The ninth ‘UK Maritime Heritage Forum’

Thursday 5–Friday 6 October 2017, Hull

Please return form by Wednesday20th September 2017to:

Sally Archer, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, SE10 9NF

Email: Tel: 020 8312 6772

(please note my office hours are 9-3pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri)

Personal Details
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Institution name, if any (for your delegate name badge): ……………………......
Address: ………………………………………………………………………………….……………………......
Email: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Please tick if you are happy for the UKMHF organisers to retain your email address and email you with details of future UKMH Forums
Telephone: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Optional Tours and Visits (see programme for details)
Thursday 5 October – walking tour of Hull maritime sights
I wish to participate Yes/No
Friday 6 October – late morning visit to Hull History Centre to see maritime archival collections (NB. This is a parallel session to the session on the Skills Heritage Training Partnership and places are limited to 25 – first come, first served)
I wish to participate Yes/No
Saturday 7 October - all-day ‘Sailing on the Humber’ trip
I would like to attend Yes/No
I have a preference for going on a Keel / Sloop (please delete or underline)
The delegate fee is £85 (which includes the evening meal on Thursday, two lunches and teas and coffees throughout).
Please tick one of the following:
I enclose a cheque for £85 (payable to ‘National Maritime Museum’. NB Please write ‘UKMHF’ on the back of the cheque)
I would like to pay by debit/credit card (please indicate)
You may pay either by completing the boxes below and posting this form to the address below or calling Sally Archer on 020 8312 6772 to complete this form and supply your payment details over the phone (please note that for security reasons payment details cannot be sent by email as it will be blocked by our server)
I authorize you to debit my Mastercard/Visa (please indicate) for the sum of £85
Card number :
Expiry date :
AVC (the last 3 digits on the signature strip):
Name and address of debit/credit card holder (if different to above)
Signature...... Date......
Please state any dietary or other requirements (e.g. accessibility):
Any other notes or comments (e.g. on your arrival time):

Thursday 5 October

Evening Set Menu

Banqueting Hall, Guildhall, Hull

Please specify your choices below by deleting or underlining ‘Yes’ or ‘No’


Fan of Melon served with forest fruit compote YES/NO


Broccoli and Stilton soup YES/NO



Herb stuffed pork loin served with a wholegrain mustard sauce YES/NO


Baked herb crepes stuffed with mushrooms and watercress (v) YES/NO



Tarte au Citron YES/NO


Chocolate Fudge Cake served with pouring cream YES/NO


Coffee and Mints

NB. A pre-dinner drinks reception (and venue hire) is being generously sponsored by the Honourable Company of Master Mariners and GBA Group, Grimsby. A pay bar will be available for drinks during the meal.