APG Volunteer Training Application
Thank you for your interest in our upcoming volunteer training! You can scan and email your completed form to Roxanne Loe at , drop it off at the Arboretum Headquarters, or mail it to Roxanne Loe, UC Davis Arboretum, One Shields Ave., Davis, CA 95616. Applications are due by Friday, January 20th. Please note that a $20 training materials fee will be payable at the first training session.
Gardening Volunteer
/Habitat Restoration Volunteer
Name: ______Email: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Phone: ______Alt. Phone: ______
Are you at least 18 years of age?YESNO
We expect volunteers that participate in this training to commit to at least one year of weekly volunteer service. Which weekday(s) do you prefer to work? (please rank all that apply in order of preference)
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayINTEREST/RELEVANT EXPERIENCE:
Why are you interested in volunteering at the Arboretum and Public Garden?
Please describe your experience with gardening and/or habitat restoration.
What kinds of gardening/restoration tasks do you enjoy doing the most and why?
Are there any other skills/interests you would like to share that could contribute to the work of the Arboretum and Public Garden?
What is your current employment status?(please circle)
Full-time / Part-time / Not employed/student / RetiredName of employer (or former employer if retired):______
Previous work/professional experience: ______
Previous volunteer experience: ______
Are you a member of any community service organization(s) such as Rotary, Soroptimists, Scouts, etc.? If yes, please specify:
School/training background: ______
Major field of study: ______
How did you learn of this volunteer opportunity?
The UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden is an equal opportunity organization. Volunteers may not be prevented from a volunteer opportunity based on sex, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Acceptance of this application by the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden does not guarantee a volunteer position. It is the right of this organization to decide on the assignation of volunteers and volunteer positions.
I certify that all of the statements made on this application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith.
Signature: ______Date: ______