Serving Benton, Cedar, Jones and Linn Counties
Monthly Chapter 0227 Meeting Minutes
August 6, 2014
TIME: 8:30 AM
LOCATION:Cedar Rapids Economic Alliance Building
Attendees: Dick Bice; Jim Burns; Vern Jackson; Jean Kruse; Terry Lamb; Leland Smithson; Kathy McArtor; Carolyn Tonn; Jim Vancura; J R Wright
Executive Committee/Officer Reports:
- Secretary (Terry Lamb)
- Jean Kruse moved and Kathy McArtor seconded a motion to approve the July 2, 2014 minutes as written. Motion carried.
- Treasurer (Jean Kruse reporting) – Finance Report
- The finance report is shown below.
- SBA Report - Carolyn Tonn Reporting
- Joe Folsom who is the SBA District Director in Des Moines has announced that he is retiring. Linda Haus, the Deputy, also will be retiring. There may be a special retirement package offered soon by SBA so the timing of one or both retirements may by tied to that package. It will take a few months to appoint a new Director.
- The Corridor Business Journal has an article in its latest edition about the drop in SBA loans for FY-2012 and 2013 in Iowa. This is a correct statement. The loan values did drop, but the number of loans made was up by one for the same period. More clients needing less money?
- The new availability sheets are out. These sheets are used to schedule members for Desk Duty and Counseling for the upcoming months. Please make sure your sheet is returned to SBA.
- Committee Chair Reports
- Marketing/Outreach – Jim Burns
- We have had individuals at SAM’s Club this last month. Jim still would like to get two more people on the list to ensure we have someone there most months. If interested, talk to Jim.
- The newsletter is being updated and Jim hopes to send a copy of it to the local bankers to keep the SCORE© name in front of them. There was a discussion about the best approach to maintain contact with the banking community. Since the loan officers who are usually tasked with arranging SBA loans are the newer officers, it was suggested that information be sent to them. Jim Vancura and Carolyn Tonn have many of the snail mail and email addresses for these people to complete a mailing list.
- Training & Membership –Vern Jackson
- Vern would like to expand the number of individuals on the Training Committee by one to get more depth on the committee.
- Actions are being made to clean up the Office Portal to make it more useful.
- The Committee is looking at older information and guides to see if they should be made more available to members. This would include wallet cards and documents that have good reminders for mentors to use. Jean Kruse indicated that the National training program uses an approach based on the acronym SLATE that is summarized on small cards. She will order some cards for members use.
- The Training Committee will provide short training sessions at upcoming member meetings.
- Workshop Committee (Jean Kruse reporting for Dianne Martin)
July Workshops:
- Breakfast Roundtables:
- 7/08/14 -- 7 attendees
- 7/24/14 -- 11 attendees
- University of Iowa Workshop: First Money in Venture School
- 7/30/14 – 22 attendees
Upcoming Workshops
- QuickBooks—the Basics – August 7 from 6 to 8 pm at Kaplan University
- Roundtables – August 12 and 28 (Breakfast at Scott’s)
- No Evening Roundtable during the summer months
- “How to Really Start Your Own Business” Seminar – Sept 16, 23, 30
- “Is a Franchise the Right Business Model for You?”
- Workshop to be held at KTOS presented by Chuck Murphy
- $35.00 fee
- Oct 15, 6:00-8:00 PM
Dianne Martin, Workshop Committee Chair
The Workshop program is a vital part of the Chapter activities. We still need two people to head up this Committee as Dianne will not be available. If anyone has an interest, please contact Jim Vancura or Jean Kruse.
- Technology – Jim Vancura Reporting
- Still working on Constant Contact.
- The client base will need to be available to import to the new CORE client program once Webit is no longer used (October 1, 2014).
- The internet has been down periodically at the SCORE© office. Jim Vancura will investigate getting a different provider.
- Administration – Pat Gosnell Reporting
- No report.
- Evaluation – Kathy McArtor Reporting
- Mentors for new members need to make sure all the paper is completed for new members and forwarded to Kathy.
- Iowa City Chapter Task Force – Dick Bice
- The Task Force has been active meeting with Iowa City individuals on ways to enhance SCORE© presence in the Iowa City area. One of the main contacts has been Dave Jacoby. The recommendation is to sit down with the Chamber of Commerce and attend roundtable meetings. See the task force synopsis in the attachments.
