Ukulele/Poly Music

Project #3

Paniolo Music

Due: September. 17, 2015 [with extension to Sept 24th]

Purpose: Student’s will video ONE of three Paniolo style songs learned in class over the past three weeks as a solo, and send the video [un-edited] as evidence of being able to play the straight strum, and able to change key within the song.


1. Pick one song from among “Paniolo Country,” “Kauai Medley,” and “Going to Hana. Maui.” Learn the melody and chords in correct key. Make sure to maintain a straight strum and NOT the Hawaiian shuffle.

2. After learning the selected song, each student will find a place where they can video a performance by themselves alone. This video should NOT be edited in any way.

3. You may have another person video yourself, or if you wish, place it on a tripod and do it all by yourself. You may also have someone else sing the song for you, but you will need to, at least, hum the melody.

4. The performance should include only you announcing yourself and what song you will sing, followed by the song song choice above, played to the best of your ability. Do not walk away from the spot when you are finished. [Unless you’re by yourself]

5. Send the video to Mr. Woolsey via email at You may also post the video to YouTube, but make sure to send the link to me and make it public. If you would like, you can submit the video on a flashdrive or CD/DVD after burning it and then turn it into the homework box.

Grading Criteria

Exceeds the Standard Perfect performance of the Paniolo song of your choice. The whole melody was

(4) easily heard with not mistakes. Chord progressions [including F, Bb, G7, Am, Dm, and C7] were accurate and sounded practiced. The INTRO, key change, and ENDING were done effectively and smoothly. Performance was OLELO TV quality. Each of the requirements above were included.

Meets the Standard Slight problems with the performance of the song, either with the singing and/or the

(3) playing on the ukulele. The melody was clearly heard with only few mistakes. The chord progressions and strumming [including F, Bb, G7, Am, Dm, and C7] were mostly on the beat and appeared to be practiced well. The INTRO, key change, and ENDING were included and made the performance song good. Over all, only a few minor mistakes. Each of the requirements above were included.

Approaching the Standard More problems with the performance of the song. Some of the melody

(2) was hard to hear or just incorrectly sung. Some problems with the chord progressions [including F, Bb, G7, Am, Dm, and C7] and the transitions from chord to chord where not smooth and/or not practiced enough. Some problems with the INTRO, key change, and/or ENDING. Some requirements were not included in presentation.

Standard Not Met Major problems with the performance of the song. Most of the melody was hard to

(1) hear and some was not on the beat or performed correctly. Some major problems with the chord progressions [including F, Bb, G7, Am, Dm, and C7] and the transitions from chord to chord where not smooth or practiced enough. The INTRO, key change, and/or ENDING were not practiced enough to make this a worthy performance. Some requirements were not included in presentation.