University Learning and Teaching Committee

UC Outstanding Teaching PracticeAwards – Application Pack 2018

Nominee(s) (Full name(s))

Contact details:

Nominator (Full name)

Contact details:

Guide to completing this application:

  • The purpose of this Portfolio is to facilitate the capture of evidence, to support the application against the Outstanding Teaching Practice Award criteria. Please note that this form is to recognise outstanding innovations in teaching, and that the Teaching Award form should be completed for other applicants.
  • Portfolios will be a maximum of 6 pages in length (excluding appendices and the front page of this format).
  • Please supply course and/or teaching survey scores in table summary format from the previous three years. Individual citations from students (if included) should be referenced by the course title and the year of study, but should be a maximum of one page in total. You will also need to include in the appendix a list of student supervisions/the courses you have taught over the last three years.
  • You will also need to attach a reference from your Head of Department or equivalent or PVCand/or external colleagues.
  • It is expected that the nominee and nominator work together to produce the information.
  • In the portfolio review process, the sub-committee will be looking for overall evidence that the nominee (individually or as a team) has implemented over at least three years a significant high quality teaching practice.

Part One: Philosophy of Teaching

Please give a brief introduction that includes an outline of some of the key principles that underpin your teaching. Include an explanation as to why you feel your approach to teaching is outstanding. This should include a description of the context of the challenge/background which the particular practice improves. The detail in the following sections will then describe key aspects of your outstanding teaching practice.

Part Two: Impact of the Innovation

Please supply clear, documented evidence of the positive impact the outstanding teaching practice has had in relation to at least three of the following:
  • Improved student achievement
  • Improved student retention/enrolment numbers
  • Improved student engagement
  • New connections with the graduate attributes
  • Interdisciplinary integration
  • Collaborative teaching and/or academic inquiry between Colleges/Schools/Departments


The nominator should describe (up to 150 words) why you are deserving of an outstanding teaching practiceaward.
(This synopsis may be used in the citation for the teaching award at the awards ceremony if you are successful)
Please note that if you would prefer to submit this section by video or voice thread instead, you are free to do so.


We acknowledge that:
  1. Information contained in this application and supporting material may be used for publicity purposes.
  2. We agree to photos being taken and used for publicity purposes.

Nominee(s) Signature(s): / Date:
Nominator Signature: / Date:

The Outstanding Teaching Practice Application Pack is to be completed by the Nominator (in collaboration with the Nominee(s)). It must be submitted to The Secretary, University Learning and Teaching Committee (Eleri Nugent, Academic Services, Matariki) no later than 12 noon, 1March 2018.

What to aim for?

The overall aim of the portfolio should be to ensure that what you develop represents you and your teaching strengths and aspirations. We hope you find the development process affirming, celebratory and worthwhile.

Nātōrourou, nātakurourou
ka ora aite iwi

With your food basket and my food basket
the people will thrive