U.S. History Post-TestName:Type Name Here
Directions: Read the following questions and answer thePeriod:Type Period Number Here
questions to the best of your ability using complete sentences.
Your answers should be 5-10 sentences in length (a typical paragraph)
Type your answers on here, print it, and turn into Mr. Garrow by MondayJune 8th.
Highlight the number that represents how much you know about United States history right now. (10-high; 1-low)
Unit 1 – Colonization and Revolution
- Name the key ideals and principles in the Declaration of Independence and provide your best examples ofhowthey apply to you today.
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- Provideyour best examples of how American Colonists interactedwith the British before andafter 1775.
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- Provideyour best examples of howgovernment taxation andtariffs influenced theRevolutionary War.
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- Define and provideyour best example of a social, economic, and political movement of the 1770s and evaluate their impact on the Revolutionary War.
Social Movement-Type Answer Here
Economic Movement-Type Answer Here
Political Movement-Type Answer Here
Unit 2 – Constitutional Issues
- Describe at least three discrepancies between democratic ideals and reality for all people inthe U.S? Describe multiple ways peopleare making efforts toreduce the discrepancy (I.e. call to action).
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- Describe therelationship between thestructure and powers ofthe national governmentand provide examples ofways various governingbodies exert their power (I.e. checks and balance system, branches of government).
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- Describe two historical events: one in which the system of checks and balances was effective and one in which the system was ineffective, and evaluate why.
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- Describe the relationship between a democracy and arepublicand provides examples of both.
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Unit 3– Expansion
- Define “Supply and Demand” and giveexamples of how supplyand demand affected thelives of people involvedin Westward Expansion.
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- Giveyour best examplesof how geographyaffected where and whypeople chose to settle inthe 1800s.
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- Describe at least threemajorevents and fivepeople that had animpact on Westwardmovement and evaluatetheir significance.
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- Provideyour best examples ofcontributions ofdifferent cultures andcultural groups anddraw conclusions abouttheir impact on Westward Expansion.
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- Provide your best examples of several points of view on two or morehistorical events from the 1800’s and explainmy understanding of each point of view (I.e.American Progress, Museum in a Book, Women in the Gold Rush).
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Social Studies Skills:
Describe the difference between a primary source and a secondary source. Give at least three examples of each.
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