CIS 238 UNIX Network Administration Final

Name: ________________________________

1) When you view all system processes, you notice there are over 35 HTTP daemons running. You thought you configured 10, what has happened?

A. Apache Spiraling out of control.

B. Each virtual service can call up to three times its base number of daemons.

C. There may be some FTP service requests.

D. Apache is dynamically configuring server processes for current load needs.

2) This command invokes the Gnome desktop Printer Configuration tool: ____________.

3) This command can be used to mount a Windows drive from a LINUX Samba client:

A. smbmount

B. smbfs

C. smbclient

D. smb

4) Which of the following environment variables is used to determine which workstation--local or remote--a launched X11 application will display on?





5) How can you test the Web site without a graphical interface?


B. lynx

C. linuxconf

D. netscape -text

6) Which three services are mapped to the TCP/IP ports 80, 110 and 21 (in the listed order)?

A. http, telnet, ssh

B. http, pop3, ftp

C. kerberos, smtp, ftp

D. whois, telnet, pop3

7) You made a couple of quick changes to your Samba configuration file and you need to test it quickly for syntax errors. Which utility should you run?

A. smbmount

B. smbclient

C. smbfs

D. testparm

8) This command / application can be used to display user GECOS information for a UNIX user. ____________________.

What protocol/port does it use? ______________________________________.

CIS 238 UNIX Network Administration Final

9) You notice no ftpd service running when you randomly check your system, but no complaints have been made. Why is there no daemon?

A. Awakened by xinetd as needed

B. Only runs at designated intervals of day

C. Nobody uses it, system cleans house regularly

D. Run out of memory

10) How would you determine if ftpd service is running without actually trying an FTP LOGIN?

11) The Windows users are complaining they cannot see the HR document share in their Network Neighborhood diagram. What option is missing from smb.conf?

A. Hidden = no

B. Browseable = yes

C. NetworkDisplay = on

D. Viewable = no

12) You copy over the Windows-based Web site to your LINUX Apache your site intact, set up the virtual host, and try to hit the homepage, but it fails. Which of these could be the problem if this was a straightforward Web site copy of existing files that worked?

A. Wrong DocumentRoot

B. Wrong Port Number

C. Wrong DirectoryIndex file

D. Wrong browser settings

13) The sales department wants to know if it can selectively give access to certain users via FTP. Which FTP options could be used?

A. .htaccess

B. ftpaccess

C. rpm

D. hosts.allow

14) What program(s) are started on a Samba server?

A. /usr/bin/smbd

B. /usr/bin/nmbd

C. /usr/bin/smbclient

D. /etc/smb.conf

15) Which of the following commands uses the DNS resolver client?

A. ping

B. nslookup

C. telnet

D. host

E. dig

16) Which of the following commands can be used to determine the list of modules that have been loaded into the Apache web server?

A. ls /etc/httpd/modules/

B. httpd -l

C. apache --modules

D. grep LoadModule /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

E. httpd -M

CIS 238 UNIX Network Administration Final

17) You have added several new servers into your primary DNS server. The zone files are formatted properly, and you've restarted named. You still cannot get DNS names for the new servers resolved. What is the most likely cause?

A. Your servers are not connected to the network.

B. The serial number was not incremented in the zone file.

C. Someone has changed the zone files without your knowledge.

D. The users at the other end are having ISP problems.

18) You add a new workstation to your dhcpd.conf file. You're in a hurry to finish, so you save and go to lunch. When you return, your phone mail is full of user complaints that they can't access the Internet, but the local network is fine. You surmise that you accidentally changed something in the dhcpd.conf file that you shouldn't have. What is the most likely cause?

A. The absence of a "routers" line.

B. The subnet mask was changed.

C. The IP range was thrown off.

D. The broadcast address was changed.

19) Which program checks the DNS server setup?

A. ping

B. nslookup

C. telnet

D. host

E. dig

20) This command displays IP and MAC address of systems on your local subnet: ______________________________.

21) DHCP has been installed and configured properly. The network is responding. There are no firewalls or extraneous server processes. Clients are not getting their network information, though. What could be the cause?