- The Coralville library is usually available if we need a place to meet IC area clients.
- As it turns out the whole IC area is not unified very well. This has caused some lack of coordination between East and West side, Coralville and North Liberty.
- The Iowa City SCORE© Officefacility is still officially active. The office and telephone are not being used by anyone. Jean Kruse moved that we close the office and disconnect the telephone. Kathy McArtor seconded the motion. The motion carried. If we want a listing for SCORE© in the Iowa City telephone directory, the Chapter will need to pay for it.
- District Director Report – Jean Kruse Reporting
- A training program on the new CORE program replacing Webit will be presented by one of the national representatives on September 29 starting at 9:00 AM in the Holiday Inn in Ames. Everyone is encouraged to attend. If you want to attend, please contact Jean Kruse.
- The CORE program will have a general appearance of an enhanced Webit program.
- For those who do not attend the Ames training, local training will be provided.
- After CORE is in place, there will be only one password for all National SCORE© sites.
- The updated SBA Business Resources Guide is now available for use in the New Business Kits.
- Old Business
a)Efforts are still in progress to reduce the number of our un-counseled clients.
b)Terry Lamb moved and Jean Kruse seconded a motion to remove Bob Randklev from the Chapter roster. Motion carried.
c)The Chapter is registered to be available at the upcoming government contracting seminar.
- New Business
a)Mike Humbert and John Ruth are already approved new members to the Chapter.
b)Jim Burns moved and Jean Kruse seconded a motion to approve Martin Morrow as a new member. Motion passed. He has been interviewed and is ready for training.
c)Ann Thompkins has served in the Iowa City SCORE© Chapter for many years in just about every Chapter capacity. Jean Kruse moved and Kathy McArtor seconded a motion to approve a resolution to make Ann a Platinum Member of SCORE©. The resolution passed. A copy of the resolution is attached to these minutes.
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Serving Benton, Cedar, Jones and Linn Counties
The General Meeting was held in the Metro Alliance large conference Room.
Richard Bice, John Bryant, Jim Burns, Michael Gilhooly, Pat Gosnell, Michael Humbert, Vern Jackson, Glenn Jensen, Jean Kruse, Terry Lamb, John Langer, Kathy McArtor, Joel Miller, Jerry Moore, Marty Morrow, Chuck Murphy, John Ruth, Duffy Schamberger, Leland Smithson, Jim Vancura, JR Wright, Carolyn Tonn
Nancy Brunner who is retired from Cargill visited the meeting today. Mike Humbert, Marty Morrow and John Ruth were welcomed as new members.
- The program today was presented by Frank Iliff. Frank is the Director of an organization called the Muscatine County Rebuilding Together.
- This is a national organization that rebuilds and fixes homes free for individuals who are elderly and below a specified income level. They raise money from individuals and various other organizations. The workforce is all volunteers.
- The Rebuilding Together wants to expand into Linn, Johnson and Jones counties.
- The following brochure contains the basic information about the Rebuilding Together organization.
Reports and General Information
- Treasurer’s Report.
- See Executive Committee minutes for detail.
- Workshop Report
- See Executive Committee minutes for detail.
- Training & Membership Committee
- See Executive Committee minutes for detail.
- SBAReport
- Carolyn discussed the Corridor Business Journal article. See Board Minutes for details.
- SBA loans, under $50K, are still available without the usual fees until the end of September. Whether it will be continued into next year is not known yet.
- The special Veteran’s loans area in the same boat as the small loans above. The SBA typically has always had some kind of Veteran loans so there is likely to be something next year.
- Marketing
- The Marketing Committee is looking for items or information to include in the next Newsletter. Talk to Jim Burns if you have ideas.
- Workshops
- See Executive Committee minutes for detail.
- District Director
- See Executive Committee minutes for detail.
- President’s Comments
- The Chapter will convert to the new CORE client data program in October.
- If mentors have any clients who DO NOT have an email address, these addresses need to be changed to the following format: If this doesn’t happen, the client files will NOT be transferred from Webit to CORE.
