2017

ATTENDANCE: Each student will be in their seat checking the daily AGENDA and ready to work BEFORE class begins with or without the ringing of the tardy bell.

WORK HABITS AND COOPERATION: each student is considered to be Excellent in both Work Habits and Cooperation at the start of each semester, final semester marks in both areas will depend on whatever actions, attitudes, study habits, assignment quality, and attendance patterns becomes apparent during each semester.

Return to Ms. Moncada


I (the student) have read and I completely understand this “Class Contract, Syllabus, Information and Letter to Parent/Guardian” for World History. I have also reviewed and discussed the class syllabus with my parent/s/guardian” for World History.

Name (PRINT, first and last name) ______


Student’s Signature Date


PRINT Parent/Guardian’s Name Home Phone Number(s)


Parent/ Guardian’s Signature Work Phone Number(s)