A. Not enough disk space.

B. The dhcpd.leases file was not created.

C. DHCP is in loopback mode.

D. DHCP has phased the multicast server array.

E. dhcpd was not started

22) Which is an example of a properly formatted MX record?



C. MX 10

D. MX 10

23) In the /etc/exports file, if we want to export /data as read-only, but grant write permission to the supervisor, the proper line is:

A. /data (rw)

B. /data (ro)

C. /data (ro) *

D. /data

24) What is the naming scheme for a serial port on a Linux system?

A. /dev/cua1

B. /dev/modem

C. /dev/ttyS0


CIS 238 UNIX Network Administration Final

25) Which of the following command lines would allow the machine TRUSTED to run an X11 application on the X11 server on your system?

A. xallow -a TRUSTED

B. addremote TRUSTED

C. xhost +TRUSTED

D. Xclient --allow TRUSTED

26) On bootup, the system will check what file for NFS shares to mount?

A. /etc/exports

B. /etc/nfs.conf

C. /etc/fstab

D. /nfs/conf

27) The /proc directory contains information about: _______________________

28) An public Internet IPv6 address starts with wht value as the first to hex bytes? ______________________.

29) This file determines the order in which TCP/IP names are resolved:

A. /etc/resolv.conf

B. /etc/hosts

C. /etc/host.conf

D. /etc/nsswitch.conf

30) Which of the following directories is the primary location for system level runtime files:





31) Which of the following directories is the primary location for temporary user files:

A. /tmp

B. /etc

C. /home

D. /var

32) This IP address is ALWAYS present on a IP networked UNIX system: ________________________ and represents ____________________________ and is used to ________________________________..

33) Which of the following utilities could be used to display the ports for which the server is currently listening?

A. ifconfig -a

B. ss -a

C. ipchains

D. nc -a

E. netstat -a

34) How many hosts are possible in the subnet with the netmask of

A. 1 E. 0

B. 64 F. 62

C. 128 G. 126

D. 256 H. 254

CIS 238 UNIX Network Administration Final

35) The three pieces of information to required to properly configure a TCP/IP network connection are the:

___________________, __________________ and _____________________.

32) The command-line commands for configuring the physical attributes of LINUX network interface is: ______________________________.

33)) The command-line command for configuring the IP attributes of LINUX network interface is: ______________________________.

34) Write the command to compile C programs A, B and C generating executable program D.

35) If the second field in the PASSWD file is "x", then this file is also being used for LOGIN security: __________________________.

36) SSH public server keys are stored in this hidden directory and file. __________________________.

37) This command will save all active LINUX firewall rules: ______________________.

38) This statement must be commented out in order to receive E-Mail from the outside using SENDMAIL.

39) The ntp command to sync time system to an NTP server is ______________________ .

This command will sync that time to the system hardware clock _________________________.

40) SSH public client keys are stored in this hidden directory and file. __________________________.

41) The function of “xhosts” under XWindows is to: __________________________________

42) PKI uses _______________________ keys meaning one key encrypts and one key decrypts. However, either key can encrypt or decrypt. The encryption of the other users public key with the local user’s private key is referred to as a ____________________.

43) True/False: SSH uses symmetric keys.

44) True/False: Under XWindows, the host running the GUI is the client.

45) This command displays the active firewall rules in memory on a LINUX system _______________________.

CIS 238 UNIX Network Administration Final

Name: ________________________________

46) Internet research: fill out the below matrix to determine the use (function) of the below network service daemons and the latest RPM release of the product.

Daemon name Description (function) Latest release RPM for LINUX













CIS 238 UNIX Network Administration Final

47) SSH Server “ServerA” just installed an SSHD server. A client on system “ClientB” wants to perform a “nologon” SFTP transfer to ServerA. List the exact series of commands each system and user would use to implement a nologon SFTP transfer from user1@ClientB to user2@ServerA.

48) Describe the exact command sequence to setup a an SFTP “chroot” jail for user2 on ServerA usong openssh.

49) Describe the sequence for generating and installing a 2048 bit RSA key and self-cert in the Apache web server on server.

50) Describe the difference between a cipher, encryption and hash.