- The CORE program will only maintain a client’s files for 2 years. If a mentor needs access to one of these files, the Chapter Administrator can access it in the old Webit program.
- A copy of the Volunteer Survey that was taken a few months ago was distributed to members a couple of weeks ago. 62% of Chapter 227 members responded to the survey. Jim Vancura reviewed the results and asked for comments. On close inspection, it is difficult to tell what some of the results mean. One comment was that the questions might have been interpreted in a number of ways.A different format may have provided more meaningful results.
- Jim Vancura reiterated the following points for members to consider.
- Each mentor is encouraged to take the on-line Certification Program and Orientation training through the national website.
- Make a point of following up on clients to see if they need any counseling help and to see how their businesses are progressing.
- Make sure you enter you counseling time in Webit.
- Consider being an on-line counselor.
- There are many archived and live webinars on the SCORE© National site. Most are very good and don’t take a lot of time. Consider taking a few.
- Our next meeting will be September 3, 2014.
Respectfully Submitted
Terry Lamb
BE IT RESOLVED, that Ann Tompkins joined SCORE on November 29, 2004, and that she served continuously and faithfully. Ann served as Chapter Chair of the Iowa City SCORE Chapter. She also served for some time as Assistant District Director, Marketing Chair, Fund Raising Chair, and she was a Cyber Counselor for many years. In addition to all of those duties and responsibilities, Ann Tompkins served as a counselor of Iowa City SCORE clients during all of the years of her membership until the Iowa City Chapter #0449 was merged into the East Central Iowa SCORE Chapter.
BE IT RESOLVED, that Ann Tompkins, as set out above, has demonstrated meritorious service and made a significant contribution to SCORE.
NOW THEREFORE, the Executive Committee of the Cedar Rapids SCORE Chapter #227, after a motion and a second to the motion, has unanimously voted to make an Application for the Platinum Leadership Award for Ann Tompkins.
On this 6th day of August, 2014, at our regular Executive Committee meeting.
Secretary, Terry Lamb
Jim Vancura, Chair
SCORE Cedar Rapids Chapter #227
Cedar RapidsChapter SummaryVolunteers as of 07/31/2014
Male / Female / Total *
Total Active Volunteers / 36 / 8 / 44
White / 36 / 8 / 44
Unknown / 0 / 0 / 0
56 Total Volunteers; 44 Active; 0 Inactive; 10 Emeritus; 2 Provisional
* Totals may not match the sum of Males and Females due to volunteers not having
a gender assigned in Manage Chapter Volunteers
Case Summary: Between 07/01/2014 and 07/31/2014
# Of Cases / # Of Contact Hours / # Of Prep Hours
New F/F or Tel / 14 / 19.5 / 2.25
Follow-on F/F or Tel / 15 / 17 / 1.5
Total F/F or Tel / 29 / 36.5 / 3.75
New On-line / 0 / 0 / 0
Follow-on Online / 0 / 0 / 0
Total Online Cases / 0 / 0 / 0
Total Combined Cases / 29 / 36.5 / 3.75
% Of In-Business Clients / 10%
Workshop Summary: Between 07/01/2014 and 07/31/2014
Total Workshops / 8
Total Attendees / 118
Minority / 11
Women Attendees / 41
Total Workshop Prep Hours / 0
Other Hours: Between 07/01/2014 and 07/31/2014
Total Other Volunteer Hours / 244
Total Outside Hours / 0
Total Services - 147 (This is calculated as total combined # of cases + total attendees.)
August 2014
Officers of the Chapter:
Chair: Jim VancuraVice Chair: Greg Christensen
Secretary: Terry LambTreasurer: Alicia Jackson
Executive Committee:
Officers, all Committee Chairs, Jerry Ziese (Immediate Past Chair), Jean Kruse (District Director), Carolyn Tonn, SBA
Committee Chairs:
Marketing/Outreach: Jim Burns
Training/Membership: Vern Jackson
Workshops: Dianne Martin
Technology: Jim Green
Evaluation: Kathy McArtor
Case Assignment: Pat Gosnell
Nominating: John Bryant
Programs: Jim Vancura/Greg Christensen
Legislative: (As Needed)
Administration: (Interim) Pat Gosnell
Iowa City Task Force: Richard Bice
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