U.S.-Norway Fulbright Foundation for Educational Exchange
US Grantee Final Report
Due May 1 (or one month before the end of your grant)
Your frank evaluation and comments on your educational exchange experience will be appreciated. Please complete and return this form to the Fulbright office in Oslo ().
Also, the Fulbright office is always looking for photos for our website, annual reports, and presentations. Please email any photos that you are willing to share as attachments in a separate message.
Finally, please be advised that your report may be shared confidentially with members of the US-Norway Fulbright Foundation board. In addition, the short account and excerpts of your answers to other questions that would be useful for future grantees may also be shared via our website and/or orientation manuals. If you do not wish to have these responses shared with anyone other than our board, please let us know.
1. Name2. Date
3. Host Institution(s)
4. Advisor Name(s)
5. Advisor E-Mail Address(es)
6. U.S. Postal Address Upon Return
7. U.S. E-Mail Address Upon Return
8. May we share your email address with potential applicants and future grantees?
9. Plans Upon Return
10. Date of Departure
- Please give a brief description of your study/research project or teaching assignment and to what extent you have accomplished your program goals.
- Please comment on the interaction with your host institution(s) throughout your stay in terms of your studies, research, and/or teaching.
- Do you plan to continue collaboration with your host(s)? If so, please elaborate.
- What libraries, museums, archives, laboratories, organizations etc. were helpful for your work? Please list specific Norwegian resources in your field that could be helpful for future grantees.
- Please list anything you have or will publish as a result of your Fulbright grant.
- If you attended the seminar/ski weekend in February, please comment briefly on these events.
- Please comment on services provided by the Fulbright office including preparing for your arrival and support throughout your stay.
- Please describe your participation in academic/professional, cultural and community activities.
- What were your preconceptions about Norway before you came? What did you expect? Will you return to the US with a different perception than when you arrived?
- What was the Norwegian impression of the US you encountered most often? Did any of your activities seem to change or affect any of the impressions you encountered?
- What information about Norway would be especially helpful for future Fulbright grantees?
- Please write a short account (1-2 pages) of your stay for the Fulbright Board.
Want to stay connected? Follow us on Facebook, sign up for the State Department’s international alumni network (https://alumni.state.gov/), and consider joining the US Fulbright alumni association (