Return to Student Organizations Coordinator • Nigh University Center, Room 150 • 405-974-2625
- All student organizations wishing to hold an off-campus event where alcohol will be served must send at least two members of their executive counsel (President, Vice President, Social Chair, etc.) to an alcohol management training session each fall and spring semester. We also recommend the attendance of the on-campus advisor to the training session as well. These sessions will be offered by the Student Organizations Officein conjunctionwith the Student Health Center and the Office of Student Conduct. Only students who have attended an alcohol management training session may serve as event hosts.
- Event hosts must meet with theStudent Organizations Coordinator(NUC 150) or their designee at least three weeks prior to the event to review the UCO Off-Campus Alcohol Event Registration Form and UCO Off-Campus Alcohol Event Registration Checklist.
- The UCO Off-Campus Alcohol Event Registration Form, theUCO Off-Campus Alcohol Event Registration Checklist and any additional materials, including third-party vendor agreements (venue, beverage service, security, etc.), must be submitted totheStudent Organizations Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the event.
- In addition, the following items must be submitted to theStudent Organizations Coordinator (NUC 150),at least one week prior to the event:
- For an event located within 30 driving milesof the Nigh University Center:
I.A menu of food and nonalcoholic beverages to be served at the event;
II.Copies of the valid driver’s license and current proof of insurance for all designated drivers, who must be in attendance of event (please include information on paperwork provided); and,
III.A guest list detailing all of the individuals who will be attending the event. List must be typed and include the name and birthdate of each individual who plans to attend the event. Only individuals on the guest list are authorized to attend the event.
* Please note that if it is an overnight event, designated drivers must be provided.
- For an event located more than 30 driving miles from the Nigh University Center:
I.Organization must provide a contractual agreement for third-party transportation using a licensed transportation vendor(due two (2) weeks before event)
II.A menu of food and nonalcoholic beverages to be served at the event;and,
III.A guest list detailing all of the individuals who will be attending the event. List must be typed and include the name and birth date of each individual who plans to attend the event. Only individuals on the guest list are authorized to attend the event.
- Upon receipt of all above materials, the event host(s) and activity chaperone (on-campus advisor) will be contacted by theStudent Organizations Coordinator, who will inform the event host and the chaperone as to one of the following:
I.Official letter of approval of the event;
II.Required changes to the event that must be made in order to gain approval; or
III.Notification that the event will not be approved and is not authorized to take place.
Submitting all required documentation for an event does not mean the event is approved. Approval is not official unless the event host and chaperone receive an emailed letter from the Student Organizations Coordinator stating official event approval.
- Additional materials may be requested at the discretion of the Student Organizations Coordinator.
- Students and student organizations hosting an event where alcohol will be present and who have not received official approval from theStudent Organizations Coordinator and/or that do not follow the policies agreed to on the UCO Off-Campus Alcohol Event Registration Form and UCO Off-Campus Alcohol Event Registration Checklist will be considered in violation of the UCO Code of Student Conduct and subject to disciplinary action.
- If an overnight event is within 30 driving miles of the Nigh University Center, designated drivers must still be provided.
- When determining the distance from UCO, the default driving directions given on Google Maps will be used at the time of the event review.
- UCO staff reserves the right to visit registered events to ensure compliance with the policy.
- Under no circumstances will on-campus, student alcohol events be permitted.
Please note that this policy is subject to change at any time without prior notification. For the most current policy, please contact the Student Organizations office, room 150 NUC.
(Must be completed and submitted to the Student Organizations OfficeTWO WEEKS prior to any event sponsored by a University of Central Oklahoma Student Organizationwhere alcohol will be served).
Host Organization(s):1.______2. ______
Date(s) of Event:______Start Time:______
End Time: ______
Alcohol ServiceStart Time:______End Time:______
**Alcohol may only be served for a total of four (4) hours at any UCO Off-Campus event.
Event Host 1:______
Event Host 2:______
On-campus Chapter Advisor serving as chaperone:______
*The advisor serving as chaperone must be in attendance for the duration of the event and may not consume alcoholic beverages.
Anticipated Attendance:
______Number of UCO Faculty/Staff
______Number of UCO Students (guests* or members of the hosting organization)
______Number of guests* (who are not UCO students)
*A limit of no more than two guests for each member of the hosting student organization applies to all off-campus alcohol events. In addition, UCO student organizations will be responsible for all guests and their behavior at UCO student organization events.
Location of Event (please attach contract):
Address (Street, City, State):______
Contact Name/Phone:______
(Area Code)
Nature of Location:
Restaurant Bar/Tavern Banquet Facility
Other (Please describe______)
Vendor Providing Alcohol (please attach contract):
Address (Street, City, State):______
Contact Name/Phone:______
(Area Code)
Vendor Providing Security*(please attach contract):
Address (Street, City, State):______
Contact Name/Phone:______
(Area Code)
*Security company must provide wristbands for use as proof of identification.
