UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital Music Therapy Internship

Please also submit with this application:

  1. Your three video recordings to (see details on attached page)
  2. Resume
  3. Proof of transcript from university
  4. 2 letters of recommendation from music therapy professor or music therapy fieldwork supervisor.
  5. Letter of eligibility from the chair of your university’s Music Therapy Department

Internship application also requires either a facetime/skype interview or an in person interview with the Music Therapy supervisor and a Child Life Specialist from the Child Life Program.



Phone number:

Email address:

Circle intended term: Fall (September-March) Spring Term (March-September)


Facetime/skype or in person interview desired?

Facetime number or skype name:

Please answer the following questions in no more than two paragraphs each

Why are you interested in UCLA Mattel/the pediatric medical setting in general?

What expectations do you have of internship?

Why do you want to be a music therapist?

What areas do you feel are your greatest strengths?

What areas do you want to develop?

How do you practice self-care in your own life/what are some of your resources for emotional support?

Is there anything in particular that you have learned from a previous music therapy supervisor that has helped you in your development? Was there a specific supervision style that was particularly helpful to you? (ex: any feedback, modeling or advice that a music therapy fieldwork supervisor has provided?) Please briefly explain.

Please list examples of your experiences working with children below (can be in bullet/numbered form rather than paragraph):

Three video recordings

Please record yourself singing and playing a harmonic instrument such as piano, guitar or ukulele to the following three video prompts. Note guitar must be played in at least one video.

Video 1: A song to fit relaxation and pain management needs

Video 2: One song that encourages patient and family participation (with a short blurb a few sentences describing the clinical intentions) for example could be a song that includes hand movements or promotes development/cognitive stimulation i.e. Colors, counting etc.

Video 3: a current “top 40 song”

Video recordings may be sent via google drive, email or via youtube link.

Application must be submitted electronically to

Official transcripts can be mailed to:

Chase Child Life Dept.

Expressive Arts Therapies attn. Jenna Bollard

757 Westwood Plaza Room 5238

Los Angeles, CA 90095

Thank you for your interest in UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital’s Music Therapy internship program!