Vendor Providing Transportation, if event is more than 30 driving miles from NUC, (please attach contract):
Address (Street, City, State):______
Contact Name/Phone:______
(Area Code)
The Sponsoring Organization agrees to the following (Acknowledge with initials of event host):
______Only those of legal drinking age may possess or consume alcoholic beverages.
______Alcohol may only be served for four (4) total hours at any UCO off-campus alcohol event.
______Must provide licensed security personnel as required by the Student Organizations Office (One security officer must be present for every 50 people in attendance and more in accordance with the following guidelines):
- 1 - 50 attendees = One security guard
- 51-100 attendees = Two security guards
- 101-150 attendees = Three security guards
- 151-200 attendees = Four security guards
- 201-250 attendees = Five security guards
- 251-300 attendees = Six security guards
______Security vendor is aware of, and agrees with, the policy that they must provide wristbands for use as proof of identification.
______Provide nonalcoholic beverages and food as determined by the Student Organizations Office.
______Alcohol service must end 30 minutes prior to the conclusion of the event if travel is planned with designated drivers and 30 minutes prior to the event if travel is planned using third-party transportation services.
______Activity chaperone must be the on-campus organization advisor or appointed designee who is UCO faculty orstaff.
______Vendor (company) must be licensed to sell alcohol by the Oklahoma Alcoholic BeverageLaws Enforcement Commission (ABLE).
______Alcohol must be sold on a drink per drink basis and may not be provided free of charge.
______Student Organizations and/or their members must not charge a cover, entertainment fee, sell cups or ask for donations.
______Student Organizations and/or their members will not purchase alcohol with Student Activity Fee or E&G funds.
______Student Organizations and/or their members are not to advertise event off-campus or open event to the general public.
______All individuals in attendance must appear on the guest list submitted to the Student Organizations Office and be UCO faculty, staff, students or their personally invites guests. A limit of no more than two guests for each member of the hosting student organization applies to all off-campus alcohol events. In addition, UCO student organizations will be responsible for all guests and their behavior at UCO Student Organization events. Organizations must submit a typed list of individuals inattendance to the Student Organizations Office one week prior to the event. The number of guests willnot exceed the number of UCO faculty, staff or students in attendance. The list of those inattendance will be provided to the event security and chaperones.
______All promotional materials for the event must be approved by Student Organizations Office and may not encourage the abuse of alcohol, make reference to the amount of alcohol at the event or advertise BYOB(BringYour Own Beverage).
______BYOB (Bring Your Own Beverage) functions are not permitted regardless if beverages are alcoholic or nonalcoholic.
______For eventsthat are 30 driving miles or less from the NUC, the sponsoring organization may provide designated drivers in place of third-party transportation (who may not consume alcohol or any controlled substances the day of the event) in accordance with the numbers indicated in the Student Organizations Off-Campus Alcohol Event Policy (one designated driver per every four people attending the event or equal to 25% of the event’s attendance). Designated drivers must be in attendance of the event.
______For overnight events that are 30 driving miles or less from the NUC, designated drivers must be provided.
______When determining the distance from UCO, the default driving directions on Google Maps will be used.
______For events locatedmore than 30 driving miles from the NUC, the sponsoring organization must provide a contractual agreement for third-party transportation using a licensed transportation vendor.
______The advisor serving as chaperone must be in attendance for the duration of the event and may not consume alcoholic beverages. Please have your advisor initial here to acknowledge this commitment. _____ (Chaperone’s initials).
The following parties agree to the terms above and have not provided false information on this form:
Event Host 1 NameEvent Host 1 SignatureDate
Event Host 2 NameEvent Host 2 SignatureDate
On-campus Chapter Advisor (Chaperone)On-campus Chapter Advisor (Chaperone) Date
Student Organizations Coordinator Student Organizations Coordinator Date
The University of Central Oklahoma requires certain criteria for our sober driver program. Please read and report the following to apply for the sober driver privilege used at UCO. Two areas in the UCO Off-Campus Alcohol Event Registration Form and UCO Off-Campus Alcohol Event Registration Checklist refer to the designated driver privilege at UCO but are provided on this sheet for an additional reference.
A. For an event located within 30 driving miles from the Nigh University Center:
I.Menu of food and nonalcoholic beverages to be served at the event;
II.Copies of the valid driver’s license and current proof of insurance for all designated drivers, must be in attendance of event (please include information on paperwork provided); and
III.List of those individuals who will be attending the event. List must be typed and include the name and birth date of each individual attending the event. Only individuals on the guest list are authorized to attend the event.
* Please note that if it is an overnight event, designated drivers must be provided.
**For events located 30 driving miles or less from the NUC, the sponsoring organization may provide designated drivers (who may not consume alcohol or any controlled substances the day of the event) in place of third-party transportation, and in accordance with the numbers indicated in the Student Organizations Off-Campus Alcohol Event Policy (one designated driver per every four people attending the event or equal to 25% of the event’s attendance).
By signing, each individual understands they are stating they will abide by the policy provided by the Student Organizations Office and understandsthat by not following the policy they can forfeit the Designated Driver Privilege for themselves or their entire organization. This privilege can be dismissed on a case by case basis under the discretion of the Student Organization Coordinator, and/or the Assistant Director of Greek Life and Student Organizations.
Please provide the following information for all designated drivers:
NamePhone NumberSignature
In addition, each Designated Driver must provide a copy of their current, valid driver’s license and insurance verification no later than one week prior to the event. An expired driver’s license or insurance verification will not be accepted.